
The Rise Of A Porter

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. **** The novel follows the story of Arnold, a porter, who accompanies warriors and superhumans inside dangerous dungeons, which are distinguished by their colours. The porters were always mistreated by the modern human civilization and even though their job was riskier than that of warriors and superhumans, their existence was never appreciated nor were they paid well. No one knows why these dungeons started to appear all over the world. The only thing they know was the dangers that would find their way into the world if they didn't kill the monsters. But only a selected few cared about the calamity because for the rest it was all about earning money and gaining power. But nothing in this new world is constant and everything keeps changing, and this time the change would find its way towards an ordinary Porter. After stealing a scroll from the dungeon, he ran off to his home. The scroll gave him powers no one could've imagined to gain. But he wasn't alone. 9 other humans had been granted similar powers... powers of the Gods! What would Arnold do with his newfound powers? Will he kill the other 8 Paladins and rule over the world which had oppressed him for years? Or will he rise against the Gods and make them repent for their crimes? Can the strength lent by the Gods be sufficient to deal with them once and for all? Would he be able to defeat his creator? Or will he join the Gods instead? Too many questions, too little time. The decisions he would make could be the end of humanity Or would an ordinary Porter, become he world's only hope? Follow me on the journey to the power of this ordinary Porter as he becomes the Savior or the Devil. ******************* Gold tier award-winning novel of WPC#130. ******************* Warning: There might be a few grammatical errors in the early chapters, so if you are a grammar nazI then please proceed with caution. Also, the MC isn't very bright and will do a lot of stupid things from time to time. So if you like a cool and calculating MC you won't be seeing him like that until later chapters (Chapter 100 or so). I'm telling this to y'all here so you don't start yelling at me in the comments or review. All in all, I've tried to make the MC as realistic as I could. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you and enjoy reading my creation! *********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/uQzmEr8 *********************** Cover art by unknown (If anyone knows the artist then please inform me on discord: AkshatArpit#8707) (if anyone has any problems with it, then please leave a review to let me know. All rights belong to the artist)

AkshatArpit · Fantasi
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565 Chs


"Why are y'all taking sh*t from a nobody? He's just a rank C warrior for God's sake!" The new guy exclaimed.

"Just shut the hell up, Chris. This has nothing to do with you." EL snapped back.

"Like hell it isn't, how can he talk to Alice like that?" Chris snapped back at him.

He had wanted to go to a club so that he can have fun with the others, which they were until Alice saw someone who was busy in his own world. But for some reason everyone stopped whatever they were doing and rushed straight towards that man.

In the 10 days he had been with them, he had never seen Alice so happy and disturbed at the same time, which kind of made him jealous. He asked one of his guild mates about the identity of the person, Who informed him that this guy was Arnold, the same person everyone used to talk about everyday. The day he had joined the Flying Swords, he was informed that he had been recruited as a replacement of someone else which was a huge blow to his ego but sadly this wasn't the end.

He found the file which had Arnold's information in it but didn't have a photo, that's Chris didn't knew what he looked like. The files regarding the warriors of the guild were pretty much available to anyone who worked there, so he decided to go through it, after he saw that he was a 'replacement' of a C ranked warrior, HE. WAS. LIVID. But he couldn't do anything about it so he swallowed his pride and ego.

He thought that his teammates would soon forget about that guy once they saw what a B ranked warrior could do but to his surprise, they all talked about him all the time, it didn't matter if they were inside a dungeon or at the guild, they'll always talk about him. Chris had thought he'll impress everyone else by showing off his skills inside the dungeon but no matter what he did, he was always compared to Arnold, which infuriated him even more. He was still lost in his thoughts when he heard something that triggered him.

"...Bye-bye and I hope I never get to see your shi*ty faces again."

I'll show you who has a shi*ty face, Chris thought, this is my chance to show the others that I'm superior and better than him!

Without wasting a moment, he grabbed Arnold's shoulders to stop him from leaving.

"Who do you think you are to talk so arrogantly to my team huh, you low levelled worm!" Chris bellowed.

Arnold calmly turned around and stared right through him. Arnold's gaze made his spine shiver. It felt like Arnold was inside his mind. After a brief moment, Arnold grabbed his arm and easily pulled it off his shoulder.

How the hell is he doing that! Chris thought, he just a C ranked mage, how can he be so strong?

"Who are calling a worm, you f*cking MAGGOT!"

Before he could realise it, various tall and strong humanoid along with some reddish brown wolf like creatures appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them. The next thing he knew, they were escorted out of the club and banned from ever entering it again.


"Good move genius." EL mocked Chris, "I told you to stand down but no you just had to interfere."

"I was just trying to help you guys." Chris mumbled.

EL and Chris were having an argument on their way back. Everyone was upset, most of them felt down because they were kicked out of the club, they actually didn't care about Arnold very much. For them he was just a good teammate who left them because of some kind of misunderstanding, but after what he said tonight few of them started to think that maybe someone was actually involved in the kidnapping of Arnold's sister, but still why would The Vice President align himself with that someone?

"Gee, thanks for your help man. We really needed it to get kicked out of the club."

"Look I'm sorry okay? How the hell was I supposed to know that he was there with his 'family'?"

"Exactly my point! If you don't know sh*t about something then don't go around poking your nose in it!"

"STOP BICKERING WILL YOU!?" This was the first time Alice raised her voice in front of them. The two of them immediately went silent.


"But I-"

"I don't wanna hear it! Everyone just go home we'll talk later." Alice said and stormed off.

"Great, now she's pissed. You are really on fire tonight, Chris." EL mocked him one last time before he left.

"Yeah it's all my fault, right?" Chris shouted back at EL, who simply ignored him and kept walking. Soon everyone else said their goodbyes left too, Chris was the only one left standing there.

"I don't know what the hell is their problem?" Chris shook his head and went on his way.

But unknown to him he wasn't alone. A pair of glowing red eyes had been following him since the moment he left the club.