
Chapter 106

Chapter 106

"Sir, aren't you going to book a room anymore?" the receptionist called out to me when she noticed that I walked alway to sit with my friends in another place, "Did you plan to book a room before?" Kelvin asked but while all these where going on, I was busy looking around to see if Gabriel was nearby because I haven't seen him since and it's kind odd of him not to pay a visit to his old friend after hearing that I'm back in town. But I quickly walked down to the receptionist with the baby in my arms, "Give me the keys to the business suit, I'm pretty sure it won't be more than $3000 a night" I said while using one hand to bring out my wallet and give her the cash. "It's actually $1500 a night sir, we are currently running a discount package for all our new and old customers" she replied with a smile while splitting the money into two parts so that she can give me the rest.

  "If that's the case, then take $500 for yourself and use the remaining $1000 to order for some delicious food for me and my friends, we will be waiting in the room but I will be needing the keys now" I replied with a smile and she handed the keys to me after expressing gratitude for the money I gave to her and turning back to meet with my friends and direct them to the room, I saw a man on black suit with dark eyeglasses on his face, it was hard for me to recognize him but I kept going further till my eyes opened up with joy, it's Gabriel

I stood there looking at him with excitement, he has really changed a lot and his beards makes him look more mature than ever, "Is this really you?" I asked out of excitement as I rushed to give me a warm hug with baby in my arms but Lucy however chose to disgrace me when she started crying so loud to the extent that her mom had to take her off my arms and pamper her so that she will stop crying, "It's me bro, I didn't believe it when I was informed that you are in New York now, look at you now, looking so fresh and handsome" he teased. "Stop pulling my legs Gabriel, you more fresh and cool right now, see the diamond chain on your neck" I replied while raising up the diamond pendant to confirm if it was fake or real but I currently don't have the device to test it so I just kept staring and touching it "It's been good for me ever since you left and you won't believe that I'm now a full time forex trader, I make money every day from the forex market and I recently bought a Lamborghini Aventador and it's even parked outside" he replied pointing out to a Lamborghini car parked in the parking lot 

  I was shocked to see him succeed this fast few years ago, he was still living with his parents as a result of what he suffered in the hands of his wicked uncle but now this young dude is self made, "I'm really happy for you, why don't we all go the room that I paid for few minutes ago so that we can discuss better because I have something to share with you guys" I replied while trying to get everyone's attention. They all stood up at once and we went straight to the room, the interior decorations in the room are amazing and I quickly sat down on the bed while Kelvin and Michael joined me, they layed down on the bed like little children while Alexia sat down on a chair close to the television screen so that she can breast feed her baby

She brought out one of her boobs and placed it on Lucy's mouth as the young girl quickly grabbed hold of it so as to suck all it's milky contents, "It's really nice to have you all seated here and you guys can't imagine how I have missed this union so much" I called out to all of them with a smile and just at that moment, I heard a knock on the door with a voice calling out to us "It's the chef and I have brought you all some delicious food to quench your hunger". Kelvin opened the door and she rolled what appears to be a table to us and when I opened it, I found some fried chicken, rice, stew and salad along with two red wines. "Thank you chef, this is amazing" I called out to her as she was about walking out through the door, "No problem sir, please ensure to give us five star on our website on app on Google playstore" she replied and walked out of the room.

  We all took plates from the table and served ourselves, Micheal poured some stew on himself while trying to serve his wife who was busy with Lucy who couldn't stand being duped of breast milk "Take this and quickly clean it off before it gets to your trousers" I called out to him while handing him one of the white paper napkins. We all water for a while and silence was maintained till everyone finished up thier food and cleaned their mouths. "Seriously, I was expecting you to return back to New York with a wife or at least inform us that you are about to get married because it's about time, Kelvin and Gabriel are already engaged and their marriage will likely commence from next month" Micheal called out to me after dropping his plate on the table 

"Yeah, that's also part of the reason why I organized this lovely meeting, my mind is currently passing through a lot of things right now because my father has chosen to make things miserable for me" I replied with a frown, "How do you mean, what has he done this time around?" Alexia asked. "You guys won't believe it if I say it, it's just so hard for me to even live with this kind of secret" I replied, they all became worried when I started expression some sign of depression and sadness.

  "You can talk to us bro, we are always here for you anytime any day" Gabriel replied while tapping my shoulder, "Few days ago, I had a terrible dream in which my father was diagnosed of a cancer that led to his death and in the same dream, I and my mom walked up to his room to check up on him only to find him death with a note in his hands saying that he loves us all" I replied, the look on their faces gave me the impression that they were confused and shocked at the same time. "But you don't need to worry yourself that much since it's just a dream and you know dreams don't always come to reality" Alexia replied with a smile, she tried her best to lighten up my mood but it's not that easy 

"If only it would just remain a dream, I would have been the happiest man on earth. You won't believe that my parents actually told me to come to New York urgently because they had something that they want to tell me in person, on getting here yesterday, my dad started naratting a deadly secret he has kept within his soul for the past eight years, we have all lived together for years and this man couldn't find the boldness to tell us that he was suffering from cancer until his doctor confirmed that he only has one year and few months before the cancer takes over his body and when this happens, he will be dead" I replied as tears rolled down my cheeks. Gabriel quickly held me tight and cleaned my tears, he didn't say anything because the news was just too shocking to comment on.

  For about eight minutes, there was total silence in the room until Lucy started laughing out loud after sucking enough breast milk, "Why does your father like to bring pain to people around him, he has been suffering from cancer for good eight years and he didn't felt the need to inform his own family about it?" Alexia asked looking so furious, "Seriously, I have never seen a man like him in my entire life, what is actually wrong with his senses?" Kelvin replied, but I remained quiet while they kept on deliberating why my father needs to be checked mentally to confirm if he is in his right senses.

They may sound abusive based on the fact that they are talking about my father who is far more older than them but they are actually right and I must say that my father made one of the biggest mistakes in his life by keeping this kind of information to himself, it's unfair and selfish, "I have asked myself all these questions but I don't seem to find any answer, i have cried my eyes out but I chose to move on and look forward to a new life but my father has given me another task to help him fulfil" I replied and their attention was directed to me once more, "What kind of task has he given to you?" Micheal asked with curosity.

  "Based on the fact that he only has one year and few months to live, he wants me to get married and bear him a grandchild before he kiss the earth good bye forever, his brother has a grandchild already so he wants to achieve that same thing so that it would serve as a new beginning for us all and since a lady has approximately nine months to give birth, he then said that I will need to look for a wife and get married within two months, now tell me how on earth would this be possible for me to carry out?" I asked with confusion as they all stared at me, waiting for me to finish narrating my story. "Your father is just something else and I don't even know the word to describe him right now" Alexia replied 

"How are you going to date a girl for just one month and get married to her the following month?, it's gonna be stressful for you and I fear you may jump into the wrong woman" Gabriel replied looking a bit worried by my story, I looked nothing knowing what to say as i opened my mouth but no words came out of it. "But even if you are going to find a woman that will love you, forcing her into marriage in less than a month would make her feel like she is being lured into a trap" Micheal replied too. Their answers were making me more scared than before and there is no way I can walk up to my father and turn down his last request, he will be so devasted.

  "Hold on guys, let's hear what Andrew has to say about this first of all" Kelvin said as he tried to calm everybody down. "I don't know what to do, I may either pick a girl to get married to from Nigeria or from New York but I'm not certain on which one I would pick up from" I replied, "Picking any lady can be very dangerous, but what is your plan first of all, I know you have something in your mind but you don't want to say it. Now is the best time to let it all out" Kelvin replied

Seems this boy knows me very well because I actually do have a plan in mind but don't know how they would react to it. "Okay, fine, I initially plan to head back to Nigeria and visit some of the clubs around because I heard most beautiful ladies like to hang out in clubs, restaurants and expensive boutiques" I replied with a smile. They all looked at me with surprise, seems they weren't expecting me to come up with such idea