
Chapter 107

Chapter 107

"Do you think what you just said will work out well for you?, you you even know what you want in a woman?" Micheal asked with surprise after a long period of silence, "I really don't know what I want in a woman because I haven't even taken time to ask myself these questions, all these things are happening so fast and I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind if I'm not careful" I cried out looking so helpless. They all looked at me with pity but Kelvin kept smiling like someone in a comedy show, does my situation sound funny to him?, "You just have to calm down, now I'm going to ask you just a few questions and I want you to respond with your honest answer", Micheal called to out me while stroking his beards like an old man waiting for some wealth of wisdom to flash into his head, "Okay shoot your question and I will answer it to the best of my knowledge" I replied, 

  "What kind of girl do you want, should she be fat or slim in size?" he asked, I didn't even know when I started laughing because his question somehow sounds funny to my ears and I don't know how to even explain it, I wouldn't want to get married to a woman so full of fat because she would look heavy for me and that's not cool at all, "I would prefer a slim lady" I replied with a smile. "Why don't you like fat ladies?" Gabriel interrupted, "I don't just know why but fat women are not my kind of women at all, how would I be able to lift a woman that is ten times my size on the day of our wedding, I definitely don't want to end up like that white dude who fell into the river with his fat wife because he couldn't cope with her heavy weight for a long, it's embarrassing bro" I replied with a frown

"Then you should start practicing for it by going to the gym so you won't embarrass yourself that day" He replied and burst into laughter, I looked at him not knowing what to even say to him because I fell like beating him right now, "I don't have your time Gabriel, so let's get back to business Micheal" I replied while trying to direct my attention to the question and answer session organized by Micheal, "But what if you see a lady that is extremely beautiful and fat and when I mean beautiful, like she is an angel who fell from heaven" Micheal asked with his eyes fixed at my face. I swallowed hard while trying to find an answer to that question because it's a tough one that needs nothing but the correct answer, "Well I can make an exception if she is really beautiful but I'm certain that most ladies who are fat are definitely ugly" I replied with a smile but the look on Alexia's face made the smile disappear as if it wasn't there at all 

  "Are you trying to say that fat women aren't beautiful or what?" she asked looking a bit serious with her question so I had to take off my smiley face if I don't want her trouble right now but the part surprises me the more is the way Lucy is just smiling at me like someone who is watching a cartoon show, seems she is falling in love with me gradually, "Hey, I'm just joking I know most fat women are beautiful but not all, there are some that are extremely ugly and nothing can change their experience, not even plastic surgery" I replied. "What the fuck are you saying?, Plastic surgery can change any lady and if it's done in India, then it's gonna be a hundred percent accurate" Kelvin said after watching us discuss for a while.

"Have you seen some women whose face has been destroyed by plastic surgery? few years ago when I was still in high school, I came across a lady who had an oversized cheek, her face was just so confusing and her lips look like beef, her dog was even more beautiful than she was" I replied and this made all of them to stare at me in shock like they had seen a ghost, "Something tells me that this is just a fairy tale, I don't believe it all and there's nothing you are gonna do about it" Kelvin replied, he wasn't ready to believe anything that I said because he feels I'm just making it up, "Alright, let's just conclude that the lady you saw went too far with her plastic surgery but nevertheless, some fat ladies are extremely beautiful and my uncle's wife is a true example of such beauty" Micheal replied.

  "Yeah, you need to see his uncle's wife, she looks an angel and her beauty is just overwhelming, the first time I saw her, I kept staring at her for some minutes before my husband came back to rescue me when he noticed my actions were getting a little bit creepy" Alexia replied while trying to support her husband's statement. Lucy however drew everyone's attention when she burst into laughter and I couldn't help but fall in love with her smile, she was indeed very beautiful, "If only I could get married to Lucy here, she's really beautiful" I said while leaning forward to carry her from her mother's arms, "And what makes you think she would want to get married to a guy like you even if she was actually old enough for marriage?" Micheal asked with a smile 

"Hello, my handsomeness is enough for any woman to fall in love with me, not to talk of my massive wealth, I think I should even start flaunting my wealth like a rich man. All these years, I have been leaving like a simple dude and I think that's why I haven't seen a girl who will love me more than her own mother" I replied while tickling Lucy so that she could laugh again, "You are a funny man,  your mind is just playing tricks on you because you don't have an idea what most ladies look out for" Alexia replied with a smile, "So what are ladies looking out for in a man more than money and comfort all backed up by true love?" I asked while sitting on the bed, she thought for a while before giving an answer to my question.

  "Money is important in all relationship, it can't buy true love but it can preserve one till it turns to a beautiful thing between both parties but over the years, I have spoken with some ladies and they often say that they want a man who can give them his full and undivided attention, a man who will know what's wrong with them without them even saying it, a guy who knows the true value of a woman in his life, so do you have all these qualities?" Alexia asked and looking at the others, I observed that they were all waiting to see what I'm going to say and for some reason, Alexia just keeps hitting me hard with tough questions that makes me think so hard to get a decent answer, "I may not have all these qualities you just mentioned but one thing that I do know is that money is the superior pillar for any relationship to strive and I have more than enough cash to even build a bridge of love" I said while bringing out some dollars out of my pocket to flaunt them to Alexia and prove her wrong that I'm the perfect guy for any lady 

To my surprise, she also brought out some stacks of dollars from her purse and hers were more than the ones I had in my hand but I didn't shake a bone because there's more in my bank account and in my room back home in Nigeria and even in New York, "These are just papers Andrew and I believe everyone here is filthy rich so there is no point flaunting the cash baby boy" she replied with a devilish smile and the others started bringing piles of dollars from their pockets and placed it on the bed like armed robbers who were forced to offload everything on them and this was making a bit nervous because I now feel defeated, Alexia is one kind of woman that loves to put people where they belong and it seems she has placed me in my spot with this small action of hers. Lucy started chewing on a dollar note that accidentally fell into her soft arms, "Lucy stop that right now, it's unhealthy" Alexia screamed and pulled out the dollar note from her mouth but Lucy's grab to the note was quite strong to the extent that it tore into two with Alexia holding one half of the money

   "Why didn't you take the Dollar note from her when it fell into her hands?, she holds things too tight and now she has successfully torn a dollar note" Alexia replied looking a bit angry by Lucy's actions and this gives me the impression that she will definitely be a strict mother to this beautiful girl, "There's no need to be angry, you just said everyone here is rich and that includes you too so why are you pissed off my one dollar note that tore into two?" I asked while staring at her this time, "I just can imagine what would have happened if you guys actually dated each other, it would have been a good drama to watch" Gabriel interrupted while Kelvin burst into laughter. Alexia is a pain in the ass and dating her would definitely mean trouble for me, she's for Micheal and him alone so there is no point arguing that right now 


"I believe she is more happier with Michael, we don't match at all and that's not hard to know" I replied and Micheal gave me a weird look which signified that he wasn't expecting that reply at all but he kept quiet as he carefully brought our the dollar note from Lucy's mouth while I heard her tight in my arms and also holding her hands so that she doesn't stop what Micheal, "Are you sure we don't actually fit each other?" Alexia asked trying to be romantic but I was not ready to return that romantic gesture because her husband is with us and that is not even the right thing to do, "You always argue with me and I don't like it when a lady argues with me, I want a woman that will believe and hold fast to anything I say with undermining my authority, that's how I will know that she truly loves me" I replied.

  Micheal burst into laughter and he nearly fell to the ground as a result of his loud outburst, Alexia also joined him and they turned me to their laughing stock and when I thought it was over, Kelvin and Gabriel joined in the loud outburst of laughter, they all laughed like people who inhaled a laughing gas, "So you really believe that you will still see a girl that will obey and agree with everything you say in this jet age?, come on bro, you can't be serious" Gabriel asked and I feel that he was actually joking till Micheal and Kelvin asked the same question. "Why are you guys asking these questions?, don't you think I will find a lady that will have all these qualities?" I asked looking a bit confused by the way they kept laughing like drunk men 

"Even Romeo and Juliet didn't maintain such relationship, a lady can't just agree with you in everything you do, except she is a robot or she doesn't love you at all" Micheal replied, that reply made point though, "You may be right but I believe that I will find a good lady when I visit the club" I replied with a smile. "Yes of course, there are tons of Ladies who love hanging out in the club, restaurant and shopping malls so you will definitely find one that would love you for who you are" Micheal replied but when I looked at Alexia, I noticed she wasn't happy when I talked about finding a good lady to get married in the club.

  "Alexia baby, is there any problem why has your mood changed in a matter of minutes?" I asked looking a bit confused because I couldn't explain why she would be sad when everyone is bubbling with happiness, "Let's just say I don't like the idea of you looking for a good lady in a club, don't you think that's crazy?" she asked looking so serious and this made all of us look at her with surprise because her reply is just so dramatic. "I don't see anything bad in looking for a wife in a club, that's where most ladies hang out for fun" I replied with an open man hoping that would change her mood, "A club is where most ladies hang out for the purpose of making money, doing crazy things like having sex and drinking to stupor. In most clubs, you will definitely find a stripper, so give me three reasons that will make me believe that you won't fall in love with a stripper that will wreck your life?" she asked 

This reply of hers is actually putting me in a tight position right now and my pants feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden, she is actually making sense but I chose not listen to her because I have heard stories of people who met their true love in the club so what's stopping me from meeting my own love there, "I won't fall in love with a stripper and you can't trust me on that because I know how to identify a stripper in sheep's clothing once I see one" I replied with full confidence while resting my back on the bed but she kept staring at me like a witch still I eventually got up from the bed to walk around a bit, "I don't see anything wrong in finding your true love in a club like he said, there are people who met the love of their life there" Micheal cut in after the brief silence.

  "Yes, I support Andrew on this one because I actually have a friend who is getting married to a beautiful lady next month and you won't believe that he met this lady in a club where he went to drink away his sorrows after losing his job that day and it seems the lady however brought his good luck as he is now working as a software engineer in Miami" Gabriel replied and deep down, I was madly pleased to hear those words. "Alright then, you can go ahead with your plan and I wish you good luck because you will actually need but I know you will definitely fall for a stripper" she replied and burst into laughter, we kept talking for a while till we actually felt it was time to head back home