
The Revenge Of The Young Miss and Her Encounter With The Young Master

Wang Xiu Lan is a cardiologist and the heiress of Wang International, the biggest medical conglomerate in City A and the whole of China. They control 70% of all medical businesses in the city including hospitals, medical schools, home cares, retirement homes, medical equipment manufacturing etc. Her father and mother divorced when she was still very young. Her stepmother moved in to the Wang Household along with her daughter. Eventually Wang Xiu Lan found out that his long-time boyfriend is cheating on her with none other than her half-sister. She vowed to pay them back with revenge. But with her accidental meeting with the Young Master of the Li Corporation, her life is bound to become more complicated. What lies ahead the Young Miss and the Young Master? Read to find out :) - ⚠️WARNING⚠️ This novel contains some swearing and some mature content. - FRIENDLY REMINDER This novel uses Chinese names and is set in China but is not 100% accurate when it comes to information and scenarios. So please bear with me :) - Original cover image by: SuitedBadBoy666 @ zerochan.net

Aryusirius · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Ant

After hearing this conversation, Wang Xiu Lan decided to confront the mother and daughter. They stopped giggling when they saw her approaching and they even gave her an unwelcoming look.

"Yes? Do you need anything?" the mother said in an unfriendly tone. Wang Xiu Lan maintained her composure.

"Hi. I work for this hospital. It seems you are waiting for some sort of treatment? I recommend you wait at our designated waiting rooms. It's a lot more comfortable there than here in the lobby" she offered.

The mother looks displeased. "Can't you see we are fine here? My daughter can hardly walk with her legs hurting and you want us to move to the waiting room? What kind of hospital treats their patients so poorly like that?" her voice has now become a bit louder.

"Hmm. That's not good. If your daughter is in so much pain to the point she couldn't walk, why didn't you go to the emergency room right away? She would have already been given urgent treatment by now if you did the right thing" Wang Xiu Lan said as a matter of fact.

"You...! Mind your own business!" the mother said in an annoyed tone.

Wang Xiu Lan approached the daughter and said "That can't do. This is a hospital. We can't just leave patients alone" she smirked. Wang Xiu Lan continued "It must be your lucky day. I just happen to be a doctor. Here let me take a look at your legs for you".

"Mom..." the daughter panicked and she looked at her mother pleadingly. Out of panic and because she didn't know what to do, the mother pushed Wang Xiu Lan. The push was not hard enough for her to fall onto the floor but it was enough to make her stumble a little bit because the mother's action was so unexpected. "President, watch out!" Luckily Chen Jun caught Wang Xiu Lan on time.

Immediately after, a number of bodyguards came forward. As the heiress of Wang International, Wang Xiu Lan always has bodyguards around her. But she ordered them to stay hidden. However, the threat earlier made them come out to protect their boss.

This commotion caught the attention of the general manager and the others with him who are standing not far away. When they saw the number of bodyguards surrounding Wang Xiu Lan, they knew something happened. They decided to approach them.

The mother and daughter were momentarily stunned with the appearance of the bodyguards. Not long after, their shock became fear. They now know that this woman in front of them is not a simple person.

"My name is Wang Xiu Lan and do you two know which hospital you are in right now?" Wang Xiu Lan declared. The mother and daughter looked at each other. Does she think they're crazy? Of course they know this is Wang Hospital. No one in this country wouldn't ever know of the hospital.

Then suddenly... the colour drained from their faces. Wang Xiu Lan. She's none other than the President of Wang Medical Group and the heiress of Wang International! They realised they made a huge mistake by offending her earlier and the mother even pushed her. But it's all too late!

"W...we didn't m...mean to..." the mother stuttered. Crossing her arms Wang Xiu Lan looked at them as if she was looking at ants "How dare you treat my hospital as if it was some brothel. If you are so desperate to sell your daughter, I suggest you go somewhere else. Perhaps the Red Light District in Amsterdam? I'd be happy to pay for your flight tickets."

Then she looked at the daughter from head to toe. She spoke "Did you really think that that man would be seduced by you? You should look at yourself in the mirror. By the looks of it, I am more suited to him than you. If I were you, I'd stop dreaming."

The daughter's face became red from anger and embarrassment. She was so stupid to ever dream of being the Madam of a rich household. In front of Wang Xiu Lan, she was basically nothing. Of course a rich man like him is better off with an heiress like Wang Xiu Lan. But still, to be insulted like that in public, she didn't like it one bit.

"You are just lucky you were born with a silver spoon! Even if you're rich and beautiful, you have such a bad personality! No wonder Zhao Jun cheated on you!" she exclaimed.

The mother gasped at her daughter's words "You! What are you talking about? Stupid daughter!" and she said to Wang Xiu Lan "Please forgive my daughter, she can be so stupid sometimes".

"But it's true mom! It's all over the news. Her boyfriend Zhao Jun dumped her and replaced her with her sister Wang Fang! This must be why!" the daughter continued showing no signs of stopping.

Wang Xiu Lan clenched her fists. No, she must not retort. She must stay calm. After being insulted like that by someone who doesn't know anything, she was so tempted to order her bodyguards to drag these two women out of the hospital right now. But then she heard someone speak.

"She's right about what she said". They all looked at the man who just spoke. It was the man wearing a charcoal gray suit. Everyone had a confused look on their faces. The man looked at the daughter and clarified "Indeed. A beautiful and charming woman like her is much more suited to me than some ant like you".

The daugther was petrified. The man's stare was so cold and ruthless she can barely move her legs. She was so stupid to ever dream of being with this man when she can't even stand his presence.

Meanwhile, the man holding a briefcase, almost fell to the ground. "Who is this person? This is not my boss at all!" he thought in disbelief. The briefcase-man's name is Guang Jie.

His boss is known to be cold and ruthless and he has never shown any warmth towards any other woman except his own mother yet here he is suddenly complimenting a woman in public. A woman he only just met.

I mean yes, Wang Xiu Lan isn't just some woman but his boss is someone who has never involved himself in any romantic relationship. So this was something very shocking to the point it will rock the entire China when news comes out about what he just did and said today.

But that's not going to happen. After all, he is the most powerful and the richest man in the country. What he wants, he gets. Naturally he can control the news in the country. That's Li Han Zheng, the CEO of Li Corporation. The Young Master and the next head of the Li Family - the top one family in the country.