
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 15


Indira didn't know what she was thinking when she got up the next day all she knew was that she needed to get up on her feet one way or another. She breathed a sigh of relief as she was able to make to the lake. Jeremy joined her shortly after and they sat side by side waiting for Antonio whom she was told by Jeremy went into town to run errands for her father.

The scenery was breathtaking she thought and Indira could swear that the pine trees were whispering to each other but the sounds were low and equally melodious. It was peaceful out here but not as quiet because you can hear the melodious cry of the mocking birds.

The dark lake stretched to no end and she couldn't see the through the cluster of hyacinths at the far end where the pines were out of place.

The trees prevented sunlight from bathing the black waters that looked like it wasn't moving at all but in spite of that slivers of sun rays still slipped through making the trees glitter. Two boats and a kayak stood on the bank just few metres from where they sat. Antonio's cottage was only a few walks from the lake. It was a small white building the shape of a box which her father had given to him. Unlike any of the farm houses, this one was standing alone far from the main ranch house and every other thing else.

She laughed at Jeremy's jokes even though some of were corny, glad that she was finally rid of those braces. Jeremy's fun to be with he's a charming Spanish-American with a huge sense of humour, he's just as rusty as Antonio in a way but far more predictable than the detached and mysterious Antonio and the guy doesn't talk much either.

"So how long have you been friends with Antonio?" Indira asked tucking behind her ear an auburn strand of hair that had its way out of her neatly braided hair, that long hair she never lets loose most of the time or tucked underneath a straw hat since she came back to the ranch.

"For as long as I can remember."

"Is he a good friend?" she found herself asking before she could stop herself.

Jeremy smiled aware of what she's getting at. "I've never met anyone as selfless as that guy, he's everything I've ever wished for: brother, sister, mother and friend."

"Don't you ever miss your family?"

"Sometimes," he said ruefully. "But I've got to work you know I am my own man now I have to prove to myself that I can do anything I want to do on my own."

Indira nodded in understanding.

"Ah there's the prince charming." Jeremy announced with a smug grin.

Indira swallowed hard, her heart had begun to thump rapidly inside her chest as he approached them.

Even the way he walks spelled so much confidence making him appear more intimidating than he seemed. Jeremy got to his feet and offered her his hand which she took and he pulled her up. She came right up in Antonio's face―his fine chiseled face. His cobalt blue eyes weren't as dark and stormy as the first time she gazed into them.

While sitting across him at dinner the night before he looked even more handsome in his cowboy outfit, she thought.

Antonio regarded her in an icy manner and Indira felt the urge to recoil in embarrassment.

"You're here just in time; we were just talking about you." Jeremy said.

"Is that so?" said Antonio, his gaze never leaving Indira.

Jeremy and his big mouth. Indira thought sourly.

She was looking everywhere but him and didn't see his gaze soften because he was remembering how scared she'd made him feel seeing her laying unconscious the other day in the tack room, he's never felt so worried for anyone before maybe Jeremy of course but his gut never twisted with so much fear before.

He didn't have feelings for her whatsoever he told himself besides it would be unwise to fall in love with the boss' daughter, she wasn't his type either.

"I'll see you back at the ranch." Jeremy and left before any of them could protest.

Antonio's stare will soonest bore a hole in her body. Indira mustered enough courage to gaze back at him.

"I…I just wanted to thank you for saving me the other day."

"You don't need to thank me, I was only doing the right thing." His gaze travelled down to her slinged arm and he frowned. "You shouldn't be out here. What if you run into more trouble?" he reprimanded.

Indira frowned, she hated how he was treating her like a child who gets into trouble every damn second. "I'm fine, you don't need to worry." She sighed.

"I should get going , say goodbye to Jeremy for me." She started to walk past him when she lost her footing and would've fell face first to the hard ground if Antonio hadn't reacted when he did, his arms going around her waist to steady her avoiding hurting her broken arm. The silence was awkward as he continued to hold onto her.

"Are you okay?" he asked eventually.

She managed a small nod, not trusting herself to say a word. It was just like she saw in her dream and she hoped he'd really kiss her too. She held her breath in anticipation.