
The Primarch Lunarian

Killed by his brother's hands, the last pieces of his existence encounter something life-changing. Another chance, this time armed with the skills of his brother Horus after their souls combine, a new Sanguinius gets reborn into the world of One Piece. From there his journey will take him across the Multiverse and he will fight for what he believes is right.

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The End?

(3rd Person POV)

Through the Warhammer universe, the last vestiges of the existence of two Primarchs are drifting across reality. These two slowly fading existences are what is left of Sanguinius and Horus after the events of the Horus Heresy. It won't be long now and both will cease to exist entirely. The only reason that they haven't yet, is the sheer power they both wielded. Then ... something happens. Through the vast cosmos, the two minuscule remains meet and not only that ... they even fuse. Had this been their full souls, the fusion would have caused another big bang due to their energies. 

But now ... now something entirely different happened. The consciousness of Horus was completely eradicated, never to be seen again, but Sanguinius ... well his vestige still existed and now that it had fused with the last piece that remained of Horus' existence, it acted like a jumpstart. 

All of this was observed by a being that was at the peak of the ladder of power. The very top, to be exact. And when it saw what was happening, it understood that this would suit him and his wishes well. So it interfered, for the very first time. A small metaphysical portal opened in front of the now fused existences and from it, a wormhole sucked them up. Through the entire Omniverse, the fading existence was flung until it impacted with a body, that was in great anguish. 



(Sanguinius POV)

"HAAAA ... HAAAA ...", I suck in air as I open my eyes. What is going on? Where am I? What is-


I feel pain in my head as memories begin to flash before my eyes. I see a young boy, with white hair and ... black wings? He is captured and experimented on. Alber ... that's his name. Wait!! That is not just a boy, that's me! I am this boy. What happened? Didn't Horus ...? Another set of memories assault my brain. But this one is painful. I see the memories ... of Horus. I see what he saw and what he experienced. The responsibility, the burden, the whispers, the chaos and then ... I even see myself, or at least my former self. This feels strange to see you fight against yourself, from both sides. 

I see the pain and the suffering. I can feel the power as well. I come to understand Horus' side of the matter. I see what we were, I feel the love he had for Father. Was this really all worth it? I feel the tendrils of power of Chaos telling me to give in. I see the deep-rooted resentment and jealousy which had begun to simmer in the corners of the Warmaster's mind. And the seeds of bitterness, resentment and frustration that grew, and soon bore deadly fruit. I see Horus accepting the Ruinous Powers' offer. And then I feel the rush that all the power of the Warp brought him.

I refuse to yield to this pain and anguish. I will never break. I am ... hm, who am I? Am I Sanguinius? Horus? Or Alber?

I feel like the answer to this is ... I am all of them. I am as much Sanguinius as I am Horus now and even Alber. I can even feel my power coming back. My soul or rather the souls have all combined. I am now something completely new than what I was before. The question is ... what now?



(3rd Person POV)

Sanguinius had changed. What remained of his existence had fused with what remained of Horus' existence and then they fused with Alber. Even with the little and miniscule souls, they were still so much stronger than Alber was and he didn't feel anything when it happened. Instead of three people in one, an amalgam was in their place. And the changes had already begun to take effect. 

The Primarchs were 20 genetically engineered transhuman "sons" of the Emperor of Mankind created in the late 30th Millennium. They were intended to be the immortal and superhuman generals and proconsuls who would command the Emperor's Great Crusade to reunite the scattered Human race beneath His leadership. Their genomes later served as the genetic templates from which the Emperor crafted His 20 Space Marine Legions.

The Primarchs were bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. They possessed a potent charisma and martial prowess that made them like the mythical gods of old, untouchable by disease, old age or supposedly the petty failings of lesser men.

How the Emperor crafted 20 individual superhuman genomes using His own arcane Perpetual genetic code as the base without resorting to the use of cloning is unknown to present Imperial science. There was a 2-stage process involved: first, the Emperor extracted a subset of His own DNA to act as the foundation for a pure, undifferentiated Primarch gene-stock template. The pure Primarch gene stock was then further differentiated into the 20 separate genetic templates that would serve as the individual Primarchs' genomes.

But there was more than just physical manipulation of the genetics involved in the creation of the Primarchs. This fact is true and is why, at the moment, the body of Alber is beginning to change. The far more powerful fragments of the Primarchs' are causing the body to change and metamorph into something that is more than what it was before. Slowly Alber's body will change and become something that was never seen before, neither in the world of One Piece nor Warhammer.


Alber was currently held at Punk Hazard. He was still 13 years old and too weak to do anything about his situation. But now, Alber was gone and Alber Sanguinius Lupercal was born and he was a different existence entirely. As he was lying on the ground of his cell, his body was constantly changing. He was growing stronger and soon ... his situation would change as well. He was disgusted about the things he saw as Alber. He decided that from now on, he would no longer fight for anyone, but himself. He will fight the fights he wants to and escaping from this place, would be the first one.

He could feel the changes happening in his body. As his senses returned to him he approached the strong cage and began to push the bars apart. He could feel his strength rising to the occasion and the bars began to bend slowly. More and more he pushes them apart until he finally manages to make the space big enough for him to get out. 

As he stands there, he suddenly hears a series of explosions and feels the tremors in the building. He decides to follow the sound and makes his way deeper into the building complex. He hears screaming and yelling. After a while, he feels the presence of someone in the big room to the left and enters. There he sees a giant with two horns swinging around his bat and destroying everything around him. Kaidou the Beast is the name of this man and seeing him, Alber stops for a moment. 

He can tell that this man is strong. He can see a resemblance to his brother Vulkan. But the strength is already all the resemblance the two share. Alber can feel the darkness in Kaidou. The changes don't just happen in Alber's body, but also in his spirit and soul. He is regaining some powers very slowly. So he can feel the emotions and understand the nature of Kaidou.

"Hm? Who are you?"

"I am Alber Sanguinius Lupercal. And who are you?", he asks.

"I am Kaidou. I will become the strongest, join me."

"No thank you. I'd rather not."

"Hm? What did you say? Why not?"

"You have a darkness about you that I dislike. There is no method to why or what you do. You simply enjoy destroying things, you are chaotic. And I despise chaos.", Alber says. This causes Kaidou to stop and look at him. And then, he starts to laugh loudly.

"Worororororororo, you're funny. Join my crew."

"I already declined your offer. Now please excuse me, I wish to free the others who were captured here.", Alber says but the next moment he dodges the giant club from Kaidou out of pure instinct. He didn't lose those. He now has the instincts of both Snaguinius and Horus. Those are connected to his soul and carried over. 

"Oh, you dodged that. Now you have to join my crew."

"I refuse. I would never join you."

"Worororo, you will."


Kaidou swings his Kanabo too fast for the body of Alber to dodge, even if his senses could keep up. His body shoots back and crashes through several walls. He shakes his head and stands back up. His wounds surprisingly already healing. It seemed the changes were faster when Alber was in combat. He sighed. 

"*Sigh* ... I hate Xenos.", Alber says and narrows his eyes. He jumps to the side and not a second later, Kaidou crashes through the wall and hits the position he was at. Alber has had enough of running and talking. It is time to beat some sense into this Xeno. He uses the skill, Lunarians possess, fire generation and control. 

A flame appears in his hand and he aims it at Kaidou. The flames reach the giant but don't do any damage whatsoever. Alber is frustrated, he is used to flames millions of times more powerful than those.

"Why are these so we-"


The Kanabo strikes again and Alber goes flying again. He moves out of the next attack though, which lands next to his head. 


He gets back to his feet and then uses his years of experience to attack. His fist lands on Kaidou's stomach. He uses all his strength ... but nothing happens. 



Another attack from Kaidou sends Alber flying once more. He is unhappy with the strength of his body. He never felt this weak before. He is in desperate need of power. At least his healing is keeping up and his stamina is more than full, he is as ready to fight as he was any day. He has gotten rather used to the stupid and thoughtless pattern of Kaidou. He has fought countless Orks and knows one when he sees one. 

He ducks under the swing of Kaidou and then flashes towards the pirate's legs. There he uses his martial arts to deliver a powerful set of strikes that aim at his joints and weak points. But his strength proves to be lacking still. Kaidou is getting irritated and grabs Alber. Then he headbutts him and throws him through more walls. 

The fight continues this way. Alber attacks in different and unpredictable ways, which seem to be getting more results and Kaidou punches or hits him with his Kanabo. 



(Alber POV) - this is what he will call himself now.

I can feel it. I feel like I am getting close to something, but I can't put my finger on it. This Ork is stronger than the ones I saw. One of my attacks would have yielded some results but this one ... he was very powerful. I outclass him by far in terms of skill, but his resistance is marvellous. My strength, which for some reason seems to grow the more I fight, doesn't do anything to him. But there is something that this beast is hiding. I can feel it. 

Then I see it ... the future. I see what will happen. I see a vision. How strange, this one is different from the ones I used to see. How can this ... this is only a few seconds away ...


I knew I had the gift of foresight, but this ... this was so detailed and precise and it was so close. It wasn't even a real vision into the far future and only a few seconds. I have experienced it like this. I could use it in fights and that was bothersome, but now ...? This was weird. I will have to find out more.

"Oh? did you just use advanced Kenbunshoku Haki? Worororororo, I knew you were a little monster. You have to join my crew. Either that, or you die."