
Chapter 7 - I Messed Up

As soon as Becky stepped out of the room, I found myself at a loss for words, my thoughts swirling like leaves caught in a gust of wind. I paced back and forth, unable to settle on where to begin.

"Whatever it is you want to tell me, Adam, just say it now," Caroline's voice sliced through the tension, her concern evident in her words. "You're scaring me with your unease."

Her words washed away my panic. "I don't want to scare you, my wife," I whispered to myself, gathering courage. I approached her slowly, my palms clammy against the fabric of my trousers.

"Caroline," I began, my voice steady but tinged with gravity.

"Yes?" Her response was soft, her tone ever sweet and comforting.

"What I'm about to tell you may change how you see me," I confessed, feeling the weight of my words. "But no matter your reaction, please know that I believed I was doing what was right."

"Okay," she replied, her voice steady but cautious.

"It was six months ago last week when you were diagnosed with a chronic ailment," I continued, each word heavy with emotion. "You may not remember much from that time, but you were admitted to the ICU at the general hospital. Later, they gave me two options."

One option was to force you into an induced coma, while the second was to accept fate and cherish the remaining time with you. I weighed my options carefully, but ultimately, I chose to continue your care at home. Seeking the expertise of Dr. Phillip, renowned for his brilliance in medicine, became imperative.

Initially, it seemed like you were improving during the first month, but then your health took a sudden downturn.

I was consumed with worry, unsure of what steps to take next. I delved into various options, embarking on a fateful journey of research.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon astonishing news about the healing properties of vampire blood. Initially dismissing it as mere folklore spun by people, I was taken aback.

As your condition worsened, even Dr. Phillip had to deliver the harsh truth: time was running out. The thought of losing you was unbearable.

What I had once regarded as myth, what I had been skeptical about, what I had deemed as mere lore, suddenly became my beacon of hope. I ventured forth in search of this elusive cure.

After countless days of searching, I encountered a vampire named Kent, who nearly took my life. Desperate, I pleaded for his assistance before he could sink his fangs into me. I poured out my plight, only to be shattered by his revelation: his blood could only bring death, not salvation. I was devastated by this news, standing before a vampire, faced with the realization that the very blood I sought was the one that would lead to demise.

I refused to accept my fate, so I pleaded with him to assist me regardless. He divulged that there was another vampire who turned him, whose blood held the solution I sought. Despite his warning of the other vampire's cruelty, I weighed my options and chose to disregard the risk in my desperation to save you. I urged him to take me to this vampire.

Upon arriving, the old vampire tried to dissuade me, urging me to turn back, but I stood my ground until he relented and gave me the blood I sought. I inquired about the price for his assistance that day, and he cryptically replied that soon, he would let me know. Hastening back to you, I administered the blood I had obtained, and within minutes, your seemingly hopeless condition took a miraculous turn. That day, I was granted the chance to reclaim my wife.

Ever since Becky learned of my use of vampire blood to cure you, she warned me of the dire consequences that might follow such dealings. But I dismissed her caution, thinking to myself, what could possibly go wrong?

To my astonishment, the following day, the vampire appeared at my doorstep. I marveled at how he had found me. He revealed that for the first time in centuries, he could walk in the sunlight, thanks to our encounter. However, he left without stating his purpose. Later that night, he returned, ready to claim the price for the blood he had provided.

He recounted a tale of a witch prophesying that he would one day meet someone who would aid him in his quest to walk in daylight again. It had been 300 years since he received that prophecy.

After all was said and done, he finally revealed the price he demanded...

I couldn't even bring myself to utter it.

"What is it, Adam?" Caroline's voice pierced the heavy silence.

"He wants..." My voice faltered.

Struggling to compose myself, I heard Caroline's voice tremble, "He wants me in return?"

I gazed at her in astonishment.

With a heavy heart, I whispered, "Yes."

"How did you guess?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Listening to everything you've told me, it seemed the only logical choice," she replied. "I sense that his newfound ability to walk in daylight is somehow tied to his blood within me," she added.

"Yes," I replied, barely able to meet her gaze.

Realizing the gravity of my revelation, I began to apologize profusely. "Caroline, you must see me as a monster for everything I've done. I am so sorry. But please, understand that I couldn't bear to lose you. I know my actions may seem unforgivable, but at the time, it felt like the only option."

After pouring out my remorse, I glanced at Caroline's face, unable to discern her emotions. As she started to approach me, her countenance shifted, and I knew I had made a grave mistake.

Anxious about her reaction, I wondered what she would do next, realizing that I had irrevocably altered her life. She drew closer, and the fear of her impending response overwhelmed me, making it feel as though I was staring directly into the sun.

I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself for whatever would come, unable to bear the

thought of seeing her anger or disappointment directed towards me.