
Chapter 8 - Can Everything Just Be Normal For A Second.

ile I stood waiting for Caroline's outburst, I reminisced about everything that led to this moment. If given another opportunity to choose a different path, the truth is, I would still have chosen this same one.

All of a sudden, I felt a weight on my shoulders—literal weight. A soft cheek pressed against mine, with her head leaning and resting on my shoulders, her arms wrapped around me. When I opened my eyes, it was Caroline hugging me.

You must be imagining how confused I am right now. I opened my mouth in awe, trying to articulate what I felt, but I couldn't. After a few seconds, she told me, "It's okay, Adam," which surprised me. This wasn't what I expected to hear based on what I had told her.

This acceptance seemed unreal to me. I pulled Caroline a little further from my body and asked her, "What do you mean by 'It's okay'?"

"I would have done the same thing you did if it were otherwise," she looked at me with an understanding gaze, sighed, and responded. "As you cannot bear the thought of losing me, it's the same for me as well."

What I'm feeling within me? A tingling sensation of freedom. Suddenly, my smile began to swell up again. I thought revealing this to Caroline would end my marriage with her, but it made us stronger. We're just like each other; there's absolutely nothing we won't do for each other.

"Wait, Babe, let me call Becky in and let her know I've informed you about everything, I said to Caroline."

"Okay, Honey," she replied.

I walked as fast as I could, called her in, and informed her I told Caroline everything just as Becky suggested earlier. It was surprising for her to hear that Caroline was cool with what I did, but nonetheless, she was happy for us.

Getting back to Caroline, Becky asked her, "Excuse me, Ma'am, how are you taking this?"

"I was a bit surprised at first, but thinking of everything Adam did, he may be wrong in his approach but he meant well, and the most strange thing is, I would have done the same for him," Caroline replied to Becky.

"Wow, this is amazing to hear," said Becky as she looked at me with surprise as well.

This moment of no secrets was very pleasing for me. For the first time after Caroline was healed, I felt free of being careful around her. But this feeling was short-lived immediately as Becky asked a question that I did not have an answer to.

"So, what are we going to do about Hendricks?" Becky asked.

Caroline and I looked at Becky with surprise, and I asked in return, "Wait, did you just say 'we'?"

"Yes," Becky replied.

"You know this doesn't concern you; it is our burden to bear," I added.

"Yes, I know, but I also know you are a good man. I can't just sit back and watch you guys, not now when you just got your wife back," she replied.

"But this is dangerous, and I don't want to involve you in it," I added.

"Mr. Adam, I am ready to help you in any way I can. Please don't shut me out now," she begged.

Honestly, I couldn't utter a word. I was just staring at Becky, the same with Caroline.

"Becky asked me again, 'What about Hendricks? What are you going to do about him?'

My sudden moment of happiness was altered. I pondered her question, trying to figure out what to do, but nothing came to mind.

Caroline asked me if I had made any other discoveries about vampires that could help.

Nothing really, except for the fact that when you have something called vervain in your bloodstream, no vampire will be able to drink your blood. However, it also has a limited time before it wears off from someone's blood.

'We need something against Hendricks, something we can bank on if this whole scenario turns otherwise,' suggested Becky."

"Maybe I should just ask Kent if he knows anything that could help me," I added.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Caroline asked.

"What choice do I have? I have to do something, and time is running out," I replied.

"Okay, Adam, just be careful," she replied.

"Of course I will," I assured her.

As I used to do, I went out to see Kent, bringing a blood bag with me so he could locate me quickly.

Arriving at our usual meeting spot, Kent quickly located me. 

"This is becoming a regular thing. Are you sure you don't want to move to this neighborhood?" he joked.

Surprised by his attempt at humor, I must have shown my seriousness because he quickly changed tack. "What do you want, Adam?" he asked.

"Like I pleaded with you the first time, I am doing the same again. Please help me; I can't let Hendricks take my wife from me," I implored.

Kent looked at me, seeing the severity of my situation, and moved closer. "I really don't know what I can do to help you, Adam," Kent said. "You know Hendricks turned me, and he has been a vampire for much longer than I have. Even if I advised you to fight him, I'd just be leading you to an early grave."

"But there must be things that can hurt a vampire, please help," I pleaded.

"Even if there are, Hendricks is not a vampire you want to face. He is dangerous and ruthless. I've seen his dark side, and it's not something I'd like you to experience. I know you really need help, but there's nothing I can offer this time," Kent said.

I felt weighed down and full of sorrow when suddenly, in the midst of it all, I received a call. It was from my house line, and as I picked up, it was Becky sobbing.

"What's the problem, Becky?" I asked.

"It's your wife," she replied.

"What happened to my wife?" I shouted as I ran towards my car.