
Chapter 2 - I Can't Go Back Empty Handed

I was weakened by this newfound revelation. "How can I be so unfortunate?" I said. I managed to come across the vampire whose blood kills. I can't just accept fate like this.

I knelt down before the beast and begged, "I know you said your blood will kill my wife, yet I am sure there is something you can do for me."

"There is nothing I can do for you," the vampire responded. I begged even more. "Whatever you want, I'll give. See, I have money. If money is what you want, I will give you money. Just help me."

"I don't need your money," he replied. He starts to leave. I looked at his face, and I saw this disappointing look in his eyes for himself. I see a man even though he feeds on people to survive, that's not what he wants. He is just trying to survive.

"I can supply you with the blood you need to stay alive. You don't have to kill anybody again," I said. The vampire paused and stood still for 5 seconds. After that, he spoke to me. "What did you say?" he asked. I said I can supply you with lots of blood to stay alive.

This sounds rewarding to the Vampire. He moves closer to me. "Be careful what you say in the time of need to get your way. Are you sure you can get me this?" asked the Vampire.

"I can," I replied. "I am rich and I know people." The Vampire looked at me and said, "Well, there is yet another vampire." Hearing this lifted my spirit. "He is older than I am. In fact, he turned me."

"Okay, so how do I get to know him?" I asked. "Easy there," the vampire said to me, "you have to understand something, he is not like me, he is dangerous and wicked."

"Okay, let's go," I replied.

"You still don't get it. Rather than helping you, he can decide to kill you. Are you sure you are up for this?"

I thought about what he said. I have to be honest, It scares me to the core of my being. A sane person will definitely decline this offer, but I am as good as dead if I lose Caroline.

I looked at the Vampire, I summoned my courage and replied to him, "I will do it."

"You must have a death wish or something. Follow me," the vampire replied in a less enthusiastic tone.

My soul was pleased as I heard this. We headed to where the older vampire is, getting there, I cannot say which one is worse between the blood I am smelling and the smell in the air.

"Oh my God, this place reeks of pure sadness," I thought to myself. We entered and waited in a corridor, and later I was called to come inside.

I was told to say what I want. Again, I narrated my ordeal to the Old Vampire, and how I really needed his blood to cure my wife.

"The cure for your wife, you said?" asked the older Vampire. "Yes," I replied. "And you think it's that easy to get?" asked the older Vampire again.

At this time, I weighed my words carefully. "Yes," I replied. He mocked me with his laugh. "You humans," he said, "you can't always get what you want. Why don't you just turn back and go home to your wife and spend the remaining time she has left with her."

"I can't go home. I might as well just die here," I said. "Be careful what you wish for," replied the older Vampire. "I can see you are determined," he said, "It's going to cost you a lot," he said.

As naive as I was, I never seemed to consider that word carefully. I just answered knowing that the cure I needed is in front of me.

The Older vampire took a glass bottle, bit his hand, and let his blood drops into the bottle. When the bottle was half full, he sealed it and gave it to me. "Take, this is what you requested."

I happily received it. "What about the price for this?" I asked. "Don't worry, very soon, you'll see me," he said. "Believe me when I say this," the word he just spoke sends chills down my spine, yet again, I did not care since I have with me a more valuable substance.

As I stepped outside, the younger vampire warmed me, "I hope you know what you are getting into. This doesn't bother me again." But I asked, "What is your name?"

"My name will do you no good, but if you must know, my name is Kent," he said. "Okay Kent, thanks so much for your help."

I left the place, I was so happy. I can't believe I survived a meeting with two Vampires, I exclaimed, "this is freaking awesome."

As if I was on steroids, I drove back home like a maniac. Each raise in the car speed is telling a unique happiness in my heart. Caroline, my wife, will be well.

Before I knew it, I arrived at home. I was welcomed by Becky, the caregiver attending to my wife. She never knew what I went to do. I asked her about my wife's health; she told me it's still the same. It never bothered me since I know she is getting well anytime soon.

I went straight to the room where my sick wife lay. I moved closer to her, and I looked at her in that sick state for the last time.

"My love, Caroline, my love, you are getting well today," I said. I opened the bottle containing the Vampire blood, and I poured it inside her mouth. I leave her there to rest.

As I walked back to my study room, I began to think of the new memories I will make with my wife, how I will love her like never before.

This renewed hope is something I can't just get over. This is truly overwhelming, I said within myself.

As I sat in my study room, I reminisced everything I went through to get the Vampire's blood. I heard the voice inside of me telling "Only if you knew what is coming." It was as though someone was actually talking to me, but I dismissed it.

I closed my eyes, I rested my head on the head support of the chair I was sitting on. Suddenly, I heard a voice, "Mr. Adam." I opened my eyes, standing at the door was Becky.

I wonder what she wants to say. I quickly noticed tears dropping from her eye like a river. I felt concerned, "what is the matter?" I asked, s

till sitting on my chair.

"It's your wife," she replied in tears.