
Chapter 1 - Down The Rabbit Hole

Don't leave me out here like this, I came from afar just to ask for this favour. I know you said you can't help me but you can't leave me like this.

Yes, that's me begging a Vampire, I never thought I would be down this road in my life. My name is Adam, I am facing a ferocious Vampire begging the Vampire for a cure for my wife's health.

I have done all I could for my wife but her case is not like anything I have ever since. Even the medical practitioners said this beat their intelligence as my wife's case defies logic and reasoning. I am at the edge of losing my wife but I am not giving up on her.

On this very dreadful night, I stand face to face with a Vampire, and the sole purpose of this is me asking the Vampire for a cure. I pursue this route because I heard that Vampires' blood can cure any ailment.

Even though it sounds bizarre to me, I began to consider the option when Dr. Phillip told me Caroline has only weeks left. Hearing this scares the day light out of me.

I wander many alley, I follow every sighting of people dieing in a mysterious way. I chased down leads that was just a dead end. It began to feel as though I was just chasing what's never meant to be chased.

At the lowest point of my life, it was as though fate positioned me where I was that faithful day. Standing in front of the local supermarket. I heard a shout that seems like the person needed help. I wasn't feeling like helping anyone because I need help to. Before you say I am wicked, let me just tell you that I am fed up of life and the hope for saving my wife is dwindling.

The scream never stops, I now decided to just see whatever was wrong. I walked toward the alley where the scream came from, turning to the corner of the alley, I saw something strange behind the dumpster, I can see the leg of a lady struggling, at the same time the moon cast the shadow of the other person against the wall. At first, I felt like she was beiing rapped with the posture I saw.

Now I was pissed, I grabbed a glass bottle I see laying aroung. I am not a violent person but I am willing for a second to make an exception. When I stood face to face with the situation, I realised I was wrong with my observation.

I saw a beast with red eyes, the sight of this beast render me lifeless. I never knew the beast was fedding, I interrupted his meal. His teeth buried deep in this lady's neck.

The moment he sighted me, he rushed towards me with the same hunger. Right jn thay moment, I knew it's over for me. The rage in his eyes is like nothing I have seen before. I surrender my life to this beast but at the same time, not wanting to leave Caroline strengthens me.

I can see his Fang, sharp and stained with blood, before he could reach me. I shouted, I need your help. I expected the end of me to have fallen on me, but as I open my eyes slowly, I see this Vampire looking at me with wonder.

What surprised me the most is the fact that as I behold his face, he looks innocent and kind. I know I might be out of my mind by saying this but, he is very young yet I dare not misbehave. We both kept looking at each other for few seconds.

Finally he speaks to me what did you say a whole ago asked Vampire. I swallowed my saliva and I replied in fear, I said I need your help. My help? Asked the Vampire in anger, yes I replied.

Still looks surprising to the vampire, what kind of help you need asked the vampire. I will not waste this opportunity I whispered whispered to myself. My wife is severly sick, I have tried all i could find her a cure but nothing is working. I heard news about you which I thought was just a lie before but now that I standing before you, I can boldly you are not a lie.

You don't have much time, what do you need asked the Vampire again. I am sorry for wasting your time I replied, I need your blood to cure my wife.

The Vampire looks at me and smile in disappointment, this seems to bother me so much., why are you smiling I asked. I am smiling because I can't help you replied the vampire

I was shocked to hear this. See if you are angry I disrupt your meal time, I am sorry. I really need your blood right now for my wife, I begged.

You don't need my blood, replied the Vampire. And why I asked. Because rather than healing your wife, my blood will kill her replied the Vampire.

Wait a minute I begged, hearing you right now negates everything I have heard about Vampire. I was told that your blood could heal any disease but I don't understand this that you are telling me.

Are you retarded, the vampire asked me. No, why? I asked, because that is the only reason you might now have understood me. I spoke plain word yet you say you don't understand. It's not that I don't understand, I can't just accept it. I replied l, I cannot go back home without your blood.

Listen, said the vampire, what you heard about us is the truth but what you don't know is, you have not been exposed to the whole truth, there is more to this than you know. And what is that I asked in tears.

There are two types of vampire, the one whose blood can heal and the other whose blood can

kill. Sadly for you, my blood can only kill