
The Miami Heat

A month after the club incident and my boss hadn't spoken or even looked at me since. To be honest, I was relieved because that meant that I would be able to focus on my growing relationship with Jack. A healthy relationship, might I add. 

Of course, I was feeling a little sad because the day to leave for the company vacation had finally arrived, and I was forced to say my final goodbyes. Granted, the vacation was only three weeks long, but a lot could happen in three weeks. 

On the way to the airport, Sabrina had told me that I was overreacting because I wouldn't stop texting him and it was getting annoying because I wasn't listening to her stories. 

"You have Luke," I'd say before going back to texting. It was way too early in the relationship to call Jack my boyfriend, but we'd been on five dates together and it was fair enough to say we were dating.