
The Adventure Starts

Why can't you two stay at home? Let's get out of here right now. Let's get out of here." Brand says, as he hauls the duo over his shoulders, and starts walking to the door.

The other four goonies follow them out.

"Get out of here! And stay out!" Mama Fratelli shouts as she slams the door. She leans back against the closed door, and breaths a sigh of relief, now that they're gone.

"Kids suck." Mama Fratelli mumbles to herself.


Brand and the girls are at the back of the group.

"I don't want to see it." Andi says to Brand.

Mikey opens the door. The beastly man shouts. Chains rattle. Mikey, Mouth, Chunk, and Data all retreat, frightened. Andi and Brand, about to kiss, are driven back into another room. Brand stumbles backward over a couch; Andi lands on top of him. The others fall like dominos into the room. Katherine straddling Mikey, Luna straddling Mouth, Data and Chunk on top of each other. Stef is the only one left standing. Andi and Brand try to pick up where they left off, but they are not alone.

"Shame, shame."

"We know your name."

The would-be couple, interrupted again, look at the group.

"Come on, Brand, slip her the tongue."

"That's disgusting. No, I can't even look. That is really sick."

"Get me up, guys."

"One.. two..three."

"Thanks guys."

"You're welcome."

"Y'know that's just unfair. You catch me trying to kiss someone and you shame me. But when Mikey and Katherine are in a corner kissing, you don't shame him. Why is that?" Brand questions the group.

"1. Have you seen my sister when she's pissed off? 2. We know better than to piss them off." Mouth explains.

"My dear, dear twin, can shut the hell up? Please?" Katherine asks, still straddling Mikey, too lazy to get up.

Everyone looks to her and Mikey, noticing their position, but not saying anything about it. Everyone looked at Katherine mainly, because it was rare for her to speak loudly in front of people. She mainly spoke in whispers or in unison with others. The group usually called her "Kat" or "Mike's Girl" because one, she's dating Mikey and two, she doesn't talk much. It's the same with Luna and Mouth.

Katherine stands up, and holds a hand out to her boyfriend to help him up. Once he is standing again, he lets go of her hand and wraps his arm around her waist. Everyone looks back to Brand and Andi.


"I bet his ID's in his wallet. Mouth, get his wallet." Brand commands.

~~~~~~~~~~~~tiny timeskip~~~~~~~~~

"Brand, God put that rock there for a purpose, and um, I'm not so sure you should, um, move it; or something." Stef comments.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~tiny timeskip~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, you guys, if we keep going this far down, we'll reach China." Data comments.

"My feet are killing me. I can't see anything." Stef whines.

"Maybe I can visit my Auntie or something, my uncle." Data talks to himself.

As they reach a bend in the cave, Mikey exhibits a little chivalry to his girlfriend.

"Uh, this could get dangerous, Katherine. You might want to hold my hand." Mikey says to Katherine.

"Thank you, dear." Katherine says, taking Mikey's hand, appreciating his thoughtfulness.

As they round the bend, a shaft of light illuminates an underground waterfall and pond. Katherine is impressed by the beauty of the place; her face lights up.

"Oh wow." Data and Mikey say in unison.