
The Basement

~~~~~~~~~~tiny timeskip~~~~~~~~~~

"Miss, where's the bathroom, please?" Katherine and Mikey ask.

"Can't you both hold it?"

"No!" The duo shouts.

"Mikey, Katherine, this ain't the kind of place you wanna go to the bathroom in." Chunk comments.

"Why not?" Mama Fratelli asks, facing Chunk.

"Because they might have daddy long legs in 'em," Chunk starts, but Mikey interrupts.

"But I gotta go to the bathroom."

"...or dead things, Katherine, Mikey. Dead things." Chunk finishes.

"Kat, Mikey… got to go to the bathroom?" Mouth teases in a deep voice, as he pours two glasses of water alternately between the two cups.

"Lady, please." Katherine whines.

"Downstairs, first doors on the right."

"Thank you."

"Stay to the right."

"I know, stay to the right! Thank you!" Katherine yells back to Mama Fratelli as they head downstairs.

Mikey pulls out the map from his pocket and unrolls it as Katherine and himself step down into the basement. It is dark, musty and very damp; water is dripping from many places. Mikey hits his head on a light bulb that's hanging from the ceiling. Katherine laughs, but she also hits her head on the light bulb as well.

"I know you're down here, One-Eyed Willy. You gotta be down here. I can feel it, One-Eyed Willy. I know you're down here." Mikey mumbles as Katherine and himself pass the bathrooms.

"Oh man, that stinks!" Katherine says in disgust.

A roar that sounds like a lion is heard.

"What the hell was that?" The duo asks in unison.

Another roar, a bit softer than before. Through a partially open door, Mikey and Katherine see a hideous creature, like a big ogre. It's back is turned to them and they notice it is chained to the wall. Jake is in there with the creature, singing to it in Italian. The creature is growling at Jake. Katherine and Mikey watch for a moment, curious, in a morbid fascination. Another growl from the ogre-like creature interrupts Jake's singing.

"You're ruining it! You're ruining it! See the feast I made ya? Look at the feast I made ya. You wanna eat it? Here, have some."

Mikey and Katherine glance at the dinner plate. It wasn't very scrumptious, more like scraps one might give a dog. Jake, holding a few food scraps in his hand, continues pelting them at the poor creature's face. Katherien shudders, hardly able to watch such intense cruelty, especially when she notices that the creature is attempting to shield its face with its hands.

"Come on. Go ahead, you'll get something. You don't leave me any choice." Jake says as he heads to leave the room.

As Jake is leaving, Mikey hurriedly sits behind the door, pulling Katherine onto his lap. They curl up in the darkness, hoping Jake won't see them.

"You don't leave me any choice. You're just like mom and Francis. You never let me finish anything." Jake says as he closes the door.

With the door closed, Katherine and Mikey are almost in plain sight..if Jake were to only turn his head. A nervous Mikey scoots, because Katherine is on his lap, straddling him, further into the darkness, hoping that Jake won't see them. They hear the creature, now alone, saying something. It sounds like a cry for mercy, although to them, the words are unintelligible. Jake sings some more.

A mouse trap snaps on Mikey's behind. Katherine hears this, and does the only thing she can think of to make sure Mikey stays quiet. She slams her lips onto his lips, roughly. Mikey eases into it, pulling her closer. Jake doesn't notice them; he disappears upstairs. Katherine pulls away, resting her forehead on Mikey's, panting slightly. Mikey was also panting slightly. Katherine stands up and moves out of the way so that Mikey can stand up and remove the mouse trap from his butt.

The creature cries some more in frustration, yanking at its chains.

"Food! Hungry! Hungry! Food! Please!" the creature begs.

Mikey opens the door slightly so that himself and Katherine can get a better look. They notice that the dinner plate is out of the creature's reach. They realize that this poor being must be hungry and is trying to beg for food. The couple is unable to walk away without showing a little compassion. A broom is nearby. Mikey picks it up and uses the long handle to push the plate further into the being's reach. Although the being continues to groan, it hears the scraping sound of the plate on the floor. It turns to face the duo. The creature is, in fact, a large man but with a grossly distorted face. He growls at the two, who drop the broom in fear. The man picks up the dinner plate, now within his reach. He laughs hysterically in triumph as he lifts the plate up to his mouth.

Mikey and Katherine run out of the basement, terrified. As they reach the top of the stairs, they are suddenly grabbed from behind. A hand clamped over both of their mouths. The two panic, trying to scream but it is Brand, who has finally caught up with the group.