
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 16: Portal

NASA Headquarters.


*Several unidentified objects has entered the Solar System and is approaching Earth*

The whole NASA Headquarters was in chaos at the alert system of the facility.

The director of NASA, a general from Area 51, and a super agent from Pentagon are in the command and control center of NASA.

"What are the size of the objects that are approaching Earth?!"

The director asked the super A.I. of safety and security that was installed inside NASA for detecting anomalies and danger in the Solar System that might pose a threat to Earth. The A.I. was created by none other than Ysabelle Ylo herself.

*Objects are estimated to be 50 meters to 1,000 kilometers in length*

"What?! Is it an asteroid storm?!" The general asked.

*Traces of rare earth metals are detected on the objects, as well as other unknown traces of metals*

The three important people gasped in surprise.

"Director, is this an alien invasion?" The agent asked the director.

"It could be, the A.I. said that traces of metals are detected on the objects. It's also impossible that these objects are asteroids as they just entered the Solar System." The director answered.

"Hey, Clara! Can't you show an image feed from your long distance radio cameras?!" The general asked the A.I., which was name Clara.

*The field of the unidentified objects are extremely distorted thus radio imaging are impossible*

"General, what do we do now?" The director asked.






The three people instantly went into action as soon as they heard the size of an unidentified object. They also pulled a special communications device from their pockets.

"This is the director of NASA. Protocol Y. I repeat, this is Protocol Y. Open all defense protocols on the moon and the Earth! Deploy all experimental spaceships from the facility and storage!" The director gave a command to all space agencies in the world.

"This is General Ricardo of Area dash five one. Protocol Y has been given! Deploy all military units from all bases! Include all experimental machinery and weapons! Unlock the Gaia and Luna protocol!" The general shouted on his communications device.

"This is Agent dash negative one. Protocol Y has been given! Contact all secret organizations and mystical masters!" The super agent gave a coherent command to the main base to sortie out through the secret and mystical individuals.

The contact with the mystical masters has been successful. The masters in China has erected a one-thousand layered defense array surrounding the Earth.

Other mystical countries has also enhanced and enchanted the machinery and equipment of the military to battle the impeding invasion.

Russia has also opened itself up and prepared several hundred of warheads ready to be launched at any moment. They have also released two gigantic mechs the size of a 100-story building.

Several thousands of spaceships went into orbit and took a defensive formation.

Earth is now ready to defend itself from the invasion.


"Eduardo, c'mon! It's your turn!" I hurried Eduardo.

"Okay okay, geez. Calm down. I will eventually start without you making me." Eduardo scolded me.

"Okay, as you all may know, my name is Eduardo. Husband of Ysabelle, yada yada."

Hey, he skipped me. He didn't say that I'm his friend. Now I'm mad!

"My power is the practically the power of a saiyan, particularly Goku himself."

There it is.

"But why saiyan? And why Goku himself?" I asked Eduardo.

Clearly, he was annoyed at my question just by looking at a twitching nerve on his cheek.

"I was avoiding to tell you this but... Remember when I went to China to train my martial arts skill?"


"Well, once I mastered the northern and southern and combined it into one, the spirit of Sun Wukong showed himself to me."


"I trained under him and further evolved my kung fu and received this small metal rod attached to a necklace. I still don't know what this is for. I also got the Ylium crystal there when a meteor fell down there."

Eduardo showed me the metal rod necklace. I have a bad feeling about this.

"So, how did that make you into a saiyan? More specifically, Goku?"

"I don't know! Maybe it's because of the name Son Goku then it merged with the anime then made me into a saiyan?!"

"Hmmm, I see, I see... Fascinating."

I'm actually jealous that he became a saiyan. Would he actually achieved super saiyan god or the state of ultra instinct in the future?

Thinking about that makes me jealous even more!

"Enough of myself! Now it's your turn!!!" Eduardo shouted at me.

"Wait, before I introduce myself, I'm going to do something else."

I stared at Eduardo and used <Property> on him.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?! You're creeping me out!"


Eduardo Ylo (Son Goku)

Level: 2

Grade: S+

Title/s: Enlightened Master Martial Artist, Defender of the Earth, Inventor, Sun Wukong's Apprentice, Martial Artist

Status: Prideful, Calm, Arrogant, Gentle, Understanding, Excited, Happy

HP: 590/600

MP: 400/450

Strength: 700

Agility: 500

Defense: 500

Endurance: 520

Speed: 500

Intelligence: 160

Luck: 15


Monkey Spirit's Wings (Passive) - boost the specific saiyan abilities depending on the transformation. Can be hidden.

Kamehameha (Turtle Devastation Wave) - release a beam of pure ki and energy in one direction.

Spirit Bomb - collects ki and energy from surrounding life and condenses into a pure glowing ball of energy that can annihilate anything in its way.

Kaio-Ken - increases all attributes and stats by 100% of the base form. Can be used more than once but will decrease HP and life force the more it is stacked.

Instant Transmission - teleports to a nearby energy or ki source.

Super Saiyan - boosts all attributes and stats by two times of the base form.

Ascended Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan 2) - boosts all attributes and stats by four times of the base form. Decreases 0.5 MP per second.

Ascension of Ascended Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan 3) - boosts all attributes and stats by ten times of the base form. Decreases 3 MP per second.

Evolved Great Ape (Super Saiyan 4 - Infant - Locked) - ???

Great Ape (Oozaru) - multiplies all attributes and stats by 4 folds. Conditions are required to activate this ability. Decreases 2 MP per second and 5 HP per second.

Clone (Locked) - ???

Geundowoon (Locked) - ???

Ki Blast - releases waves of ki and energy.

Final Flash (Locked) - releases a golden beam of ki and energy with ki lightning.


Yeoui Jingu Bang - a staff that is given by Sun Wukong. Has the ability to shrink and expand on each three dimensions. Nigh-indestructible.


A saiyan and friend of Philip.


Eduardo has many abilities. As expected of the saiyan race. Although most of his abilities are locked.

I was surprised that he has really unlocked the super saiyan transformation up to 3.

Apparently, the wings that I saw during the fight and 100 years ago is called the <Monkey Spirit's Wings> and it's passive. Do monkeys have wings? Or is this a special kind of monkey?

The system is giving a lot of specific information regarding the transformations. Evolved Great Ape is actually super saiyan 4, but why is there a word "infant" there?

Is the super saiyan 4 transformation that we see in the anime is only in its infant stage? What would the transformation look like if it reached its adult stage? We would only know when the time comes and when Eduardo will unlock the ability.

Also, it looks like Eduardo inherited Sun Wukong's abilities like <Clone> and <Geundowoon>, they are locked and seems that Eduardo isn't aware of that.

What's this?

He is Goku right? The system even said so in the hero title.

But, <Final Flash>?! Isn't that Vegeta's attack? Why does he have it? It's locked and the description is there...


Is Eduardo training to achieve <Final Flash>?!! How dare you Eduardo!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

My attention was caught by Eduardo, I have been staring at him for quite a while.

"Final Flash, ehh?" I whispered to Eduardo.

"W-Wha- H-how did you?!" Eduardo was embarrassed and flustered.

I put my index finger in front of my nose indicating to him to keep quiet. I also mischievously winked at him.

"Damn you!"

Well, I guess it's my time for my introduction.

I stood up and began to speak.

I told them what happened from the beginning, when the glowing meteor crash landed literally in front of me.

I left the information about the Omega System and meeting with Death.

I then told them what happened with Jacob and training with Kurt 100 years ago.

Apparently, everybody knows the truth that Kurt told me. Our destiny and fate to protect our home from the threat outside of the universe and beyond.

After my introduction, I used <Property> on my self to see my stats.


Philip Ibasco

Level: 1

Grade: S+

Title/s: The Chosen One, The Omega One, Masterful Swordsman, The One That Got Away, Great Inventor, Creator, Death's Apprentice, Bestest Friend, Variable Holder, Fated One, Death's Successor, Time Holder, Great Student, Gatekeeper, Sword Concept, Life's Favorite

Status: Happy, Excited, Depressed, Confused, Longing

HP: 70/70

MP: 500/500

Strength: 300

Agility: 450

Defense: 1,700

Endurance: 430

Speed: 630

Intelligence: 235

Luck: -1


Omega System - provides the necessities needed for the host to survive until the host arrives at the source of Omega.

Personal Sword Technique - performs personal sword techniques.

=<Slice: Falling Leaf>

Personal Sword Arts - performs personal sword arts that transcends basic and expert sword skills.

Sword Concept Manifest - manifest the sword concept. Be the sword, become the sword.

Property - provides the status and description of objects and people.

Inventory - displays the virtual storage space, used to store items or objects.

??? - ???

??? - ???

Regenerative Ivory - full body and head armor and material that immediately regenerates to its original form and structure whenever it's shattered or crack. A material that is alive and assumes all external appearance of the host and forms and replaces it.

Overload - overloads and removes the limit of power. Also overloads abilities and skills to its most powerful form.

Omega Laser - an energetic beam that is released from the heart. Power is based on emotion, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the power of the beam.

Growth and Shrink - grows to a size depending on strength or power. Shrinks to a size of an atom.

??? - unknown


Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru (Death-Scythe Soul-Cut) - Originally Death's Scythe. Name by Philip.

Philippium Crystal - An element.

Death's Eye - Hovering eye ball.

Death's Letter - A letter to Life.

Chrono Brachile (Time Bracelet) - Originally, Wristbands of Time. Named by Philip.

Flower - flower






Shard/s of the Five:


Truth/s learned (1/10):

«The threat»

9 Gates of Wrath (2/9)

Gate 1: Irritation - Boosts all skills and abilities by two times. Decreases life force and humanity by 0.00001%

Gate 2: Annoyance - Boosts all skills and abilities by ten times. Decreases life force and humanity by 0.001%

Description: The champion that has learned a speck of the truth.


The only addition to my abilities is the <Sword Concept Manifest> and the 9 gates of wrath along with the flower that I received from Life.

My stats has also increased a little bit.

Now it's time for Kurt, or the Great Kurt. I actually didn't know him a lot to begin with, he didn't introduce too much about himself during our training.

I waited for Kurt to begin.

"So, on to the main event of our meeting."


"Do you guys want to return to Earth?"

Wait, he didn't introduce himself?

I looked at the other and they had a surprised expression on their faces.

It looks like they are not surprised that Kurt didn't introduce himself but at what Kurt said.

"What do you mean, Kurt?" Eduardo asked.

"Since we are all complete, the omega ones, we can now go back to Earth."

"Wait wait wait, so you mean Earth is still alive? I mean it's already been trillions of years since we got here." Jacob said.

Wait wait wait, they are just gonna ignore that Kurt will not introduce himself? Even I want to know his power.

Anyways, I used <Property> on Kurt.


Kurt Ignacio (Great Kurt)


Hey hey! Is the system joking?! Where are the rest of the infos?!!

Kurt looked at me after he explained the condition of the Earth to the others and winked at me.

This damned guy!!!

After I used <Property> on Kurt, a display appeared on my face.

[Due to achieving certain conditions. Property has leveled up to Scan]

[Scan - provides specific information regarding a person or an object and disregards useless information]

Whoa! My <Property> has leveled up to <Scan>! I wonder what are new about <Scan>. I'm going to try it later.

"That also means that we can never go back to this super planet ever again once we leave it and all your kingdoms wil be left behind." Said Kurt.

"Wait, each one of you have a kingdom?" I asked.

"Yes, you've seen mine. The others has one too." Jacob answered.

"Each one of us has built a kingdom and made it to where billions of people are living in the kingdom." Eduardo said.

"But where did the people come from?" I asked.

"Apparently, Kurt said, they are people that has died throughout the universe." Ysabelle answered.

"So, it's like hell or heaven?" I asked.

"Neither, you could call it that they reincarnated, transported to another world, or isekaid." Kurt answered.

"I see."

"Well, we didn't have much of that attachment to the kingdom or to this world. In fact, I'm kinda looking forward to returning back to Earth." Sean said.

"Yeah, it feels like we belong there instead of here. Live peacefully on Earth while we wait for the threat to arrive." Smith said.

"But what about you guys?" I pointed towards Erica and William.

"I think I like Earth more than here, even after all these years." Erica said bashfully.

"I think of the same. With this power, I want to help the world and have revenge on the world by doing good deeds." Willia said triumphantly.

"We also want to go back to Luna and return to the inhabitants living there." Said Mystery while holding Mysterious' hand.

"We were born on Luna, we will live on Luna, we will die on Luna." Mysterious said.

"I want to show the world a better solution to their products and inventions and further improving it!" Laurence excitedly said.

"I want to meet grandpa and Yaya again." Said Charles.

"I also want to go back on Earth and live our second lives on there with Ysabelle. What do you say Philip?" Eduardo addressed to me.

I pondered for a moment. The offer is great but somehow, the shard of Imagination is tingling and I am having a bad feeling.

I then answered.

"I think... That will be great. This time, I want to protect Earth with everything. It's out first home anyway." I proudly said.

"Way to go Philip!" Ysabelle said while smiling. Seeing he smile while she is in that appearance gives me a heartwarming feeling.

"Now that everyone seems to have decided, I'm going to teach Philip how to open a portal to Earth." Kurt said.

"What? Me?" I was surprised.

"Yes you, you have the power for it."

"I see, then how do I do it?"

"Stand here in the center of the arena. Everyone, stay back a little bit."

Kurt moved the table and chairs to below ground and instructed the others to move further back away.

"Have you ever wondered what have you become? Why your appearance is like that?"

Somehow, I feel that Kurt is being rude towards me.

"Yes, why?"

"From what I've gathered during my travel around the infinite globe. Apparently, you are a race of a super advanced alien species that lives in the infinite abyss."

"Oh really? What does have to do with me opening up a portal??"

"Your race can erect what they call <Pillars>."


"Yes, you have five in total. The more you have Pillars, the higher rank you have in your race."


"Pillars are like "wings" that protrude from your back. In your case, your Pillars are diamond-shaped spikes from your back. It resembles a blade of the sword that expands outwards and converges into the tip."

"How do I erect this Pillars?"

"It's simple as closing your hand. You just gather your strength on yur back and command your regenerative ivory to erect a spike-like protrusion and by then, the Pillars will completely form."

I tried what Kurt instructed me. At first, it hurt like hell, so I had to endure it.

Minutes later, I have successfully erected five pillars and they follow what I tell them to do.

As Kurt has described, they look like swords the protrudes out from my back and they are colored white because of the ivory.

It felt like I have an additional five more limbs. It felt like they are wings. I tried to flap them and to my surprise, I levitated a little.

If a really tried to flap this pillars more, I would be able to fly without the need to use my ability of flight and ki control.

As I said that, a display showed in front of me.

[You have unlocked <Pillar Wings>]

[Pillar Wings - race exclusive skill. Materializes a pillar that can manifest and absorb all kinds of energy. Gives the ability to fly. Increases speed, agility, and strength by 200% when activated. Provides a radar scan of the surroundings in a 100 km wide radius]

[Flight skill has been combined to Pillar Wings]

[You have unlocked <Combine>]

[Combine - combines skills or items of grades A or lower to create a more powerful skill or item]

Whoa, I have unlocked a lot. Around two new abilities or skills.

I then asked Kurt at what to do next.

"You may have seen in the description of the display. You can manifest all kinds of energy with the pillars. You know what that means?"

"Uhm... No?"

Kurt sighed.

"You can use the energy of the variables of time and space that you have to create a portal to Earth. You also have the shard of Imagination. Use it to imagine where the Earth is located. That shard is more powerful than you think!"

I did as Kurt instructed.

First, I gathered the energy of time and space on my pillar wings. Moments later, the pillar wings generated ten orbs of time and space and combined then together to form a distorted bluish white orb.

I then took out the shard and enclosed it in my hand and used it.

"What are you doing?!! Don't use it direct--"

I think I heard Kurt when I entered the Imagination realm. I ignored him as I was immersed in this realm.

I was standing in a middle of a very calm ocean. Then suddenly, the sky that is stretching through the horizon changed shape and appearances that I can't describe. My words can't keep up with what my brain can see.

I get it now. This shard is the embodiment of Imagination itself.

As I realized the purpose of the shard. I began to concentrate and closed my eyes. I then returned to reality.

"--ly!! Huh?"

Kurt was flustered at what happened.

"What the heck was that Kurt?" Eduardo was about to approach Kurt when Kurt shouted back at him.

"Get back!!! Don't get any closer!"

Eduardo felt a shiver and immediately used instant transmission towards Ysabelle.

I then imagined Earth. Calm, peaceful, and beautiful.

I opened my eyes and lifted my hand towards an empty space.

The bluish white orbs on my pillar wings shot ten rays of distorted white light in a big triangular formation.

A triangle shaped portal was then made.

After I made the portal, I kept the shard of Imagination then a string of displays showed up again.

[Congratulations! You have conquered the shard of Imagination]

[Condition requirements have been met. You have received the shard of Consciousness]

[You have obtained the variable of energy]

[You can now control and manipulate all kinds of energy at will]

I was surprised that I received another shard . Now that I'm aware at what may happen if I recklessly used an unknown shard, I will tackle on it later.

I also obtained another variable, energy. Can I now block or divert energy beams with this? Is MP required? I hope not.

The other omega ones approached me from my back. I turned around and looked at their faces.

They had faces of happiness and longing, while Kurt had a face of disbelief and awestruck.

I then said to them.

"Shall we go?"


Author's Note:

Protocol Y - the protocol that Ysabelle created that means an advanced alien invasion is imminent, metallic asteroid storm imminent, rouge star system imminent, or a rouge black hole imminent and will throw chaos on Solar System. Protocol Y was made known by Ysabelle throughout the top organizations of the world and left the mystical organizations for them to consider.

Thanks for reading!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also comment of what you think.

Support is greatly appreciated.

Update: A few additions. Author's note and condition requirements for the shard of Consciousness.

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