
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 17: Invasion

As we are approaching towards the triangular portal, my intuition is screaming at me. It's as if it's telling me to hurry up.

I flapped my pillar wings and hurriedly flew to the portal. To my surprise, Kurt also seemed to quicken his pace and both of us are going to the portal at the same speed. The other omega one also seem to notice something and they also quickened their paces.

Once we went through the portal, we were about one million kilometers away from the Earth and what we saw shocked us.

There was hundred thousands and millions of spaceships exchanging blows. Storms of lasers and ballistic projectiles are flying through the surrounding area of the moon and Earth. Hundreds of warships are aslo flying about and trying to destroy the yellow shining shield surrounding the Earth.

The moon has opened parts of its body and released thousands of armed flying mechs to try and intercept the other spaceships. The moon also had built in giant laser turrets that when fired, the laser stretches over several hundreds of kilometers.

The Earth has also deployed warships of their own but they are greatly outnumbered by the enemy. Hundreds of what seemed to be nuclear missiles are also ejected from the Earth to intercept the hulking enemy warships. Beams of light and lasers are also being thrown from the surface of the Earth while trying to deplete the number of enemy spaceships.

By this time, all thirteen of us has exited the portal. Before the portal closed, we heard a loud roar coming from the portal. We instinctively looked back at the portal only to find out that it just closed with a tiny flash.

Then what we saw behind us sent chills in our spine. There was a spaceship, or rather, a mothership that is almost the size of the Earth.

The wide space in the nose of the ship that looked like a gaping mouth was charging some sort of a large energy beam and it's aimed for Earth. Perhaps they are trying to destroy the yellow barrier or completely destroy Earth.

I cannot let that happen. So, I instantly dashed towards the mouth of the ship trying to disable it. But it seems that I am too late. The beam was already fired and it's heading straight towards the Earth.

The beam was fast! It may reach Earth in less than 3 seconds. I was annoyed! I expected to arrive on Earth peacefully and I was met by this?! Did they intend to destroy my home?!

I was very annoyed. Then suddenly, power surged through me and my <Chrono Brachile> shone with blue light. Then three displays from the system popped up.

[9 Gates of Wrath: 2nd Gate opened]

[You have unlocked a time passive skill <Bullet Time>]

[Bullet Time (Passive) - slows down time by 500% and it automatically activates when in danger or an impending doom approaches.]

The world around me lost its color. Everything around me was in grayscale. The beam from the mothership was advancing in a snail's pace as well as the ballistic projectiles and lasers from the spaceships. The omega ones seemes like statues as time slowed down, but when I looked towarda Kurt, he is actually darting towards the mothership with a significant speed behind me.

I began to rack my brain and thought of how to stop the beam. Then I remembered that I unlocked the variable of energy back in the red planet. I then began to use my pillar wings and siphoned all of the collected energy in the beam.

Then a few seconds later, the world surrounding me started to return to its color and the laser start to speed up. I haven't yet to completely weaken the beam!

After a second, the beam then immediately made contact with Earth. Surprisingly, the Earth didn't explode but the yellow barrier surrounding it had dissipated. Looks like I weakened the beam considerably. My annoyance has quickly disappeared.

But now, Earth's surface is now vulnerable to attacks from the invaders.

I looked towards Eduardo and he immediately knew what I wanted. He shouted towards the others.

"We need to protect Earth from the invaders! Follow me to the surface guys!"

"Don't order me around! I'm way ahead of you!" Jacob shouted as he boosted through space to Earth. The others also began to fly behind Eduardo towards Earth while destroying enemy spaceships and warships along the way. Mysterious and Mystery, however, aimed towards the moon.

"We are better suited to control the moon than in the surface. We will be providing support from the moon!" Mysterious flew through group of enemy spaceships and incinerated them while Mystery compressed them into a tiny metal ball while blue colored liquid oozed out.

"Now, it's obvious that the boss or mastermind of this invasion is inside the mothership, probably in his throne or something, and as the main character, I would immediately break inside the mothership and find the boss immediately. But Kurt is already inside."

I tried to be clever and the chuunibyou inside of me kicked in at how clichè this setting is. But then, something happened that terrified me. A display from the system showed up.

[Hey, are you trying to break the fourth wall?!]

"Huh? W-wha-? No?"

The system spoke to me! I didn't know that the system is sentient! Why did it even asked me that question?! Then suddenly, the same display glitched for a second and displayed a smiley face emoticon and winky face.

[ :) ;) ]

That really creeped me out. I thought that the system was just a system this whole time and it will not care what I would do. I never knew that the system was sentient. Is there someone there that control the system? Hello?? The emoticons are also weird, it's not displayed as an emoji in itself, but it's the symbols that build up the emojis.

[Due to meeting a special condition, you have obtained a variable]

[You have obtained the variable of reality]

[You now become aware of the reality that you are in. You can also observe realities between objects and beings that are less powerful than you]

Suddenly, I was blasted by a force that made me feel like I was awoken from sleep or that my eyes had been open wide. I see everything in a different way right now. But then, my head started to hurt.

"I felt good that I see the reality but I feel like there was something missing. Something that will complete the universe." When I thought of that, my head started hurting. I immediately distracted myself in my deep thinking and aimed for the spaceships and warships that are converging towards me. It seems like they have finally spotted me.


Mothership - Main Deck - Command Center

Kurt punched his way through the mothership without using his arms while annihilating potentially dangerous foes. He only used his mysterious shining black power to plow everything in his way. He then arrived at the main deck in front of a man sitting on his black throne opposite of the color of his metallic white sheen on his skin, or what it looks to be an armor.

"Why, welcome to my ship. That's a grand entrance that you made there, Kurt. You know that there is a door there and you gotta burst through the floor." The man pointed at the two huge doors in front of the throne.

"Why are you here, Trail?!"

The man, who seemed to be named as Trail, laughed as he heard the question. He stood up and grabbed a black object from a claw to his left.

"Me? Of course I'm here to meet our brother."

""Our" brother? There is another one here?" Kurt looked around to spot the other sibling in the room but to no avail.

"Are you looking for someone else? She already left the area and flew outside to fetch our brother." Trail then activated the black object in his left hand and placed it on his right arm. The black object seemed to be a bionic arm that emanates a red aura. The bionic arm then engulfed Trail's whole right arm up to his shoulder and replaced it.

"Where did you get that?!!" Kurt released a very powerful aura when he saw the bionic arm. He became furious and about to pounce Trail.

"Oh, somewhere... I just picked it up."

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Ugh, so many questions! I am only here to meet little brother and bring him home by the order of the Big patriarch."

"I won't allow it! You're race has nothing to do with him and he has nothing to do with you!"

Trail frowned by the statement, "And who are you to decide that?!"

"His teacher!!" Kurt lunged towards Trail while emanating powerful black particles.

"Tsk tsk, this anger is no good Kurt. You'll only get yourself in trouble for that." Trail charged up his bionic arm and red aura burst from his arm.

"<Dimensional Punch>!" Trail punched the air in front of him while aiming for Kurt.

Kurt, knowing what the bionic arm is but doesn't know what it does, was blown away before the black particles can touch Trail. He was blown through different dimensions and and worlds and he landed back on the red planet where the omega ones originally came from.

"With Kurt out of the way, we can now capture Road." Trail made a wide smile while he looked at Avenue flying towards an individual that is destroying thousands of spaceships and warships.


Kurt landed on the red planet and he immediately stood up. He was dumbfounded when he figured out where he was. He thought of a way to get out of this planet by himself but his thoughts were cut by loud roara and curdles.

"What was that?"

When Kurt asked that question as if someone was there, a shadow darted past Kurt and inflicted damage on Kurt.

"What?!" Kurt was once again dumbfounded when he was damaged. He was never inflicted by any damage ever since he arrived here quadrillions of years ago. Furthermore, there was apparently a dangerous being lurking around in this red planet!

"I think Smith's kingdom is close here, better find shelter." As he figured out his current location, he then went straight to Zigfreid Kingdom.

After a few seconds of sonic flight, he arrived at the kingdom. When he arrived, he was met by several shadow monsters.

The monsters then loudly roared when they spotted Kurt. The roar was heard throughout the red super planet. Moments later, waves and waves of shadow monsters came from all directions and is converging on the Zigfreid Kingdom.

Kurt was terrified for the first time. He didn't want to fight with a majority percent of his power but it left him no choice.

"Looks like I will have to fight with barely 50% of my power." For some reason, Kurt only limited himself in using 50% of his power.

Glittering black particles then emerged from Kurt and swarmed against the shadows. Kurt began the battle in his side.


I finally destroyed a good portion of the enemy forces with <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru> and sometimes with my fists.

When I split the last warship into two, a female voice then spoke behind me.

"That's a pretty powerful weapon you have there, brother."

I instinctively turned around to meet a woman that had a bob hairstyle with a headphone on her nape and a skin color of metallic black with green neon lights lined throughout her body. Neon batteries are also attached in her forearms and legs. She also had the same manner of decoration on her back the same as my pillar wings.

But most importantly, she called me brother. Who is this woman? I asked,

"Who are you?"

"Awww, you hurt my feelings brother. We used to play together when we are kids but now, you act like you don't know me."

"No seriously, who are you?"

The woman stared at me wide eyed as if I snapped something inside of her.

The woman sighed and introduced herself, "I am Avenue, you big sister. Your brother and I came here to bring you home as per the Big patriarch's order."

Sister? Brother? Big patriarch? What is this woman, which was apparently named Avenue, talking about? But then, I remembered that Kurt told me that I am one of a super advanced alien race from the infinite abyss. Perhaps Avenue is also one.

"Are you perhaps one of me?"

"What? No! You are one of us!" Avenue was irritated at my question.

"Then what are we?" I asked as I needed to gather information about myself.

"Uuuggghhh! So many questions! We are a species from the infinite abyss called the "Big Family" and you are Road Big, the youngest of us all who was born over 100 years ago! Now, you get it?!"

Whoa, that was a lot to take in. Apparently, my alien name is Road Big and I belonged to the Big Family. But I don't remember any of that, I only remember the time I lived on Earth. Then, a display showed up.

[Second truth unlocked]

[«Origin» (70% complete)]

What? Seems like these information are useful to me to unlock the second truth that I seek. I asked one last question.

"Why are you attacking and invading Earth specifically?"

Avenue finally snapped. "No more questions!! Now come with us or we will take you by force to meet the Big patriarch!!"

Why does she want me to come with them so badly?

But then, I had an epiphany, perhaps this Big Family is trying to take advantage of my power or steal it for themselves? I don't know why they'll do that but I'm not taking any chances.

"No! I don't even know of your Big Family! I don't even know you! All I know is that my home is on that blue planet. Now if you don't want to get hurt, you better leave my planet and fuck off!" I blurted out while I am pointing at Earth.

"By force it is!" Avenue doesn't seem to be moved slightly moved from my speech as she pounded her fist together and her neon lights glowed brighter.

She then swooped in towards me while throwing a smooth right hook.

For some reason, there is an intense music playing in the background. Looking at the source, it came from Avenue.

Thanks for reading! We are nearing the climax of arc 1 so look forward to it!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

These "fast phrases" are gnarly

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