
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 15: Getting to know each other (5)

Approximately 100 AU (1 AU = 1.49 million km) away from the Solar System.

"My Lord, we will be approaching our destination at ETA of approximately 349 Cs-133 centuries."

"And how long is that in their local time?"

"About one hour, my Lord."

"That's plenty enough."

The tall man that is standing in the front deck of a massive spaceship is staring into a dim ball of light which is named Sol, the star of the Solar System, that is a main sequence star of type G2V.

The man's back is facing towards the crew that is manning the command center and controls.

His silhouette looms over the crew.

His body had a metallic white sheen that reflected light from Sol.

He had horns or spikes that is protruding from his head, forearms, and legs.

One simply couldn't see his appearance from where the crew is stationed. They could only see a black silhouette that is standing far in the front deck.

The man crossed his arms then smirked.

A person came out from the shadows of the dim lighted spaceship.

"Let's go brother, we need to prepare for the invasion of Earth."

The man, or rather woman, that came out from the shadows said to the man standing on the front deck.

The woman had a curly bob hairstyle with what seemed to be headphones hanging on his nape. She had four electric cables hanging from her back that extended backwards with what seemed to be large batteries connected to the end of the cable with green neon lightings.

There are also three different sized neon lighted batteries protruding from her forearms and legs in an orderly fashion.

Her skin is colored metallic black and green neon lights are lined throughout her skin up to her head.

"Avenue, we are only meeting our brother, right?"

"Yes brother, but--"

"But if that fourth-rate planet gave us a not so welcoming surprise, we invade. Okay, Avenue?"

"Yes brother."

The woman, which is apparently named Avenue, returned to the shadows on walked out of the front deck.

The man once again smirked and said.

"I can't wait to meet our brother."

The massive spaceship zoomed past by the Kuiper Belt then followed by an armada of warships and spaceships that number over hundred thousands and millions that swarmed the edge of the Solar System like ants.


It was the bionic guy's turn to speak. I waited patiently before he spoke up.

He is wearing a typical leather vest on top of a black tank top shirt with brown pants. His right arm and left leg are obviously bionic. He is bald with a shiny skinny top head and a green colored wire is protruding out from the back of his head into his right bionic arm. A fluid seems to flow to the arm.

"My name is Sean. My power is that I can manipulate my bionic arm and leg. I can change their shape into whatever I want despite of the amount of matter in my bionic limbs. The changed shape is also directly proportional to the mass of the shape. Only downside is that I can't actually detach anything from my bionic limbs."

Well, that's to be expected. When that giant fist landed on to me, it weighed pretty heavily.

His power could also mean that he can literally make anything he wanted with his bionic limbs. It could be a sword, a vehicle, or a weapon of any sort.

But why didn't he do that earlier in the fight?

My only question is, why is only his right arm and left leg are bionic and not also his other limbs or his whole body? Strange.

I used <Property> on Sean.


Sean Ford (Bionical Muscles)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Magnum Cyborg, Bionical, Bro-Man, Manly, Genius

Status: Manly, Humble, Understanding, Gentle, Self-aware, Proud

HP: 400/450

MP: 200/220

Strength: 300

Agility: 120

Defense: 280

Endurance: 390

Speed: 70

Intelligence: 185

Luck: 10


Meteoric Slam - enlarges the bionic fist and slams into the ground in a meteoric fashion.

Giga Slam - the more powerful version of Meteoric Slam. Costs HP and MP.

Quake Stomp - enlarges the bionic foot and stomps the ground causing the ground to wave.

Space Shift (Passive) - increases the gravity by a miniscule amount around the transformed bionic part overtime.

Transform - transforms bionic parts into different shapes. Costs 10 MP for every 1 cubic meter of space.


Bionic Lens - given by Kurt. Provides basic information of objects regarding weight, dimensions, and structure as well as distance, speed, and temperature on the lens as a display when worn by user.


A very hardworking and dedicated individual.


It made sense that the transformation of his bionic limbs costs a pretty decent amount of MP so that he can't make anything without limit.

I wonder what ability he used on me earlier in the fight, was it Meteoric Slam or Giga Slam? Also, the reason that the fist was pretty heavy because of his passive!

Is he aware of this?

Also, what's up with this gifts by Kurt? Where's my gift then?!

Suddenly, Kurt turned towards me and said.

"I think you'll get yours in the near future."

He smiled then winked at me! This damned person!

Honestly, I didn't want to hear about Sean's backstory because I want to go forward to Ysabelle and Eduardo already.

But for Sean's sake, I'll be a good boy and hear him out.

Apparently, Sean worked as a tester from a Russian facility.

I remembered back on Earth that the Russian Federation shut itself out from the rest of the world, meaning that no information was going out of Russia but information was going in.

Sean worked in a facility that invented a bionic mech suit that when worn by a person, he or she will become immune to all kinds of radiation from a nuclear power plant.

The purpose of the bionic mech suit is to collect corrupted uranium, whatever that means, to separate it from the healthy uranium and plutonium.

One day, it was about time for Sean to test the mech suit. He was about to collect the corrupted uranium, he stepped on an unknown sharp silvery object.

This caused the right leg of the bionic mech suit to be cut into pieces along with his flesh leg in an instant up to his thigh.

When he tumbled over, he supported his body with his left arm but only to land on another unknown sharp silvery object. The bionic left arm was cut into pieces along with his arm in an instant up to his shoulder.

Some parts of the bionic mech suit was torn apart and he landed face down on some corrupted and energized uranium.

This caused peculiar changes to his body until moments later, a glowing rock came down into the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant. Sean magically was lifted up right and the glowing rock headed straight into his forehead.

He was then transported on this red planet.

The story was absurd. What was even inside that nuclear power plant? Corrupted uranium? Healthy and Energized Uranium? What was that unknown sharp silvery object?

I think that story was also the reason why only his right arm and left leg is completely bionic right now.

Poor guy.

Anyways, it was about time for Ysabelle's turn. I am somewhat very excited to know what power they received from the glowing rock.

Ysabelle stood up and flipped her bang that is covering her left eye to the right, only to return back on its original position, before she began to speak.

"My name is Ysabelle, wife of Eduardo and Philip's close friend."

"Do you need to mention that?!" Jacob retorted.

"Of course, because I'm proud!" Ysabelle proudly answered back.

"Hey, don't interrupt." I politely said to Jacob.

"Fine, fucking couples and friendships. I wish I had one."

Jacob mumbled but I pretended I didn't heard that. Ysabelle then continued.

"My power is the virtual realm itself. I can access 10 levels of the virtual world. Each level provides different information and accessibility around me. That means that I can see everything around me in a limited radius. My other power is upgrade, meaning, I can upgrade any abilities to its next level depending on its level in the virtual realm."

Apparently, her power was the same back on Earth, except it was enhanced.

But that doesn't explain her green cybernetic colored eyes, her purple skin, those white lines that run across her skin, the holographic looking circles on every joint of her body, and that Gundam like wings on her back that looks almost just like white colored poles.

She also has another power called upgrade which upgrades any other ability. But is it unlimited or is there a cost?

Let's find out by using <Property>!


Ysabelle Veil-Ylo (Queen of Cyberspace)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: The Queen, The Empress, The Duchess, The Wife, Ruthless, Beauty, Tech Genius, $#&+@/'s Apprentice

Status: Self-aware, Excited, Calm, Proud, Angry

HP: 400/490

MP: 700/730

Strength: 330

Agility: 150

Defense: 200

Endurance: 170

Speed: 140

Intelligence: 300

Luck: 25


Upgrade - upgrades any abilities that is on the data of the virtual realm to its next level. Costs all MP reserve. Cooldown period is one year.

Virtual Realm - accesses to 10 levels of the Virtual Realm and manipulates object and entities virtually in a limited space.

≈Record (Level 1) - access to one dimension objects and data for up to 1GB.

≈Storage (Level 2) - access to all stored data for up to 1TB.

≈Internet (Level 3) - access to two dimensional objects and all private data and information for up to 1PT.

≈Web (Level 4) - contains the deep web and deepest web. Access to all secret and locked data for up to 1ZB.

≈Gamespace (Level 5) - access to three dimensional solid objects and application of rules with the realm.

≈Cyberzone (Level 6) - access to all states of matter.

≈Cyberspace (Level 7) - access to all intagible data and objects, as well as to forbidden, missing, ancient, hidden, and unknown data for up to 1 Brontobyte.

≈Cyber Universe (Level 8) - access to all kinds and types of machines and technology and manipulation of objects and non-objects. Costs 100 MP.

-Giga Fist of Hurts - manifests a giant holographic fist that will demolish anything in its way when released

≈Virtual Reality (Level 9) - access to the information on property and structure of a living being that is weaker than the Queen. Costs 1,000 MP.

≈Quantum World (Level 10) - access to the past of a living being that is weaker than the Queen, as well as concepts and functions of the universe. Costs 10,000 HP and 10 million MP.

≈??? (Level 11-25) - ???

≈??? (Level 26-50) - ????

≈??? (Level 51-99) - ?????

≈? (LeVeL-vEL-LevEl-el-vEl-VEl-vel ?) - ^3^

Note: Level 1-10 cannot manipulate objects like living beings. Range increases starting from 1,000,000 kilometers at level 1 and multiply by 100 up to level 7 at 1 quintillion kilometers or 105,700 light years in radius.


Cyber Pole Wings - power exclusive item. Allows the user to multiply its flight speed by a hundred fold. Item can also act as additional four arms. Item is intangible to outside forces.


A person that is loved by her close ones. Quite a popular individual if I do say so myself.


Wait, how did the system became sapient? I think the system is trying to be funny.

Anyways, as I looked into Ysabelle's abilities... Damn, isn't she overpowered?

Good thing that her virtual realm of level 8 to 10 has costs to open. But what surprised me the most is what came after level 10.

Usually, if the system found a unique or hidden ability or information on a person, the system will display three question marks or the word unknown. Sometimes, it displays some gibberish that maybe a different language or can be decoded.

But what I saw is that the description of two "sections" of the virtual realm has 4 four or five question marks.

What does this mean? Perhaps its something powerful that even the system can't match.

Four or five question marks is good and all. But the last one. Phew, I am getting somewhat terrified just looking at it.

The sector name and level number only had one question mark, it's eerie. The level display is what gets me.

All throughout the display, everything is ordinary, same color and same texture, until I reached the level display for the last sector of the virtual realms.

It's like it's glitched out giving a vibe that the word "Level" is repeated all throughout the line. The color is also eerie, it's like something will come out of the display.

In addition to that, the description is a freaking emoji with closed happy eyes and kissing mouth. It gives me the feeling that it's mocking me like, "you're not allowed to see this," of some sort.

I looked at Ysabelle. Ysabelle looked back at me and tilted her head showing a confused expression.

I could tell that she doesn't know about this and it's the system that found something deep within her. No lenny face intended.

I realized that I could do nothing about this so I ignored it. Perhaps in the future we will uncover its mystery when I get stronger.

"Since my backstory is all about my life with Eduardo and Philip, there's nothing to tell anymore. All I can say is that I am a master in cyberspace. Then when I was about to sleep, I heard a shattering window when suddenly, a glowing rock hit my forehead. That's about it."

Seems that Ysabelle was too lazy to tell her backstory. She phrased that she is a master in cyberspace when the sytem clearly said that she is a Queen of cyberspace. I wonder why.

Since Ysabelle concluded his introduction that fast, it's about time for Eduardo's turn.

Now, this is what I've been waiting for. Of all things, he became a saiyan. Every man's dream. I can't wait to hear his story as to why he became a saiyan.

Thanks fo reading!!! Ω

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