

Freedom something Jiyu craved for and for the first time in this lifetime he experienced it. When he left the Zoldyck estate he didn't truly embrace the fact that he was gone. Adventures where before his eyes his life had truly begun.

The sound of someone taking a deep breath was heard. A calming sensation ran over the boy's body while he looked in front of him.

"This world is truly wonderful" A beautiful scenery was before his eyes the green grass, the big trees and the little pool of water where fish could be seen swimming.

Small animals were walking through the forest and the birds could be heard chirping. One had to survive for 3 days in this forest so even if it seemed peaceful on the outside. Jiyu knew better than anyone that it could very well turn dangerous really fast. After all, this was the Hunter exam and he had a feeling that this time it wouldn't be easy for him. In the past years, he had learned a lot and he could be seen as surpassing his father at this age.

He could sharpen his fingers at will, the rhythm echo was as if he was breathing with how easy it went. But his strongest assest would have to be his physical strength. It was insane even in this world it would be something only Hunters would have. Confidence and pride were in the boy's body feeling as if he could take on the whole world. Would this turn out bad or not was the real question.

Jiyu was assessing his surroundings yet he found nothing but he noticed one thing that shocked him. The weather that was so nice just now was changing. Just an instant later heavy rain started to pour down on the island. 'Weird' was all that Jiyu thought who had found shelter in a big cave.

The goal of this part of the exam was to survive so Jiyu just sat with his back against the wall. He was watching the rain descend and if he was honest it was rather calming. The one thing that he noticed was that the wheater was changing once more. Jiyu kept observing the changes before his eyes before he realized it. "An ever-changing climate system. The wheater will change at random times." Jiyu calming analyzed while he thought inside 'interesting.'

A couple of hours passed and Jiyu started to get hungry it was time for him to hunt some food. He stood up and started to run. If one saw the boy they would most likely think he was using some sort of technique. The speed at which he ran was high something that many would think was not humanly possible. After a while of running the boy stopped and went over into slowly walking.

Footsteps where no longer heard he had turned into the mode to kill. Before him was some sort of deer but if one saw its face they wouldn't think of it as a cute animal. Big teeth hanging from its mouth and blood everywhere.

A sane person would be scared off yet the boy calming observed his target. Jiyu sat in the bushes without making any sound at all while he observed the behavior. It turned out that the animal before Jiyu was some sort of magical beast.

From time to time slight flames were released from its mouth and nose. An hour passed and Jiyu was still waiting for the animal to let down its guard. When Jiyu wanted to stop with paying attention the deer started to lay on the ground. Closing its eyes peacefully expecting to wake up the next morning. Yet this didn't happen as soon as the deer closed its eyes Jiyu moved slicing its throat with his sharp fingers.

Food was secured and Jiyu retreated back to his cave deciding to rest before going out tomorrow morning.

Have fun reading.

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