
Chapter 1

  Light from the sun poured through the window of Vilsarana's room. She slowly awoke, rubbing her eyes. Sitting up, stretching, the sleeves of her nightgown rolled down. Vilsarana looked around her room and sighed.

Her room, somewhat large, had walls painted a light purple, almost lilac. A small vanity with several drawers and a small jewelry box sat against one wall. A large wardrobe stood against the west wall, decorated with small jewels and painted flowers.

Vilsarana threw her blanket off her tired body and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She stood up off her bed and looked out her window. The light of the bright sun blinded her. She blinked her eyes a few quick times to become used to the light. She opened her eyes and saw the town square of her village. Children ran around, chasing each other as a form of play. Vilsarana smiled and pulled the curtains shut. Turning around, she flicked her hand, and a small bit of mint green-colored magic engulfed the wardrobe doorknobs and the doors swung open. She walked to the open doors and began to look through the hanging dresses. Surveying each dress, she decided on a blue dress of different shades and a brown corset in the middle. Her light gray eyes seemed to match the dress.

While she tightened the back of the dress a faint knock came from her door. "Come in," Vilsarana said as she sat down in front of her vanity. Her door opened with a quiet creak. Stepping inside the room, Akila smiled.

Her hair over the years had faded to a light pink. On her back, scars stood visible. Her wings were studded with small holes, remains from past battles. It had been 47 years since Akila gave birth to Nathan, Vilsarana's father. She's grown old, now 72.

Akila walked behind Vilsarana, still smiling. "Good morning Vil," she said grabbing the brush off the vanity. She started to brush Vilsarana's dark blue hair. Bringing her hair up into a bun Akila asked, "Do you have a ribbon?"

"Yes," Vilsarana replied as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a long white ribbon. She raised her hand for Akila to take the ribbon. Akila grabbed the ribbon and tied it around the newly made bun.

"How does it look?" Akila asked. Vilsarana turned her head to the side and admired her hair.

"I love it," Vilsarana replied taking the brush from her grandmother. She set it back on the vanity. She looked in the mirror and spread her wings. A few dark gray feathers fell to the floor. Vilsarana sighed and retracted her wings.

" Breakfast will be done soon. We're eating outside today. There's some news that needs to be said," Akila announced as she started to leave the room.

"Why can't you tell me," Vilsarana asked.

"It is not for me to say. I'd prefer it if your mother told you. I'll see you at breakfast," Akila said standing just a few feet from the door.

"Oh, alright. I'll see you then," replied Vilsarana. Akila walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Vilsarana stood up and walked back to her window. Opening the curtains and staring outside she heard a whisper, "I found the child of light father, and I know her name..." She dismissed the voice and shut her curtain once again.

Out in the yard, a small table stood, donned with a few plates of food and seven chairs surrounding it. In each chair sat a member of Vilsarana's family. Her first set of grandparents, Alina and Lyle sat side by side as did her second set of grandparents, Akila and Charles. Her mother, Sophie, sat on one end of the table with an empty chair next to her. Vilsarana's father, Nathan, sat across from Sophie. Vilsarana stepped through the grass in her bare feet to sit next to her mother. As she sat down, she caught the look on each of their faces, sad and mournful. "What's wrong? You all look so sad," Vilsarana said, still smiling.

"Vil, I am so sorry. Early this morning Dawn was reported missing," Sophie said, grabbing Vilsarana's hand," Your father and grandfather went out to help find her. Something was found... in the church's graveyard. Oh Vil, I'm so sorry. I know you two were very close." Silent tears started to fall down Vilsarana's cheeks. "The funeral is tomorrow. If you want to go, tell me tonight or tomorrow morning. I am so sorry sweetheart."  Vilsarana stood up, sobbing, and pulled her hand from her mother's.

"I'll go..." She said, walking back inside. Tears streamed down her face as she retreated into her room. She sat cross-legged on her bed and started to sob. Another quiet knock hit Vilsarana's door. "Please leave me alone," She said through her sobs. Soft footsteps retreated from her room. Vilsarana laid back against her wall and sighed. As she shut her swollen eyes, she heard another whisper, scorn and angry, "What did you do?! You fool! Maybe we can stop it..." Vilsarana dismissed the voice again and continued mourning.