
Chapter 2


  Vilsarana sat in front of her vanity in a long, simple black dress. Tears stained her face. Vilsarana held a silver locket. She slid her fingernail into its side and flipped it open. Inside the locket sat a small piece of paper. She set down the locket and picked up the note inside. She opened the note and read the words inside, "Happy 15th! This locket would go great with your eyes! Love, Dawn." Vilsarana's tears ran faster down her cheeks. She placed the note back in the locket and shut it. She picked up the locket and held it to her chest. Tears ran down her face and landed on the vanity, one by one. Small drops of salty liquid pooled on the soft wood. Vilsarana's door opened with a soft creak as her mother stepped into the room.

"Are you ready to go?" Sophie asked her. Vilsarana looked at the locket one last time and set it back down. She looked up at her mother and nodded. She stood up and slowly, following her mother, left her room.

Vilsarana stood in front of a small crowd. The friends and family of her best friend stared, tears sitting on their faces. Vilsarana took a deep breath and began to talk, "Dawn was my closest friend for 10 years. She was the only one to see beyond my differences. She was the only one to accept me. She didn't mind that I wasn't like the other children. She admired my differences. When someone made fun of me or hurt me, she was always there to defend me. The years that I have known her have been and always will be, the best of my life. Elysium has gained a beautiful soul. I will always miss Dawn and I hope that she is forever at peace." Vilsarana sniffled and left her spot in front of the crowd. As she walked slowly back to her seat, she noticed a boy about her age, standing in the back of the crowd, staring at her. She frowned and sat down to mourn her friend.

The funeral had ended by noon and Vilsarana had arrived home. As she walked into her house, she heard her family muttering around the dining room table. Vilsarana walked closer to the room, unseen by her family. She leaned her ear closer to the room to listen in to the conversation. "What are we going to do? The prophecy has come to fruition. We need to tell her. It's time she knew," Alina said. Vilsarana stepped into the room, startling her family. "Vilsarana!" exclaimed her mother.

"What is it you should tell me? And what prophecy?" Vilsarana said firmly. Sophie looked at her and sighed. She motioned for Vilsarana to sit down.

"It's time for you to know the full story of our family. The prophecy all our lives have been set to. It's time for you to know why the universe decided to create you," Sophie said, looking at Nathan. Nathan nodded and looked at his daughter.