
The Monster in the Graveyard. Book Four of The Kasai Series

Fantasy Romance
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What is The Monster in the Graveyard. Book Four of The Kasai Series

Baca novel The Monster in the Graveyard. Book Four of The Kasai Series yang ditulis oleh penulis VilsaranaElriyand yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. The child of light, Vilsarana Elriyand and the son of Kasai, Arkus, go on a journey to defeat Kasai and save the world before his plan can be enacted....


The child of light, Vilsarana Elriyand and the son of Kasai, Arkus, go on a journey to defeat Kasai and save the world before his plan can be enacted.

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Jinn Alifan - THE KING OF ALL DJINNS - Genie +256740608727 USA UK UAE

Ajinnah Alifan - THE KING OF ALL DJINNS - Genie Invocation Spell {Whatsapp}+256740608727" NOW COMES THE SPIRIT SUMMONING FORMULA AND CALLING SPELL TO CONJURE THE KING OF GENIES AJINNAH ALIFAN THE SON OF KING ZAHIR SHAH. Conjuring him is equal to conjuring all the djinns on this earth. He is most powerful djinn as he is the king and all relative djinns are his subjects. I bring you the most powerful djinn invocation spell. If you are able to conjure him, you have conjured the GENIE KINGDOM. If he is your slave, all his kingdom and his subjects are your slaves. This is the most powerful djinn invocation spell in the world. This King Djinn ALIFAN can do much more for you than any other jinn, djinn or jabal in this world.. This is the most powerful djinn invocation spell in the world. The spirit summoning spell and invocation formula for conjuring THE KING DJINN ALIFAN is a 40 day spirit summoning djinn invocation spell though not tough. This is the most powerful djinn summoning spell in the world. The djinn invocation spell and formula is supplied along with a bottle. This is the most powerful spirit calling spell in the world. Ajinnah Youssouf - THE NOBLE MALE DJINN - Jinn Invocation Spell. AJINNAH YOUSSOUF IS THE GENTLE, NOBLE AND GOOD SPIRIT THAT CAN BE POSSESSED BY "YOU" DJINN, HAMZAD or JABAL are the different names for AJINNAH YOUSSOUF. Just one day's invocation provides you the POWER to CONJURE him using a powerful djinn invocation spell. You may have definitely known through your own knowledge or may have heard from your elders about djinns. There are two types of DJINNS, the wicked one ( Shaiateeni Spirit ) and the noble one that is ( Roohani Spirit) who is very obedient and gentle. Now you can conjure and control the noble GENIE (summon the spirit) whose name was "AJINNAH YOUSSOUF". If you are enthusiastic person with all courage and no fear to conjure and command this noble GENIE and succeed in doing this djinn invocation spell, you too can be the world's most successful and rich man full of MYSTICAL POWERS. When you conure this noble DJINN, you will be able to see everything possible on this earth. There is nothing that this DJINN will refuse doing when commanded by you provided you do not engage him in illegal activities, such as thefts, rapes and anything illegal. This is a very powerful djinn invocation spell. A few examples of what AJINNAH YOUSSOUF can do for you are given as follows, when conjured and summoned. Now this old treasured EGYPTIAN DJINN AJINNAH YOUSSOUF can be your obedient slave by just invoking a very harmless to do SECRET INVOCATION FORMULA (Djinn Invocation Spell) within a day's time. Take a note that invocation of the djinn using this formula shall in no way harm you or your family, whatever. The djinn invocation spell and formula are very short, easy and harmless. This djinn invocation spell is supplied along with a magic lamp. call || WhatsApp+256740608727 Email azaan20000@yahoo.com

azaan_Bilal · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Land of Zen

The Zen World was a magical world that could allow the beings living there to grow stronger to the extent that there were beings who reached a certain level of power. These creatures can destroy an empire very easily. A young man from the modern world accidentally sees an illegal transaction being carried out by two people from a criminal organization. As a result of this, the young man was killed by the two men right in the abandoned warehouse at the port in the city. Towards his death, the young man suddenly moved to another world called the world of Zen World. The young man's move also changed his body back into a baby with a different appearance from his previous appearance. The young man had also been gifted with various basic abilities such as high intelligence, strong physical growth, and great talent. Xin - That was the name of the young man when he moved to the new world. Xin will start his adventure in this new world where there will be many conflicts that he will go through, both conflicts with friends and opponents. There will also be times when Xin is required to choose a choice. friends or others. As long as he decides to make friends, many victims must fall. As long as he chooses someone else, Xin is required to kill his friends. ============ I have a patreon page and there are plans to publish more chapters there. On this website only free pages will be published and those on the Patreon page are paid pages. Therefore, for those who want to continue to see my works. Please visit my patreon page directly patreon.com/Wr_Xin

Xin_End · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

To My Youth (Perjalanan meraih impian)

Cerita ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan 5 orang remaja yang sedang berusaha menggapai mimpinya dan bagaimana cara mereka menyelesaikan masalah masalah yang ada dalam kehidupan mereka. Mungkin bagi sebagian kalian yang mengalami kisah seperti mereka, kalian akan bisa merasakan apa yang mereka rasakan. Cerita ini adalah remake dari fanfict saya yang berjudul "To My Youth" di wattpad. Michael atau Mika, begitu dia biasa dipanggil. Mika tidak mengetahui apa impiannya. Bagimana dia bisa tahu jika impiannya itu sudah diatur oleh kedua orangtuanya? Dia hanya tinggal berjalan di jalan yang sudah ditentukan oleh mereka. Pilihannya hanya 2, menjadi dokter hebat seperti ayahnya atau menjadi pebisnis seperti ibunya. Kehidupannya sangat monoton. Dia hanya sekolah, les, belajar lagi di rumah. Mika termasuk anak yang cerdas, dia selalu ranking 1 di sekolahnya. Namun sejujurnya, dia merasa lelah. Lelah karena terus menjadi robot bagi orangtuanya. Sampai akhirnya, dia menemukan sesuatu yang disukai dan mungkin saja itu bisa menjadi mimpinya. Arion atau Ari, adalah seorang anak yang sangat menyukai seni. Dari menyanyi, menari, rapp, dance, musik, bahkan acting semua dia lakoni. Dia dan Mika berteman sejak masih kecil. Itu sebabnya mereka saling mengetahui isi hati satu sama lain. Bagi Ari, seni adalah hidupnya. Kenapa? Karena seni yang membuatnya lupa akan kesendiriannya. Ya, dia merasa sendiri. Orangtuanya hanya sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan tidak memperhatikannya. Kalaupun iya, dia hanya digunakan untuk menarik perhatian lawan bisnis keluarganya, atau bisa dikatakan dia hanya robot bisnis untuk orangtuanya. Ari sangat terkenal di sekolahnya. Selain karena dia selalu menjadi pemenang di setiap kompetisi yang dia ikuti, dia juga termasuk salah satu anak pandai meski masih berada di bawah Mika. Ari juga dekat dengan Dhika, anak pemilik teater terkenal karena mereka sering tampil bersama. Kalvin, seorang anak yang baru beranjak remaja. Ya, dia masih terbilang sangat baru di dunia SMA. Dia sangat menyukai dance. Dia selalu latihan setiap pulang sekolah. Namun, ayahnya selalu saja menentangnya. Ayahnya selalu meremehkan bakatnya. Ayahnya selalu membandingkannya dengan anak temannya. Jujur saja, Kalvin lelah selalu berdebat dengan ayahnya tentang hal ini. Itu sebabnya dia lebih memilih diam setiap ayahnya merendahkannya. Dia sudah berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk membuktikan jika dia bisa, tapi jika dia tidak pernah dilihat untuk apa? Jujur, dia ingin seperti anak yang lain. Dia ingin ayahnya mendukung apa yang dilakukannya. Ersya, si anak dengan senyum manis. Dia tinggal bersama Ibu dan adiknya di rumah kontrakan cukup kecil. Ayahnya sudah meninggalkannya sejak dia kecil. Sehari hari sepulang sekolah, dia akan membantu ibunya di toko kue kecil kecilan milik keluarga mereka. Meski hasilnya tidak seberapa, setidaknya cukup untuk makan dan keperluan lain mereka. Ersya dan adiknya bisa masuk ke Produce High School, SMA yang bergengsi ini karena mendapat beasiswa. Jika tidak, mereka tidak akan mampu masuk kesana karena biayanya sangat mahal. Ersya sangat menyukai menyanyi. Tapi, dia tidak mau mengembangkan bakatnya itu. Dia tahu jika dia tetap melanjutkannya, akan membutuhkan lebih banyak biaya seperti les vokal dan sebagainya. Dia tidak ingin membebani ibunya. Radhika, atau Dhika begitu dia biasa dipanggil. Dia adalah anak dari pemilik teater terkenal dan pemilik butik terkenal dimana-mana. Sejak kecil, Dhika dan Arion sudah tampil di teater yang sama, itulah mengapa mereka bisa dekat. Dhika termasuk anak yang beruntung. Dia punya segalanya, dari keluarganya yang selalu mendukung impiannya, materi yang berkecukupan, bahkan dia bisa bebas melakukan apapun yang dia inginkan. Dia hanya mempunyai satu kelemahan, yaitu dia kurang percaya diri. Dia selalu merasa bahwa dia kurang daripada anak-anak yang lain. Dia selalu mereka tidak berani menampilkan apa yang dia bisa. Saat tampil di teater pun, dia lebih sering gemetaran karena dia tidak percaya diri.

Chikinaddict · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


"Hey! Can we get back together?": :"Not in this lifetime!" : "why? Listen I know you are mad at me but I know you still love me!" Heh! Love you? I'd rather love a dog than loving you. You were the biggest Bitch I've ever been with I shouldn't have talked to her in the first place otherwise I wouldn't have gotten hurt this badly! Q..Q And moreover because of her my life has taken a weird turn that even if I want I can't go back to anyone not even my family. Thanks to you bitch and for your fake love I was so stupid to believe that shit! I hope she doesn't reply anymore I don't want to talk anyone specially to her! As Amelia's eyes Squinted as soon as she saw her Ex's text someone she used to love but now she had became someone whom she hates the most in the world. I think I should go take a shower talking to such idiots will only ruin my mood. She left her phone lying on the bed because there was nothing to hide and anyway and she was sure he'll never visit her room so just let it be there! As soon as she get inside the bathroom someone walks in her room that someone was none other than her husband who was trying to find something or just wanted to ask her she was feeling better now. Amelia had been always emotionally unstable and now she was also suffering From a bad fever and cold that wasn't going down she wasn't planning onto bath today but those stupid texts already ruined her mood. She chooses to rather suffer physically than mentally because a little bit of manipulation and sweet talking may change her mind or probably she was afraid of past pain and Anxiety she had felt throughout their relationship. She didn't reply further she thought if she can ghost me so she can too! Clodan walks into the room he heard the noises of water coming out of the bathroom he understood everything! 'oh she is probably bathing maybe her fever has gone down!' That's what he thought but he still decided to stay on her bed and wait so he ask her personally if she is alright now? Their marriage wasn't out of love or blind date it was a marriage of convience they decided to get married because of their mistake but also decided to end after 2 years! Lee Clodan was a singer but during his one of the performance in a foreign country things got twisted with Amelia who he had never known but if he hadn't played this fake marriage prank on her family she had to suffer because of his mistake. Some idiot took K-Drama too seriously and actually put aphrodisiacs in his drink during his Hotel stays and Amelia who had been staying in that same Luxury hotel ended being the pray! He ended up going to Amelia's room and they had one night stand that they didn't quite understand what fuck just happened with them! He was lying on the bed suddenly Amelia's phone kept ringing again again and he saw the Contact name 'scarlett Shine'. Before he can think who was that his abruptly picked up the call and he put it on his ear. "Hey! Amelia I know you are just mad at for ignoring you but I know you still love me wanna meet please forgive me I'll never live you again I know I was wrong I only love you now I know shouldn't have cheated on you!" For some reasons even Though Clodan didn't love Amelia and he never had such a thoughts about her but just thinking that someone who was such scaredy cat and calm person suffering from trauma and Anxiety could get cheated on pissed him off his expression suddenly turned sour. He knew that Amelia would never forget such a betrayal and it must have hurt deeply that's why she never asked anything from him through living one year together with him! "Ahem! This is Amelia's Husband shs is the shower what is it?" A man's voice?? Scarlett was confused and puzzled because it's been only 3 years since she stopped contacting Amelia as she knew Amelia would never get any relationship except for her because Amelia never had any relationship in the past either!

Sno_Wi1891 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating