
Part 20

"I made my decision. I'll join this Gotei 13 or whatever. But if you lied to me, I'll leave immediately. Are we clear?"

"Ms Darkhölme I'm a Monk, not a politician. Why would I lie about my own project? But you have my word, should you deem the Gotei 13 something bad, you can leave as you wish."

"Good, then I agree. So what do I have to do now? And how can I talk to them?"

"Just one moment please."

Ichibe took the body of the late Mystique and channelled spirit energy through it. He did that to transform it into a Gigai. That was the perfect and best way to do it, he found out.

Because it's like popping back into your real body. There would be no resistance and you can use some of your powers while inside it.

The process took a few minutes.

"There. All finished. If you will Ms Darkhölme.", Ichibe motioned for Raven to put on the Gigai.

"What do you want me to do with my old body?"

"I want you to wear it. You see it's no longer just your body. It's now something called a Gigai. It allows you as a soul to get a physical body like you had as a human and interact with them.

However, no reproduction or anything like that, if you were thinking about it, I'm afraid.

But intercourse is possible, just no offspring. So go ham after we have everything settled."

Raven was grossed out. This was not something she wanted to talk about with Ichibe.

She got into the Gigai and took a moment to get used to it.

From the others' perspective, the body of Raven started to move suddenly. And then she blinked again and stood up.

"Hey, guys. Surprised?"

Then everyone tackled her into a hug. All sorts of fluids were exchanged, and it was a happy moment for all of them. Well except Quicksilver. He had a broken leg. And Hank, as he had already left with Quicksilver.

So those two didn't know about what happened.

When those that were here calmed down, they looked at Ichibe.

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

It was Charles that said that. It seems Ichibe really earned his respect with this one. Well not like they were friends now, but it would make him a bit more bearable.

He hoped.

"What now?", Raven asked.

"Well, now you go back and explain what I told you. When I'm done, I'll come to pick you up and you can decide from there.

But you must see the Gotei 13 before you decide what to do. You can also stay with them if you wish.

A warning though. You are not immortal now. You can still die like a normal human, and you better remember that."

"I understand. But wait where are you going?"

"Well thanks to you guys, I still must the Phoenix problem. I'm sure your leader can tell you something about it though.

Isn't that right Xavier?"

Ichibe left using Shunpo. His goal was to find the girl before she got herself in more trouble. But that was going to happen anyway. He just wanted to minimize the damage.

And with that, he not only talked about the earth. He also talked about Jean Elaine Grey. That young girl was not ready to become a host of a force of this magnitude.

Almost no one was and it was against Ichibe's beliefs of freedom of choice to just decide it for yourself.

Therefore, he was going to have a talk with the chicken.


Ichibe made it to Genosha. It was an island in the Indian Ocean, right above Seychelles.

When he arrived there, he could see a chopper that lay in pieces. There were multiple people standing around the wreck. And lo and behold, there was Professor McCoy talking to someone named Lehnsherr.

Ichibe made his presence known and walked towards them.

"Greetings Mr McCoy. Glad to find you here. I am looking for the girl Jean Grey. Have you seen her?"

Magneto was not in a good mood, so this foreign person was not helping. He used some pieces of metal and attacked Ichibe with them.

Ichibe was surprised and defended out of reflex. He was not expecting something like this to happen again. What was wrong with these people? Why do they just attack you out of nowhere?

Magneto bound Ichibe with metal and had him hover before him.

"Who are you and what do you want on this land?"

"Ah, it's the same everywhere. Mr McCoy knows me. I am the Monk who calls the name. I am not an enemy. If you would please let me go we can talk about this Erik Magnus Lehnsherr."

"How do you know that name? Answer me!"

Magneto was squeezing the metal together and trying to make Ichibe choke. Well, he was having none of that.

"Mr Lehnsherr, I told you, I am the Monk who calls the name. I know all names. From anything and anyone. Please ease up on the use of this metal please."

Ichibe was frustrated. These Mutants were very rude and just attacked you for no reason. He won't spend too much time with them anymore.

The situation got down the drain after that. Hank had to ruin the already bad meeting they had.

"He's the one that tried to manipulate Jean. There is a possibility that he is also responsible for what happened."



"Oh boy…"