
The Man Who Refrained

Dying was not fun, but hey, turns out reincarnation is a thing. The catch? I am now Danzo. - This is a point of view story. The synopsis is the only first person writing on the part of Danzo, probably. He is reincarnated as Danzo. He is unreasonably overpowered, has a bunch of ridiculously strong underlings. It starts off with Danzo in his 40s, during the time of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

wellaintyatrippin · Komik
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5 Chs

Kidawa [2]

The moon, a silent witness to the cosmic drama unfolding below, bathed the encampment in its ethereal radiance. Danzo-sama's voice, like a dark hymn, cut through the night air, and Yanagi, caught in the undertow of the unfolding tragedy, listened with a heavy heart. The weight of Danzo-sama's words echoed through the makeshift village, each syllable a sombre chord resonating with both urgency and purpose.

"Iwa will attack. They will do all they can to wrest our land from us, and they will summon their best," Danzo-sama declared, his words carrying the ominous weight of impending doom. The names Mu and the legendary Onoki hung in the air like a spectral dirge, haunting the minds of the gathered shinobi with the looming spectre of formidable adversaries.

Yanagi's brow furrowed with the burden of uncertainty. The cosmic calculus of war seemed insurmountable—two Kage-level juggernauts on the Iwa side, while their own forces stood as mere whispers in the dark. Doubt, like a creeping shadow, slithered into Yanagi's thoughts, casting a pall over the once-clear skies of his resolve.

Danzo-sama, a puppeteer orchestrating a grim ballet, chuckled in the face of the gathering scepticism. His dark amusement shattered the tense silence, and he gestured towards the enigmatic figures flanking him, Yamamoto Genryusai and Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"They are the 1st and 10th Squad Leaders of Root," Danzo-sama asserted, his tone laden with a confidence that seemed to mock the impending tragedy. "You need not fear, heck, you need not even fight. Your role here is to be glorified cheerleaders for their might, to cheer them on and to enjoy the view as Toshiro and Genryusai demolish the Iwa Army."

The proclamation hung in the air like a dirge, a discordant melody that interwove relief with the dissonance of uncertainty. The notion of being reduced to spectators in their own cosmic tragedy felt surreal, and Yanagi exchanged glances with his comrades, a collective unease mirroring the celestial dance of stars.

The stillness was abruptly ruptured by the arrival of scouts, harbingers of an imminent cosmic tempest. Their hurried report cut through the night, revealing the dire truth.

"Iwa has gathered, Danzo-sama, in the plains 20 kilometres away. It seems they hope to conclude this in a straightforward manner, hoping to bulldoze us with their might and numerical superiority."

"The time has come!" Danzo-sama declared, his voice a resonant echo of doom, cutting through the night. The urgency in his words spurred the assembled shinobi into a macabre dance of preparation, transforming the encampment into a hive of morose activity. Weapons gleamed with a sinister sheen, armor became a somber exoskeleton, and the resolve of each shinobi, a silent acceptance of the impending cosmic storm.

A knot tightened within Yanagi's stomach, a physical manifestation of the metaphysical turmoil that gripped his soul. The simplicity of his once-humble existence now felt like a distant memory, eclipsed by the foreboding reality of war. As they marched towards the battlefield, a cosmic cloud of uncertainty hung thick in the air, shrouding even the camaraderie of his fellow shinobi. Yanagi couldn't escape the haunting thought, "Is this the one Hokage-sama entrusted?" The image of his daughter lingered like a ghostly apparition in his mind, a silent prayer for her safety echoing within the recesses of his burdened heart.

The moonlit plains awaited, a vast cosmic stage upon which the tragedy of Konoha's fate would unfold. As Yanagi joined the ranks of those marching towards the unknown, the promise of victory became an elusive spectre, and the promise of defeat, a looming cosmic shadow. The stage was set, and the fate of Konoha, like a tragic symphony, rested on the shoulders of its unwitting actors, with the enigmatic figures of Yamamoto Genryusai and Hitsugaya Toshiro standing as forlorn beacons of hope in the encroaching darkness.