
The Man Who Refrained

Dying was not fun, but hey, turns out reincarnation is a thing. The catch? I am now Danzo. - This is a point of view story. The synopsis is the only first person writing on the part of Danzo, probably. He is reincarnated as Danzo. He is unreasonably overpowered, has a bunch of ridiculously strong underlings. It starts off with Danzo in his 40s, during the time of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

wellaintyatrippin · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Kidawa [3]

They stepped onto the battlefield, a sprawling canvas of desolation that offered no refuge, no sanctuary. The Iwa army, a formidable mass of thousands, stood as an imposing wall of adversity. Mu and Onoki, the titans of Kage-level prowess, positioned themselves at the forefront, exuding an aura of indomitable power and unwavering determination.

Danzo-sama, flanked by Toshiro and Genryusai, moved towards the enemy lines, leaving the rest of the shinobi trailing behind. He halted at a safe distance, his eyes locking onto the Iwa leaders as he addressed them with a cold smirk.

"Mu, Onoki, I see you've brought your entire army to face us. How foolish of you. Do you truly believe you can triumph with such a pitiful display of force?"

Mu and Onoki exchanged incredulous glances. They had heard whispers of Danzo's arrogance, but this exceeded their expectations. Was he mad, or did he possess some hidden trump card?

"Danzo, your foolishness knows no bounds. You're oblivious to what you're up against. We wield the power of earth and sky. You command a handful of weaklings and traitors. Your failure is inevitable; we will crush you and your land beneath our feet."

Danzo laughed, a hollow sound echoing through the air. He motioned to Toshiro and Genryusai, who stepped forward, eyes fixed on the adversary.

"These are not weaklings or traitors. They are the 1st and 10th Squad Leaders of Root, the elite among the elite. They are more than enough to handle you and your army. In fact, their might is so overwhelming that they won't even unleash their full strength. Only their Shikai will be needed. And even then, you won't stand a chance."

Mu and Onoki frowned, sensing an unusual energy emanating from the swords carried by Toshiro and Genryusai. These weapons were unlike anything they'd encountered, and an air of mystery surrounded them.

"Zanpakuto? Shikai? What nonsense is this, Danzo? Do you think we fear your fancy swords? We've faced various weapons in our lives, and none have surpassed our elemental jutsu. Your words are wasted. Let's end this quickly and show you the true might of Iwa."

Danzo nodded, signalling Toshiro and Genryusai to commence. The duo raised their swords and uttered their commands.

"Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!"

"Reduce all creation to ash, Ryujin Jakka!"

The swords radiated a brilliant light, transforming into new shapes. Toshiro's blade became a curved weapon with a chain attached to the hilt, ending in a crescent-shaped blade. Genryusai's sword morphed into a simple wooden staff, bearing a small flame at the tip.

A gasp swept through the Iwa army as a sudden change in temperature gripped the air. It became both colder and hotter simultaneously, an unbearable contrast. Toshiro and Genryusai swung their swords, unleashing their Shikai.

A cascade of ice and snow surged across the battlefield, freezing everything in its wake. A torrent of fire and flames followed, incinerating all in its path. The two forces collided, generating a massive explosion that shook the earth. The battleground transformed into a nightmarish amalgamation of ice and fire, a hellish landscape with no escape.

Mu and Onoki, barely evading the onslaught, stared in horror at the devastation. They realized their grave underestimation of their opponents and acknowledged their inevitable defeat. Fear surged, prompting them to flee. They turned and sprinted away, desperate to preserve their lives.

Danzo, observing the spectacle from the command post, smiled with satisfaction. He had proven his point; his enemies had fled. The war was won, and Konoha's safety assured. He turned to Toshiro and Genryusai, who had returned to his side, and commended them.

"Well done, Toshiro, Genryusai. You have performed admirably. You've showcased the might of Root. You've made me proud."

Toshiro and Genryusai bowed in gratitude. They felt a profound sense of accomplishment and loyalty, having faithfully executed Danzo's orders.

Yanagi, witnessing the scene from a distance, experienced a whirlwind of emotions. Relief washed over him; they had survived the war. Awe gripped him at the formidable display of power from Toshiro and Genryusai. Gratitude filled him for Danzo, who had saved them from a seemingly hopeless situation. Curiosity lingered about the mysterious swords. Doubt gnawed at him regarding the morality of Danzo's methods and the consequences of his actions. Fear loomed for the future of Konoha and the safety of his daughter.

As he gazed at the moon, still casting its pale glow, Yanagi pondered what lay ahead. Hope for peace warred with the fear of conflict. Aspirations for happiness battled the dread of sorrow. Desires for life struggled against the spectre of death.

He closed his eyes, offering a silent prayer for more such miracles in the face of an uncertain destiny.