
The Man Who Refrained

Dying was not fun, but hey, turns out reincarnation is a thing. The catch? I am now Danzo. - This is a point of view story. The synopsis is the only first person writing on the part of Danzo, probably. He is reincarnated as Danzo. He is unreasonably overpowered, has a bunch of ridiculously strong underlings. It starts off with Danzo in his 40s, during the time of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

wellaintyatrippin · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Yanagi Kiwada

Yanagi, a humble Chunin with modest aspirations in life, found solace in his simple existence. He was content with the modest means he possessed and cherished the companionship of his loving wife. Therefore, when the news of an impending war reached his ears, his heart sank, and a wave of discontent washed over him. Assigned to join the war effort in Ame, pitted against the formidable forces of Suna and Iwa, Yanagi couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation at the prospect of leaving behind the tranquility of his everyday life.

Danzo, a figure known to most as the esteemed disciple of the Nidaime Hokage and one of the esteemed Elders on the Council of Advisors, was a name that reverberated throughout the village. However, his reputation did not stem from his military might or prowess, as he hadn't had many opportunities to showcase such skills. Yanagi often found himself pondering the enigmatic nature of Root, the clandestine organization led by Danzo. Rumors swirled around the village, claiming that Root had never completed a mission, prompting curiosity to blossom within Yanagi's inquisitive mind.

Danzo-sama, as he was respectfully referred to, maintained that Root's strength was derived from their unwavering loyalty and resolute dedication to protecting Konoha. The leader emphasized that Root was a last resort, to be called upon only in times of war or to safeguard the village from imminent threats. While Yanagi had no personal interest in the war itself, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the elusive members of Root. Renowned as the most elite and formidable unit within Konoha, it was said that even the legendary Sakumo Hatake, the current Commander of ANBU, had failed to meet Danzo's stringent standards for admission into Root.

Yanagi possessed a contented disposition, harboring no desire to disrupt the precarious equilibrium of his existence. He understood the importance of avoiding any provocation that could potentially incur the wrath of a person capable of making him vanish without a trace, leaving no trace of his existence for the world to ponder.

The journey to the base camp marked the commencement of a somber pilgrimage for Yanagi and his fellow shinobi. They traversed the treacherous terrain, venturing towards the border region that separated Konoha from Kusa. The gravity of the task at hand was palpable, as their mission necessitated the conquest of Kusa before a seamless battlefield against Suna could be secured. The very thought of subjugating a shinobi village and its people filled Yanagi with a profound sense of unease. The impending conflict would inevitably result in widespread casualties, as both citizens of Kusa and fellow shinobi would be swept up in the merciless tides of war. While such sacrifices were expected in the pursuit of victory, Yanagi couldn't help but harbor a fervent hope that the lives of his comrades would be spared the harrowing fate that awaited them on the battlefield.

As the base camp came into view, bustling with activity and teeming with the convergence of weary shinobi from various corners of the village, a sense of urgency and purpose settled upon the air. The border area between Konoha and Kusa brimmed with an atmosphere pregnant with anticipation, as each shinobi prepared themselves for the daunting tasks that lay ahead. The goal was clear: to bring Kusa under their control, to quell any potential disturbances before engaging Suna in battle. The magnitude of the endeavor weighed heavily on the hearts of those present, a stark reminder of the inevitable toll the war would exact upon the lives of countless individuals.

Yanagi couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and determination swirl within him as he prepared to embark on this fatefuljourney. The weight of the impending conflict bore down upon his shoulders, but he knew that he had a duty to fulfill. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, the outcome veiled in the shroud of war's unpredictability. However, Yanagi steeled himself, drawing strength from the camaraderie and shared resolve that permeated the air.

The base camp hummed with a hive of frenetic activity, as shinobi busied themselves with various preparations. Tents dotted the landscape, forming a makeshift village that would serve as a temporary home for those engaged in this pivotal campaign. Yanagi observed his comrades, their faces etched with determination and a somber acceptance of the challenges that lay before them. The atmosphere crackled with a mixture of anxiety and grim determination, as each shinobi diligently honed their skills and fortified their resolve for the battles that awaited.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson hue across the horizon, the commanding officers emerged, their presence commanding attention and respect. Among them stood Danzo-sama, his countenance a mask of unwavering resolve. The aura of authority he exuded was palpable, his mere presence a testament to his unwavering dedication to protecting the village and its interests. Yanagi couldn't help but feel a sense of awe mingled with apprehension as he gazed upon the man whose reputation loomed large over the village.

Danzo-sama's authoritative presence was enhanced by the two individuals flanking him, whose appearance and demeanor added an air of mystery to the scene. The man positioned on the left side of Danzo-sama drew Yanagi's attention with his distinct features. Fair-skinned and of average height, he possessed an aura of wisdom and experience. His bald head, deeply etched wrinkles, and pronounced cheekbones spoke of a life marked by countless battles and hardships endured. His piercing red eyes held a hint of sorrow and a glimpse into the depths of his soul. Long eyebrows arched above them, framing a weathered face that bore the weight of countless years. A long, distinguished mustache cascaded down from his upper lip, while a hip-length white beard, neatly secured by a purple band, cascaded down his chest. The man's body bore a tapestry of scars, testaments to his countless encounters with adversity, with two particularly prominent scars etched across his right eye, lending him an air of intrigue and resilience.

Positioned on the right side of Danzo-sama, the shorter figure immediately caught Yanagi's attention. Turquoise eyes, striking and vibrant, seemed to hold a secret knowledge, while short, spiked white hair added an element of unconventional style to his appearance. The juxtaposition of his youthful features and the intensity emanating from his gaze made it clear that there was more to this enigmatic individual than met the eye. His mere presence demanded attention and sparked curiosity, leaving Yanagi to wonder about the origins and stories concealed behind that captivating visage.

The encampment remained hushed, as the assembled shinobi absorbed the weight of Danzo-sama's words. His gaze swept across the multitude of faces, his eyes bearing the weight of responsibility and a firm resolve. The gravity of the impending war loomed over them all, and the presence of these two mysterious figures only added to the sense of somber anticipation that permeated the air.

"We cannot afford to wait any longer," Danzo-sama declared, his voice resonating with conviction. The urgency in his words was mirrored in the furrowed brows and solemn expressions of those who listened. The challenges ahead were daunting, and the fate of their village rested on their shoulders. The looming specter of Sunagakure and Iwagakure cast a long shadow over their collective consciousness, reminding them of the fierce battles that awaited them on the horizon.