
The Lost Primarch

One of the Lost Primarchs returns. The Primarch of the XXI Legion, a Legion no one knew about, was not dead or disappeared as thought by the Emperor originally, but just flung into another galaxy far far away. A galaxy where a strange Force holds back the influence of the Warp and makes it invisible to everything. The Primarch falls on Ryget Undecim, a Death World by Imperial Scholars standards. Powerful beasts and dangerous Xenos infest the world and try to wrestle the minuscule human faction to the ground. When Gaius landed on the planet, he knew what he was thanks to information that appeared inside his head. What will Gaius do? Will he become a tyrant and take over and unite his galaxy before he bothers to return to the one he came from? Or will he return as soon as possible and aid the Great Crusade? ____________ This is an OC and not a reincarnator. The Meta Essence I gave him is the Essence of the Lost Primarch. The setting is Star Wars and we'll see how he handles the Force. The cover picture and all others are NOT mine. Those belong to John Stone. I found them from ArtStation. If he wants me to take them down, I will.

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The small baby that was sent to Ryget Ten by the stars, was considered a gift from the Force. How else would they explain his extraordinary abilities? Gaius is what they called him. When the small squad returned with the babe and the strange capsule, the reactions were mixed among the tribe. Some agreed that he must be a gift from the power cosmic itself, that was the name they used for the Force. 

Others thought that it was another trick, another attempt of the planet itself to destroy them. The discussion got more and more heated. The two sides were about to clash and the situation escalated when Gaius resolved the situation. The baby did something that no one would ever forget. 

He laughed. 

A premature, baby giggle more like, but still a laugh. Filled with innocence and happiness, seeing the situation at hand. Maybe it was the superior being that was a Primarch laughing at their useless squabbling, or maybe it was simple amusement. Whatever it was, it stirred something in the tribesmen. Life on Ryget Ten was harsh and unforgiving. The weak and unprepared died quickly. So children didn't have time to be children. They had to be prepared as soon as they were aware and started to train as soon as they walked. So happiness and laughter were long gone from their minds. 

Therefore, hearing the young baby laugh, touched all of their hearts. Something bloomed in that moment. Something they never thought would ever return. 


Hope for a future where they would also know laughter and happiness. Where they would be able to sleep in and not worry about attack at every moment. Humanity was slowly dying out on the planet and the beasts were growing more and more dangerous. And while humans also grew more powerful both physically and in the Force, it was nowhere near enough to contend with the dangers around them. 


Gaius they named him. They didn't know why, but the name seemed to fit. And in the future, they would find out just how fitting the name was. 

Gaius was the treasure of the whole tribe. Everyone adored him and acted like they were his parent. So amidst the brutality that was Ryget Ten, Gaius managed to grow up with affection. His extraordinary status was confirmed when he seemed to grow up at lightspeed. They couldn't even enjoy showering him with love, and enjoying his baby state before he had grown to the height of a grown man in one year. 

One year was enough to make him as tall as a normal human. This was of course perfect for them. It meant that they didn't have to worry about Gaius and could start to teach him how to fight very soon. But they noticed something else about him. He was so very skilled in all the things they taught him. He picked up swordsmanship in a matter of minutes and managed to defeat their strongest member in an hour. 

Gaius' strength and speed were unbelievable. He was stronger than all the tribesmen combined and could run faster, than Omran using Force speed, easily. His dexterity, reactions and intelligence left everyone in awe. He was their treasure and they knew it. 

Despite getting a lot of affection, Gaius saw the peril that his family was in. He knew what he was, thanks to the Essence of the Lost Primarch, he knew that he was a Primarch. He saw that his family was suffering under the harsh reality that was Ryget Ten. The Xenos as he called them and monsters as they called them, were harming and hurting his family and that just wouldn't go. So despite not growing up in the grim dark that was the Warhammer 40k galaxy, Gaius developed a hate for Xenos that, while not nearly as excessive as humans in 40k, was still there. 

Gaius vowed to kill the vicious and vile Xenos that plagued humanity. 


After reaching one year old, Omran and Davorka who had taken Gaius' education and training into their hands, gave in to his pleas and allowed him to help them in one of their hunts. Getting food was hard on Ryget Ten because being a farmer was impossible. The plants, while very nutritious and growing fast, were quickly consumed by large plant eaters who smelled them. This in turn made carnivores arrive as well and the one suffering the most would be the tribe. 

So farming was a no-go. So the tribes on Ryget Ten reverted back to hunters and gatherers. But that was a dangerous job for them. Everything could kill you on this planet. The ecosystem has adapted. It was basically living in a prehistoric world filled with dinosaurs who had all taken Force-steroids.

So the hunting party set off. They moved through the jungle terrain efficiently. Davorka kept an eye on Gaius, to see how he was holding up. Seeing him having no problems at all, she was satisfied and increased her pace. They were looking to capture something simple today, to give Gaius a feeling for the hunt and how the squad worked. She was still mothering him unconsciously, but she would realise her mistake today. 

As the team bobbed and weaved through the jungle, they came upon a scene that alarmed Davorka. They saw a dead Elevenphant. Elevenphants were the evolution of normal Elephants. They were a bit bigger, had grown an extra pair of legs and trunks and their fertility went through the roof. Their heards could grow like ants and they needed very little food and water to survive. Despite being nearly 7 meters tall, they were truly like ants to the bigger monsters on the planet. 

But a dead Elevephant is still a bad sign. There was a single hole from where the Elevenphant was slightly bleeding from. One of its hearts had been impaled and it had lost most of its blood which led to its death after being pierced cleanly though. This was the sign of a dangerous predator that the tribe knew very well, the Blood-Piercer.

The Blood-Piercer was the cruel evolution of the Rhino. Unlike the Elephant, the Rhino didn't grow up very much. Instead, they gained a Force ability that allowed them to absorb blood and therefore the life force of their victims. This in turn allowed the Blood-Piercer to become more powerful. When a Blood-Piercer grew up large enough, it developed another broken ability which transformed them into unstoppable juggernauts as soon as they picked up enough momentum. Red energy would then surround them and you had only one chance and that was to flee and hide. Because to make it even worse, the Blood-Piercer who had evolved from herbivores, became blood lusted monsters who chased anything that was in their height and danger range containing blood. 

"Stop!" Davorka whispered. 

Everyone understood what was going on, even Gaius. The children were taught the different flora and fauna to watch out for. Everyone needed to know all of the dangers in order to pass it down to the next generation. 

"We retreat. Stay as quiet as possible."

The group moved back slowly, but their retreat was futile. The Blood-Piercer had already picked up their scent and was rushing towards them. So the second tactic had to be used. 

"Scatter!" Davorka shouted and everyone took off in a different direction. 

She herself made sure to be noticed by the Blood-Piercer. It was a form of sacrifice to get the beast's attention, but Davorka was an experienced warrior who would never give up that easily. The survival of the many was more important than one life, though. She knew that should she die, it would save the others and that was all that mattered to her. Unity was the humans of Ryget Ten's greatest strength. Through unity and the thought of the whole group, they managed to survive these times, despite them being in decline and facing extinction. 


The monstrous Blood-Piercer broke through the tree line, destroying the trees in the process and chased after Davorka. She was running for her life and used the difficult terrain to slow the beast down. But it wasn't working. The Blood-Piercer while still young, had reached the 4 or even 5 meters height mark, allowing him to use the juggernaut ability. Using its momentum the red aura charged and allowed him to bulldoze through any obstacle. 

Feeling the beast approaching fast, Davorka changed directions to regain some distance. She tried to use the undamaged jungle as a means to hide from it, but that wasn't working out well, since the Blood-Piercer was on her tail again. The process continued and after a few minutes of running at full speed, the monster's aura hit her and threw her off her feet. 


She falls to the ground but changes her position correctly to roll off the ground and get on her feet again. She notices that they have arrived at a barren area, with almost no trees. This is bad as it allows the Blood-Piercer to see her at all times and takes all advantages away from her. She understands her situation and knows that this is it. This is her last stand. Her teammates should be far enough away by now to make this effort worth it. She takes her sword into her hand. Weapons on Ryget Ten are swords, shields and bow and arrows. Blasters are very rare. The energy to fill the batteries is almost impossible to create and the necessary knowledge to create more or use the natural resources to make them was lost over time. 

Just like farming is impossible, the excavation of minerals is just as impossible. The monsters living in caves or dark areas are far too dangerous. So humanity devolved to use swords and other medieval weapons. 

The Blood-Piercer looks at Davorka and exhales loudly. There is madness and bloodlust in its eyes. Davorka calms down her nerves and makes peace with her situation. The beast starts to run. Faster and faster it closes the distance between them. It lowers its head to impale Davorka with its horn and just as it is about to strike ...


A body crashes into the storming beast.

Davorka's eyes widen as she notices who it is ... Gaius. He returned for her and didn't let her die like that. Her heart swells with pride seeing him here, saving her from certain death, her head on the other hand is angry at him for throwing away his life like this. 

But that is not what Gaius thinks at all. 


Grabbing the head of the Blood-Piercer was the only chance for Gaius to get a good hold on the monster. It was just too tall otherwise. But the moment it was about to pierce Davorka, the Blood-Pierced had its head lowered and that was the moment Gaius used. 

He pushed using his already monstrous strength at merely one year old. When he grows up, he will be the strongest in terms of pure strength and speed among his brothers Primarchs. Thanks to the Essence of the Lost Primarch that is a given. So his strength right now is enough to deal with the 7 tons beast that is the Blood-Piercer. 

But he is not fully grown yet. This is his first fight against such a powerful beast as dangerous as the Blood-Piercer. 


The beast roars in anger and pushes his legs into the ground, trying to stop Gaius' momentum. After that, he tries to shake his head and throw the Primarch off of him. Noticing this, Gaius tries to do damage. He pulls his left arm back, balls his hand into a fist and brings it down hard on the side of the Blood-Piercer's head. 



The animal roars in anger and pain. It actually felt that. Using more strength and fuelled by anger, it manages to shake Gaius off of him and throw him into the air. This is a terrible position for Gaius to be in though as he has no way to dodge what comes next. 

Davorka widens her eyes. What happens next she sees in slow motion. The bending of the monster's head, the falling of Gaius and then the upward thrust ...


The horn of the Blood-Piercer impales Gaius' stomach, piercing him in one go. All the air leaves Gaius, but not his will to survive and win. On the contrary, the fire in his eyes starts to burn even hotter. Everything else becomes quiet as Gaius' arms strengthen and bulge as he uses all of his strength to push himself off of the horn. The ability to absorb all of his victims' blood, doesn't seem to work fully, as Gaius finally pushes himself off, despite the suction. 

"Haa haa haa ..." Gaius breathes hard and takes deep breaths. The blood is flowing out of his stomach, but strangely already stops as soon as he takes a few deep breaths. The Blood-Piercer's eyes meanwhile darken suddenly. 

Having tasted the divine blood of the Primarch, the monster has lost all reason. It grew stronger in this short time and there was nothing that could compare to it. He was addicted and needed more. Seeing red, the monster charged immediately and started to attack Gaius. The latter's body had miraculously started to heal, despite it taking time and he ignored everything. 

He bent his knees and waited for the right time. At this moment, something inside Gaius seemed to awaken. Something primal. Like a switch inside his mind, soul and body that was turned on, his entire demeanour changed. His body began to emit an aura that was unlike the galaxy, no even the universe hadn't seen before. 

Mighty beyond all sense of the word, Gaius was like a dying star that starts out in the void of space to see and build its power over millions of kilometres as it erupts into a supernova and swallows all matter, burning it all to nothingness. His physical form was the instant before the end came and all who looked upon him knew it. 

The Blood-Piercer, a monster with strong instincts would have noticed this change in Gaius' aura. It would have made it stop in its tracks. But now, it had lost all reason and was storming towards its own doom. The battle had been decided the moment the change happened inside Gaius. 

*Boom boom boom*

The powerful and heavy steps of the Bood-Piercer were heard and felt as it attacked Gaius. Once again it lowered its head instinctively to pierce its prey. But this time, it had made a mistake. For it wasn't Gaius who was the prey, but the Blood-Piercer. 


The horn flies past Gaius as he dodges to the side. At the same moment, he once again grabs the head of the beast and is pulled up by the movement of its head. When the head comes down though, something marvellous happens. Using all of his strength, Gaius manages to touch the ground with his feet and pulls off a shoulder throw, also called Seoi-Nage. The beast is lifted off the ground and then slammed into the ground. 


The blow rattles the entire body of the beast and does quite a bit of internal damage. But that is not yet all. Not by a long shot. Gaius once again starts to hit the head of the monster. All of his strength and focus is put into the punches and the position as well as the damage of the Blood-Piercer make it impossible to retaliate. He has to take all the damage and the pain. 



Then the sound of the skull breaking is heard and Gaius' fist breaks through the bone, piercing the beast's brain in one go, finally killing it. 


I hope the fight was acceptable. Tell me if I can do something better in the future. 

Please vote in the auxiliary chapter on the path, Gaius should take. The Successor or the Trump Card.