
Ryget Ten

Deep beneath the Imperial Palace in the Himalazian Mountains, lies a laboratory. This laboratory belongs to the Emperor of Mankind and is currently the scene of his most important and greatest creation yet. The creation of his sons, who should lead humanity into the future and guide it as well as unite it under one banner. His Primarchs. 

Each of the Primarchs was imbued with special traits and abilities that would help them in their work. They were intended to be the immortal and superhuman generals and proconsuls who would command the Emperor's Great Crusade to reunite the scattered Human race beneath His leadership. There was no love involved and despite crafting the 21 individual superhuman genomes using His own arcane Perpetual genetic code as the base without resorting to the use of cloning is unknown to present Imperial science, he saw himself as their creator and not their father. 

Carefully inscribed arcane glyphs of protection were seen on the 21 Primarchs' gestation capsules. Around the gene-vault the most powerful Gellar Field ever made was working as hard as it could, protecting the infant Primarchs against any threat. At least that's what was supposed to happen. 

Unfortunately, this protection proved insufficient, for the Ruinious Powers, immaterial beings of chaotic nature learned of the Emperor's plans and the existence of the Primarch Project. They decided they had no wish to see His attempt to weaken their power succeed by extending His new order of reason and scientific progress across the Human-settled worlds of the galaxy.

Suddenly, a powerful psychic storm kicked up and in a combined effort, the Runinious Powers reached across the material plane and destroyed the protections around the gene vault. Chaos ensured as the vault was ripped open with malevolent chaotic psychic energy. A massive localised Warp rift was created within the gene vaults of the palace, deep under the Himalazian Mountains on Terra where the Primarchs were gestating. A monstrous suction pulled the 21 gestation capsules containing the Emperor's unborn sons through it, scattering them across the galaxy.

One capsule was different though. In the final moment of this 'heist', the Emperor burst into the gene vault and tried to use his immense psyker powers to stop the process from happening and save the capsules. But it was all for nought. The struggle of the Emperor might not have saved his children, but something special did still happen. The Runinious Powers lost control over one of the capsules. Said special capsule, with the Roman number XXI on it, seemingly changed direction entirely and exited the Warp without them being the wiser. There was something special about the 21st capsule and the baby lying inside it. For one, it shouldn't even exist. 


In a galaxy far far away, above a planet torn by dangerous races and monstrous carnivours and fauna, a small portal opened. Through this portal, a capsule shoots out and flies towards the planet. The speed of the capsule causes it to heat up upon entering the atmosphere and ignite. Many creatures on the planet's surface observe the strange meteor falling and then feel it impact the ground. 


A massive planet-wide earthquake shakes the tectonic plates and declares to everyone, that someone has arrived. Someone who would bring change to this planet and this galaxy as a whole. 

Ryget Ten was a planet unlike any other in the galaxy. The reason for this is the flora and fauna of the planet, which makes it practically impossible for humans or other species to settle there. The reason for this is this special energy that exists on the planet and the galaxy as a whole. This energy in the galaxy is a ... force that permeates everything. Everything started with the Cosmic Force. The Cosmic Force was the wellspring from which the Living Force, the energy of all life, sprang into all living things, and into which all life was feeding upon death, becoming one with it.

Together, the cosmic force and the living force are the two parts making up the energy field created by and also penetrating and surrounding all living things, that is, life, death, rebirth, and everything in between - the Force. The Cosmic Force binds all things, through and transcends space and time, and is connected to destiny itself. Through the Cosmic Force, midi-chlorians birthed in Wellspring of Life, the foundation connecting the Cosmic Force with the Living Force, formed a symbiotic relationship with living beings and communicated to them the will of the Cosmic Force. Because of this nothing will occur in the galaxy by accident.

Midi-chlorian is the scientific name for a species of sentient and microscopic organisms that inhabit the cells of every life form. Their existence was integral to the all-encompassing energy field - the Force, connecting the Living Force to the Cosmic Force. By serving as the link between the two aspects of the Force, the midi-chlorians make it possible to achieve immortality after death. With sufficient training and total immersion in the light side of the Force, the deceased could preserve their identity in the form of a Force spirit after becoming one with the Force.

In addition to their connection with the Force, midi-chlorians live in a symbiotic relationship with their organic hosts - a bond that was especially strong with Force-sensitive beings, who possess a high quantity of midi-chlorians in their cells. This mutually advantageous relationship allows the midi-chlorians to communicate the will of the Force to their Force-sensitive symbionts, who are capable of utilizing the powers of the Force through the midi-chlorians. The more of these tiny organisms a being possessed, the greater potential for power in the force a being had. An average living being had around 2,500 midi-chlorians per cell, while a Force-sensitive being had a minimum count of around 4,000 to 5,000.


But why is that important to understand the danger of Ryget Ten? The reason this is important is that the 'concentration' of pure Cosmic Force in that location, on the planet Ryget Ten, has given birth to monstrous amounts of Living Force. Unlike the Light side or Dark side of the Force and planets that are strong in one side, Ryget Ten is simply neutral. The Force is so rich and highly concentrated, that it changed the ecosystem. The environment changed. Monsters as tall as mountains or even larger emerged, dangerous creatures, carnivores and also the flora became dangerous. Life and death were closely connected and the planet represented the principle of 'Survival of the fittest'. 

No one knows when this started, but it had to have been a long time ago. The Jedi, who were self-proclaimed peacekeepers of the galaxy didn't dare to travel to Ryget Ten, despite some Grandmasters of the Order knowing about it. The planet was simply too dangerous. No matter who tried it in the past, be it Jedi or Sith, they all died. 


Ryget Ten was a peculiar planet. There was only a single contingent. One landmass that encompasses almost everything. There is plenty of water all around, but not like a distant blue planet called Terra in a completely different galaxy. There was one large ocean where almost constant Force storms caused havoc. There was something positive about these storms though. They barred access to most of the truly ginormous creatures that exist on the 'Dark Continent'. Dark Continent is the name the very few humans call the rest of the world that surrounds the ocean. 

While life on Ryget Ten was truly dangerous, it is not entirely impossible. The dangerous creatures that pass the ocean and attack the human settlements are many, but humans have learned to deal with them. They live simple lives, constantly on the move from one safe place to another. The reason for their survival was also the reason the planet was so dangerous, the Force. Due to the high 'concentration' of the Force, the humans also had Force sensitives among their ranks. Those who could use the Force offensively and protect themselves. However, this was dangerous too, since all creatures on the planet were Force-sensitive and the most powerful creatures among them could use the Force to unimaginable degrees and would sense if someone tapped deeply into the Force. 

So humans had to be careful. At all times. 



Davorka held on to her crumbling house and looked around their settlement. Their village was quite badly damaged, but thankfully, not as much as one might think. Humans on Ryget Ten are very adaptable. They had to be in order to survive. Their tribal spirit guardian, Omran as he was called, held together most of the buildings they had created, to make sure not everything was destroyed. 

Davorka was an experienced warrior in her tribe. She was one of the few who understood what they were fighting against, unlike others who had long forgotten and were just going about their day. Omran who used the power, as it was known in their tribe, was the de facto leader, but not in all things. Female and male roles were not fully defined. Everyone had to fight in order for the whole tribe to survive. So while it was a Patriarchy, it was not a usual one. Survival was the most important thing, first and foremost. 

"What do you think it was?" Davorka asks the panting Omran.

"I don't know ... but the movements of the World Eater do not feel this way. I can only assume that it was something else."

"An even greater danger? Another titan?"

Titan was the name for the biggest category of monsters on the planet. The different tribes of humans had the same words they used for them. 

"I don't know. I hope not," Omran says. 

"What did you feel from the power cosmic?" Davorka asked. 

"A great disturbance. There is something that landed on our planet, which shakes the power cosmic and it unnerves me. I know that whatever it was, will attract any living creature, anything with instinct will be called towards it."

"You mean-"

"Yes, we have to either hurry up or not think about going at all."

Davorka thought about it for a moment and then nodded her head. 

"Very well, I will assemble a strike team and then leave at once. I have a feeling that this will be tremendously important for some reason. It might be the chance for us to finally live without fear."

Omran nodded his head. He trusted Davorka's judgement. They had known each other for a very long time and her instincts were never wrong. As a Force-sensitive, that was indeed impressive. He was a very powerful Force-sensitive, and yet Davorka had an impeccable instinct. 


The small group consisting of three tribesmen set off. Omran had told them the general direction of the impact and where the Force was the most nervous. The three tribesmen consisted of Davorka as the leader and chief warrior, Nayla a healer who was Force-sensitive and Amron a strong fighter in combat. Together they moved silently and like lightning through the trees of the jungle. They avoided the deadly plants and dangerous creatures with the skill that spoke of years of experience. 

In the tribe, everyone was a warrior. There were many Force-sensitive who needed to learn how to use their gifts as they were the lifeline of the tribe. The one thing that allowed humans to survive up to this point. Everyone else, needed to know how to fight. The strength of all humans who survived on Ryget Ten was much higher than normal ones in the galaxy. Generations of skill were passed down and the young ones were trained as soon as they knew how to walk. There were no feasts and no celebrations. Another day at being alive was its own reward. 

The three reached the place where the capsule had crashed. A ginormous crater could be seen and the three slowly approached the small capsule. When they saw what was inside, they were more than surprised. 

"An infant?!"

"What is going on?" Amron asks and looks around. He checks the surroundings believing there to be other tribes. 

"Let's not touch it for no-" Davorka starts but stops when she sees Nayla pressing a button and opening the capsule. 

"Ohh, look at him. He is the most adorable one I have ever seen. And so clean as well ... oh, look at you," Nayla smiles and takes the infant into her hands. The small Primarch opens his eyes seeing the woman and starts to giggle. 

"Nayla don't touch that. Who knows whether this is truly a human? It might be another trick of a monster," Amron says having seen thousands of tricks from the monsters. 

"Nonsense. This is a baby and we will take him with us. I can feel it. This one will be our little treasure."



Please vote on the specific path he should take in the auxiliary chapter.