
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 7 The First Real Day of School.

After they both finished eating they walked back to the dorms and talked until they heard a knock on the door. It was instructor Raul he handed them both two high tech smart phones and then spoke to them. " These phones are more high tech then your run of the mill phones we use on earth. They store your credits you earn here at school, function as a high tech scanner, and can also be used as a communicator in even the most remote places. The school will be using these to send your schedules and instructors can use them to get ahold of you about assignments. There is an amount of 1,000 credits on these every month to help you with meals and any other things you may need. You can also can connect more money cards to these and transfer your own credits to them. That's all I have for you two today, tomorrow you two will go back to the portal room we came in from today for combat class at 8am sharp." With that instructor Raul left them.

They both decided to try and get some sleep after chatting for a little longer. Dante was excited for tomorrow to see how real combat was. Little did he know instructor Raul was the cruelest instructor the school had seen in years. They both fell asleep pretty quickly from the busy day they had today.

The boys both woke up to their alarms going off at 7. They quickly got dressed and brushed their teeth and went to the cafeteria for food. They learned that the 3 main meals they had a day were free but if they wanted more food they had to spend their own credits on it. They both ate together again and then left for the portal warehouse.

When they got there it was a small class of 20 students and a wall full of basic equipment. After Raul had seen all the students gathered together her explained what today would consist of. "Today we will venture into a level 1 dungeon. Before you all freak out I will be monitoring everything and nothing there should be able to kill any of you. Not saying minor injuries won't happen but we have some of the best healers around at our school. We will also make groups of 4 that I have already selected for you. I will also be giving you 2 pieces of basic equipment if you don't have any or if you don't want to use your own. With that being said listen up for your groups and then grab your equipment."

Surprisingly enough Dante and Victor were in the same group along with two others that were in their original testing group. The other two were Timmithy Whitlock and Lillith Rosaly. Everyone had their own weapons in their group besides Dante so he went to look at the equipment by himself. As soon as he got to the weapon racks he got a prompt from his system.

(System recommends Dante activate new skill eye inspection.) Dante did as he was told and stated to look at all the weapons. All of them said relatively the same thing low tier monster weapons. A select few had caught his eye because even though they were low tier some had a stat bonus of couple points. He skimmed over a few short swords, spears, a couple great swords, but at the very end of the racks he saw something special that caught his eye.

When he inspected it he saw they were actually a pair, ( Black Wolf Gauntlets and Boots +5 strength + 5 agility +5 endurance for the pair being equipped at the same time.) he read these stat boosts and couldn't help but to smile as they would be perfect for his fighting style. They also were the only equipment that gave multiple bonuses instead of just 1. He picked them up and showed instructor Raul his choice and made sure that he was allowed to take them.

Raul had seen Dante careful looking at each piece of equipment. He knew they were all low tier equipment but some of them had different status effects so he figured the boy had a good eye for equipment. Raul never guessed he would of picked the best equipment out of the bunch though. Dante had managed to snag the only equipment that functioned as a pair and had the best status boost.

When the boy walked over and asked him if that was alright Raul had to make sure the boy knew what he was doing so he spoke " you know with this equipment you will have to be in every monsters face right? The gauntlets and boots are a good pair for someone who uses their fist and feet to fight while also giving a slight boost to defense." Dante replied with " sir I'm an orphan boy who only has a little experience in fighting but all the fighting I've done is without weapons with my own body. So I do think this is the best possible choice for me right now if you are okay with it." Raul nodded his head and told the boy to go back to his group.

After Dante finished putting the equipment on Raul started to speak again. " As most of you know monsters start off at the low tier then they go as the following. Low tier, middle tier, high tier, epic tier, legendary tier, god tier, and immortal tier. Today we will only be going into a low tier dungeon so it should be easy in our groups of 4. You should all work together because the group with the highest score of monster kills will be rewarded. Now I will explain a little about the recent developments we have discovered when going into dungeons. We believe most of these dungeon's actually come from other planets. Every dungeon has a boss at the end if you can make it that far. Low tier dungeons can have anywhere from 100 monsters to 500 monsters. Each tier up will of course have more monsters. Finally their are usually more then one type of monster or species of monster in each dungeon and of course the more tiers you move up the more the variety of monsters will differ. If you didn't know every monster has a monster core the higher the tier the better the core. Core locations vary but almost all of them are where the heart should be located. You are allowed to take these cores but the government takes half of your cores since these are our dungeons. With that my explanation is over. We will be heading through the first portal on the left the yellow color on it indicates even though it's low level it's getting full of monsters. Line up in groups and start going through group one is Victor Kromwell, Dante Williams, Timmithy Whitlock, and Lillith Rosaly. We will go in 5 minute intervals that way we don't run into each other. The portal will land you in different spots unless you hold onto each other so make sure your group is holding onto one another or else you will be scattered. First group go now and be careful."