
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8. My First Dungeon Experience

Victor walked ahead first with Dante holding his shoulder then Timmithy doing the same to Dante and Lillith doing the same to Timmithy. When they walked through the portal all they could see was a damp cave with not much light. The occasional torch could be seen and some bones scattered everywhere. They could hear some weird chattering up ahead but no one could understand it. Victor shushed everyone and got low to the ground in a crouch and they all followed.

After a short minute of walking they saw their first monsters for the hunt a group of 12 goblins. It looked like 6 warrior goblins and 6 goblin mages. Victor whispered to the group " Dante and I should take the front since you two are long range fighters it appears" he said while looking at Lilliths bow and Timmithys guns. They both nodded and agreed with that. Dante however asked a question quietly " what about cores? Do we split them according to kills or wait until the end?" Victor replied " I'm fine with splitting them by kills what about you two?" They both agreed to split them by kills also. Vic held up his hand and counted down from 3 to signal their charge.

When his last finger dropped Dante and Vic ran out at full speed. Dante was a little faster and activated his skill strength booster 20% and struck the closest goblin mage in the head with his gauntlets. Much to his surprise the goblin head actually basically exploded from the force behind the gauntlets. He saw his system flickered but he didn't have time to read it because the other goblins had noticed them by then. As soon as they were noticed Victor had arrived and managed to chop off another goblin mages head in a single blow. It seems Victor and Dante had the same idea to try and take out the long rage goblin mages first.

3 of the Goblin warriors each went towards the two boys closest. The goblin mages tried to back off but two were killed by each Lillith and Timmithy. Seeing this Victor and Dante rushed the last two of the mages. Victor threw a wind slash that cut a mage in half in one slice. Dante on the other hand rushed to the other one and threw a kick at its head the head once again basically exploded but this time from the boots impact. After that the goblin warriors fell upon the boys trying to hit them with crude swords and axes.

Lillith and Timmithy saw the boys being surrounded and looked at each and each took a couple shots managing to kill another goblin each. Vic and Dante on the other hand we're moving gracefully managing to block attacks with their equipment or completely dodging the attacks all together before counterattacking. Vic swung his great sword and managed to hit both the goblins surrounding him and killing then in a single blow. Not wanting to be outdone Dante did a swift roundhouse kick and managed to knock off both the warriors heads.

While the two boys were locating the goblins cores the other two of their group walked up and started taking their two cores each. After Dante had managed to get his 4 cores each he stuck them in his backpack and finally saw his system flashing. He quickly opened it and read the following.

(Exp bonus of 1,000 points for the first goblin mage ever killed.

Exp 100 goblin mage

Exp bonus of 1,000 points for the first goblin Warrior ever killed.

Exp 100 goblin warrior

Exp total 2,200 out of 2,000 cap reached for next level. Level up initiated level 5 reached 10 status points awarded for level up. Passive skill Soul Devourer used for first goblin mage killed please pick one of the following skills. Fireball lvl F(mana consumption 5 points per skill use), Water bullet lvl F( mana consumption 5 points per use), or Ice bullet lvl F( mana consumption 5 points per use). Dante thought about it and picked Fireball.

Passive Soul Devourer used for first time kill of a goblin warrior please pick one of the following skills.

Goblins Cloak( MP cost 5. makes user more quiet for 5 minutes) lvl F, Goblins Ears ( MP cost 5. user has better hearing for 5 minutes) lvl F, or Goblins Regeneration ( MP cost 5. Health regeneration at a slow rate of 5 points of health every minute lasts for 10 minutes) lvl F. Dante thought about it and this one was hard but he went with Goblins Regeneration. He looked at his stats and decided to put 5 points into charms since he hadn't put any in that area yet and the other 5 into endurance. Now his status looked like this.

Human lvl 5 200 exp out of 5,000 (4,800 required for next level.)

Strength 25 (+5 because of equipment=30)

Endurance 20 (+5 because of equipment=25)

Agility 25 (+5 because of equipment=30)

Intelligence 20

Charms 15

Luck 15

Health 140

Mana 140 ( mana used once today for -5 points for a total of 135 left).

Skills Strength booster 20% lvl F(5 points of mana for 5 minute duration), Eye Inspection lvl F(no cost), Fireball lvl F (5 points of mana per use), Goblins Regeneration lvl F(5 points of mana for +5 health regeneration every minute for 10 minutes).

Passive skill Soul Devourer ( resting will replenish health and mana over a period of time).