
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6. Bully Beat Down and Another Gift.

With both the boys being at 100 HP (health points) they were both ready to end this quickly. Instead of waiting on Frank this time Dante rushed in with an attack. He quickly threw a combo of two punches at franks head and chin and then threw a kick at Franks chest. Each blow landed on Frank like train hitting him. (100-75=25 HP) Frank was too stunned at this point from the blows to notice Dante wasn't stopping there. Dante quickly threw out another punch aimed at the Franks chin and Frank was knocked out. Upon seeing Frank knocked out the other bully he was named Ivan Locust was shocked but before Frank hit the ground Ivan took off charging at Dante. Dante heard the other bully rushing at him and quickly turned to face him. Ivan threw a feint at him acting like he was going to punch him in the face but actually hit his ribs (100-20= 80HP). Dante grunted with this punch and decided to try a feint of his own. He acted like he was going to punch Ivan in the side but instead threw a sloppy round house kick to Ivan's face.

The kicked landed on Ivan's cheek and blood flew out( 110-30=80HP). Ivan was surprised by the force behind Dante's blows but quickly recovered. He saw Dante rushing at him again and Ivan quickly threw a kick at the side of Dante's leg. To his surprise Dante caught this leg and brought an elbow down on it before throwing Ivan by the leg several feet away. Ivan rolled out of the throw quickly checking his legs condition the blow had hurt but no bones were broke (80-20=60 HP). Ivan hurriedly got up and rushed at Dante throwing a combo of punches two of the punches misses Dante because of his agility but the 3rd caught Dante's cheek and blood flew out his mouth(80-20=60HP). Dante took this moment to spin with the punch acting like it hurt him more then it actually did and used his momentum to do another roundhouse kick this time hitting Ivan in the ribs(60-30=30.

With this kick Ivan could no longer catch his breath for a few moments and Dante noticed this. Dante quickly finished this fight by throwing another two punches in quick succession. One landed upon Ivan's stomach and the next hit his cheek, more blood flew out of Ivan's mouth before he landed on the ground unconscious. This whole time the kid who was being bullied just stood there with his mouth agape. He couldn't understand how the first year beat the duo in quick succession the whole fight only last 3 minutes.

He quickly got up and introduced himself. "My name is Barry Smith and I'm sorry I dragged you into this. These two have a little group of thugs so I'm sorry to say but they may target you for sticking up for me. I'm used to this treatment by now, I appreciate you sticking up for me, but I don't wish to cause you any issues." Dante looked at Barry up and down before speaking " get yourself to the infirmary Barry make sure you aren't seriously injured. I can take care of myself but you will need to stick up for yourself if they won't ever leave you alone." With that Dante walked off to the cafeteria wiping the blood off of his mouth.

As soon as he walked away his system flickered again. ( mission accomplished 2 levels and 20 free status points awarded. 1 free skill awarded as a bonus skill eye inspection level F no mana consumption used.) Dante looked at his stats once again.

Lvl 4 human

Strength 20

Endurance 10

Agility 20

Intelligence 10

Charms 10

Luck 10

Health 130 (60 points remaining.)

Mana 130 (120 points remaining.)

(Health and mana will go up 10 points for every level up.) 30 unused status points still available. Would you like to use them now? Dante thought about it and hit yes. He decided to put 5 both into strength and agility. Then he put 10 points into intelligence. And split the remaining 10 into endurance and luck. His stats now looked like this

Strength 25

Endurance 15

Agility 25

Intelligence 20

Charms 10

Luck 15

Health 130

Mana 130

Skills strength booster 20% level F, and eye inspection level F.

Passive skill soul devourer

Seeing his growth Dante couldn't help but be excited just in a single day his level went up 3 times and he felt so much stronger and faster. His mind also seemed to work faster now. Little did he know someone had been following him to make sure he didn't get into too much trouble.

Victor stepped out from behind a tree he had waited on Dante to leave the building before following him just to make sure he didn't get ganged up on by the upperclassman here. Dante wasn't aware of the school situation like Victor was , only the strong people here lasted long and the strong had no issues picking on the weak. The teachers didn't care and looked the other way as long as no one was killed.

Victor was about to step in when he saw Dante confronting the two bullies, but he decided he wouldn't step in unless Dante was in real trouble. He didn't want to embarrass the person he was trying to befriend. He saw how quickly Dante dealt with them and how little damage he managed to take even fighting year twos. Victor was impressed as he watched how fast Dante reacted and handled the two.

Victor hurriedly followed after Dante and when the later went up to get his food Victor decided to approach him. Victor spoke up behind him while grabbing some food for himself " you want to sit together?" Dante was caught off guard but quickly replied " yeah we can sit together, I thought you would already be done eating and sitting with another group." Victor replied " eh everyone else isn't as cool." They both chuckled at his reply and took their trays to sit at an empty table. They managed to eat their food in peace.