
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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A convoy of tyrants is covertly making its way to the outskirts of the Las Vegas base, with special individuals within the city drawing the attention of zombies. The assault is poised to commence at the last possible moment.

"Are we all set?"

"Sir, everything's in order. Once the informant deactivates the base's defenses and opens the entrance, the tyrants will storm in immediately."

Wesker smirks, producing a communicator and entering a series of commands. The gate of the Las Vegas base begins to slowly open, and a group of people emerges.

Wesker gestures, and silently, hundreds of tyrants infiltrate the base.

"Alice, this is the clearest decision you've ever made."

"Hope! What about your promise to us?"

A vial of green liquid is tossed over—its vibrant hue signaling hope.

"Is this the air-dispersed agent for the T virus?"

"Yes, but you'll have to wait until we secure the base before using it. Otherwise, they'll react, and you'll know the consequences."

"I understand," Alice carefully stows away the potion. 

Wesker sneers, covers his headset, and inquires, "How's the situation?"

"Sir... we're in trouble." The operator gazes at the tyrant's provided screen in horror.

Upon entering the base, each tyrant is instantly obliterated by a beam of light, leaving no trace. The light continues unabated, punching sizable holes in the walls.

Not a single shot lasts, yet they see no one! "What the hell is going on?"

Alice senses something amiss from Wesker's expression. As she prepares to slip away unnoticed, the rhythmic sounds of precise footsteps echo from the base.

On the screen, S1 and others, clad in black battle suits, emerge in unison, brandishing unfamiliar weapons. The scent of blood dissipates in the air.

The ground trembles as a previously unknown weapon fires—no zombie can withstand it. Why is there no intel on this in their briefing?

Wesker glances at Alice, appearing poised to take drastic action. Alice shakes her head, indicating their lack of knowledge about this weapon.

S1 questions, "Aren't they supposed to fight with their fists? What's this weapon?"

In moments, the light envelops everything, and the gunshots, though dull, echo through the air. Each shot claims a multitude of zombies. After a few rounds, the exterior still shows signs of zombies—now reduced to a heap of decaying flesh.

Da da da! Footsteps resound from behind, prompting S1 and others to stand at attention with serious expressions.

Varion emerges from beneath the base, cradling Anna, and approaches Alice. He hands Anna to Carlos.

"You left in a hurry and left her behind."

The voice is calm, and Carlos tightens his grip on Amna, offering comfort. His initially panicked eyes ease a bit. Leaving a child alone in the base was an oversight.

Guilt flickered in Carlos's eyes as he confronted Varion. He wasn't remorseful for himself, but for the actions he had taken.


"That's right, Dr. Varion."

Varion chimed in, seizing the opportunity to introduce a futuristic firearm. "By the way, let me introduce this to you. It's our standard firearm, not just fistfights. You'd call it a Gauss rifle in your neck of the woods."

"The power's impressive."

Wesker raised an eyebrow, Varion smirking at the understatement. In Umbrella, it was still a concept. To actually possess such technology was a testament to its maturity.

The Gauss rifle utilized an electromagnetic coil, generating a magnetic force to propel bullets when a strong electric current passed through. Varion, in his time, tinkered with it to ensure his people wouldn't be left fighting bare-fisted. The specially made bullets penetrated tank armor effortlessly, with a range of 10 kilometers. The recoil was substantial, but that posed no problem for the Kryptonians.

Varion, standing before Wesker, posed a curious question. "Even if you manage to take this base today, what's your fate?"

He shifted his gaze to Alice, questioning her ability to face Isaac. "Honestly, ten nuclear bombs are on their way. Blow lightly, and you all die. The wind-borne medicine in your hands becomes useless."

Alice, pale-faced, confronted Varion. "You knew? Why did you still..."

"I knew since Wesker first contacted you. As for letting you mess around, do you care what an ant thinks when you step on it?"

"In my eyes, your behavior is childlike, cute..."

A sudden roar echoed, the ground trembling. Stones rolled, and wind-blown sand filled the air.

"What's happening?"

"Feels like something's emerging from the ground."

All eyes turned to the back of the base. Inside the hive base, Isaac observed the unfolding scene.

"This place... what is this?"

Both Isaac on the screen and Alice and her group were stunned, gazing upward as a colossal space ship materialized in the sky, its dominance undeniable.

"Mousse, how's the preparation?"

"Sir, everything's ready. Do we need to neutralize the nuclear bomb?"

"Destroy it. Detonate all the controlled nuclear bombs."

Everyone stared, Varion's words like a chilling autumn wind. If he detonated a nuclear bomb on Earth...

The plasma cannon under the research vessel intercepted all the incoming nuclear bombs. In outer space, a dazzling light marked the detonation.

"Come aboard!"

"Yes, Commander."

S1 received the order, two hundred Kryptonians boarding the research vessel. The Resident Evil world held little benefit for them. Varion, since leaving the DC universe, had planned to roam and plunder. Living in one place for decades or centuries and then moving to the next was impractical.

"Wait..." Wesker finally couldn't contain himself as Varion prepared to leave.

"What's on your mind?"

"Are you even human?"


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