
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantasi
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245 Chs

A New Companion

We have slain the goblins terrorizing the wolf pup and I began taking the Mana Crystals. Hyoran checks on the wolf pup. The wolf pup staggers forward and licks Hyoran's ankle.

"Is the wolf injured?" I said.

"Yeah, but it's not too bad" Hyoran said. I looked at the wolf pup to see that it is injured, but not fatal. The pup already stopped bleeding.

"System, check the wolf's stats."


<Name: Gray Wolf>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Beast(Wolf)>

<Rank: G>

<Skills: Wind Magic-I, Retaliation*>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

"Magic!? This early in rank as a Beast!? Plus, he's fighting these guys above his weight!" I shouted inwardly. Beast wielding magic doesn't appear once they reach E rank, but even that wasn't common. Beasts getting magic before rank E is much rarer than that.

"Should we bring him with us?" Hyoran said as she carried the wolf pup, cradling it.

"Yeah. We should end the hunt anyways." I said, assuming our battle made a disturbance. I notice that Hyoran is holding her nose while carrying this wolf pup.

"Why're you holding your nose?" I said.

"Your hands are covered in goblin blood. And it smells." Hyoran said. The wolf pup covered the nose with his paws and whined. I looked at myself with my hands stained in blood, as if my hands were painted red. Then suddenly, something sparked inside me...something distant.

"Monster!" one male voice said, echoing in my head.

"You took my family!" said another, but a female voice.

"You're nothing but a menace to the nation!" said another female voice. More voices gradually enter my mind getting louder. I stare blankly at my hands, yet my breathing gets faster.

"Kain?" Hyoran called out to me. The voices in my head vanished and I broke out of the trance.

"You go on ahead, I'll follow." I replied.

We began running back to the bridge we crossed. We returned to the village with our supplies, spoils of war, and a new friend. Ezo went out of the house to greet us in open arms.

"Kain, Hyoran!" Ezo said happily. He notices that my hands are covered in blood and smelled the goblin blood which was pungent. His face contorted from the stench.

"Goodness, Kain. You look like you went through war." Ezo said, pinching his nose. He looked at Hyoran and noticed that she is holding an injured wolf pup.

"That gray wolf pup...how did you find it?" Ezo said.

"He was howling for help. He's also fighting four goblins by himself." Hyoran said.

"Where was the goblins located?" Ezo said.

"Near the bridge." I said. Ezo furrowed and leaned forward.

"Did you cross the bridge?" Ezo said in a strict tone. Hyoran's ears flopped down, it's a dead giveaway that she was guilty. Ezo sighed. "I told you two not to cross that bridge because of the monsters are more dangerous."

"I'm sorry. I dragged Kain into this too." Hyoran said, admitting. I couldn't let her take all the blame.

"I was wrong too, I didn't stop her." I said.

"Stop. As long you two are safe, that's all it matters." Ezo said. "Now go inside, wash up, and we'll treat the wolf's injuries."

Hyoran gave the wolf pup to Ezo and we went inside. We went outside to wash ourselves since it is hot outside. The blood that was once on me was gone along with the dirt, a mere stain washed clean. After washing up we checked on our new friend we found in the forest and had its wounds covered in bluish purple paste. Ah, a Hyue Flower. Hyue Flowers have either blue or purple petals and is known for its healing properties, very common in the Nolten Forest. However, they are bitter to taste.

I talk to Tuya who is treating the wolf.

"How's the wolf?" I said.

"The wolf pup's no longer in danger and sleeping soundly. For it to be like this, its parents must've died." Tuya said.

"When he wakes up, I'll name him." I said. Naming a monster itself doesn't give any benefits to me or the monster, but it gives a form of connection...at least that what it does in the games. Also, it makes things easier.

"You're keeping him?" Tuya said.

"Yeah, can't have him go back even if he's fully recovered." I said.

"This is you and Hyoran's responsibility. You'll need to feed it, keep it occupied, and make sure it's happy. Understood?" Tuya said. I nodded in agreement.

"Good." Tuya said, smiling. She then hugged me tightly. My face pressed against Tuya's abdomen I looked up to see her icy cold hair and eyes. Despite her appearance, she gave me a warm smile. Just like how we met when I was a baby...that same smile.

"Look at you all grown up. At first, your father was worried that Hyoran might reject you, but she treats you like a brother." She said, cradling me. She squeezed me tightly and spun me around and let go of me. I chuckled and smiled. This is just as good back with my parents when I was alive, then it fell off since I began to show distrust to the government when they began to follow it. I wanted nothing to do with the government, but throughout the years, I became more negative towards it to the point I wanted to see it fall.

But this time...I don't have to worry about politicians lining up their pockets...for now at least. I didn't come here to live a simple life, tempting, but no.

{Hours later...}

Night falls again in the Nolten Forest. I walked into the kitchen where they took care of the wolf pup and see that he is all better, no bandages, but the scars are visible, just barely. It ran up to me and skipping around my legs, wagging its tail. I knelt down and petted him. I sat down on the floor and looked in its eyes.

He is my first monster on my way to power when it comes to Evolutionism, except he was a fully grown wolf.

"System, check the wolf's stats." I said.

<Name: Gray Wolf>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Beast(Wolf)>

<Rank: G>

<Skills: Wind Magic-I, Retaliation*>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

"System, is it possible to name this wolf?" I said.

[It is possible. Upon naming a monster, it will follow you wherever you go.]

"Does it need a requirement to name a monster?"

[A monster must show utmost loyalty to you. Whether it by saving it before death, being friendly with it, and so forth. Now that you saved it and treated its wounds, it is grateful towards you.]

"Not exactly. Hyoran did, but whatever. Is there benefits for monsters when named?"

[There are no benefits upon naming a monster.]

"So it is for convenience then. Okay, I'll name the monster."

[Upon naming the monster, it will respond to you and those you trust.]

"Then I'll name you...'Gris'. That will be your name." I said. I just gave him a simple name, nothing over the top. The wolf came to my face and began licking my cheek. Gris liked that name.

<Name: Gray Wolf-Gris>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Beast(Wolf)>

<Rank: G>

<Skills: Wind Magic-I, Retaliation*>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

"Gris, this is the start of our new friendship and welcome to the family." I said smiling. Gris barked happily. We played a bit outside to continue bonding for a bit. This wolf reminds me of my Siberian Husky named Colt. Colt and I were inseparable when I was a teenager. When he died, it was like losing another brother, but I was happy from the time I spent with him.

Gris and I went back into the house and to my bed. I picked up Gris and put him next to me on the bed.

"System, check my stats."

<Name: Kain Void>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human(???)>

<Rank: F>

<EP: 24500>

<Skills: Cold Resistance, Heat Resistance, Poison Resistance, Regeneration, Radiation Resistance, Appraisal, Pain Nullification>

<Unique Skills: [???], [???], Evolutionist, [???], [???], [???]>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

"I can go up a rank, right?"

[Yes, you can rank up as your body develops or spend EP.]

<Current Rank: F>

<EP required for Rank E: 10000 EP>

[Warning. Forcibly ranking up, may include drawbacks as host's body has not yet reached the development stage.]

"Development stage?"

[You are not yet a teenager. You have to be 13 years old.]

"I'm 10 years old...crap. Can I rank up Gris?"

<Gris' current rank: G>

<Rank F requirement: 3000 EP>

[Do you wish to proceed?]

"Not yet." I said, but I remembered something. I have Mana Crystals. I got off the bed silently as to avoid waking Gris. I rummaged through the pockets of my wolf pelt pants and grabbed four crystals.

"System, scan the crystals."

<Rank F mana crystal>

<Consume for 1000 EP?>

"I can consume it?"

[Yes. Consuming a mana crystal gives you power. Crush it to consume it.]

"I'll consume it." I squeezed the F crystal in my hand. As soon as I squeeze it, streaks of light left my hand and entered my body. As soon it does, it gave me a small boost of power.

[1000 EP acquired.]

<Rank E mana crystal>

[This crystal holds the skill Wind Magic.]

"Ah, sweet. I gotta be adaptable if I wanna survive."

[Upon obtaining this skill, you will earn 1500 instead of 2000. Proceed?]

"Bit of a trade-off, but sure."

[Notice. Skill Wind Magic-I acquired. 1500 EP acquired.]

<Rank E mana crystal>

[This crystal obtains Healing Magic and Regeneration.]

"Can I take both?"

[It is possible, but you will earn 1000 instead of 2000. Proceed?]

"Yes, I need more."

[1000 EP acquired.]

[Notice. Healing Magic-I and Regeneration skills acquired.]

[Notice. Duplicate skill detected.]

"Right, I already got Regeneration." I said.

[Evolve Regeneration to Accelerated Regeneration?]

"Woah...skill evolution?" I said, surprised.

[Skill evolution occurs when you obtain a duplicate skill. You can also evolve said skill by using EP. However, it becomes costly the further you evolve it.]

[Proceed Skill Evolution?]


[Now evolving skill...complete.]

[Notice. Accelerated Regeneration acquired.]

With this, I can worry a little less about damage along with healing magic.

<Rank F mana crystal>

[Notice. This crystal contains Earth Magic.]

"Take the Earth Magic."

[500 EP acquired.]

[Notice. Earth Magic-I obtained.]

With this, I will be more versatile when fighting monsters. Although I never saw the goblins use magic, but there are plenty more out there who can.

"Check my stats."

<Name: Kain Void>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human(???)>

<Rank: F>

<EP: 27000>

<Skills: Cold Resistance, Heat Resistance, Poison Resistance, Accelerated Regeneration*, Radiation Resistance, Appraisal, Pain Nullification, Wind Magic-I*, Healing Magic-I*, Earth Magic-I*>

<Unique Skills: [???], [???], Evolutionist, [???], [???], [???]>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

I smiled at the screen showing my newly acquired skills. Imagining myself hurling magic at monsters makes me chuckle. That Wind Magic though...I can imagine myself doing Guile's projectile move SONIC BOOM! Hehehehe...I can't wait.

Accelerated Regeneration: Able to recover wounds faster than normal.

Retaliation: The more injuries sustained, the greater the damage dealt.

The name 'Gris' is the french word for Gray.

The name 'Hyoran' is the japanese word for Ice Storm. It also has a kanji like this. 氷嵐

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