
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Next Hunting

[Power threshold exceeded. You are now rank F.]

Another 5 peaceful years has passed and Hyoran and I has gotten permission to hunt as long we don't go past the bridge where monsters start at rank F where no child or average villager can beat it. Here's my stats.

<Name: Kain Void>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human(???)>

<Rank: F>

<EP: 7000>

<Skills: Cold Resistance, Heat Resistance, Poison Resistance, Regeneration, Radiation Resistance, Appraisal, Pain Nullification, Enhanced Endurance>

<Unique Skills: [???], [???], Evolutionist, [???], [???], [???]>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Now Hyoran's stats...

<Name: Hyoran>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Beastkin-Wolf>

<Rank: E+>

<Skills: Cold Nullification, Ice Magic, Body Strengthening, Water Magic>

<Unique Skills: Beast Transformation>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Looks like she is nearing rank D at this point, but she is lacking skills and must know when to quit otherwise she'll be killed. Especially myself. On a bright sunny day, we wasted no time to prepare ourselves for hunting. I put on pants made out of the gray wolf's hide, a jacket out of wolf hide, and my feet? I'm barefoot. I've been barefoot before my Pain Nullification was unlocked which made sticks and stones become needles towards my feet. Since it's unlocked, it doesn't hurt, but it doesn't protect me from damage. Even if I did, my Regeneration would kick in.

"Hyoran, you ready?" I called out to her.

"Yeah, let's go." Hyoran said.

Hyoran's hair became longer and reached to her collarbone and her tail became longer, the length of my forearm. She is wearing shorts slightly above her knees and a vest out of wolf hide. There is a small opening in the back of her shorts so that her tail can go through.

I grabbed my two daggers, but it is straight, double-edged, and the blades are made of iron. This is better than the jagged dagger I once had. I noticed that Hyoran had no weapons on her.

"Where's your weapons?" I said. Hyoran smiled proudly and showed me her nails...or should I say, claws. Her claws before were short and round. Now, her claws are longer, more angular, and definitely sharper. "You got claws!"

"Uh-huh! It's a part of a Beastkin!" She said, with her chest puffed out. Then realized that I am human and quickly apologized thinking I was offended. "Sorry, it slipped out."

"It's fine, but won't your claws become dull if you use it too much?" I said. "What if it breaks?"

"B-break!?" Hyoran said, shocked. She retracted her hands to make sure her claws doesn't break. She had been growing them for 10 years straight so she'd be crushed if it were to break.

"Then, I'll have that shortsword then." She said with her ears drooping from not being able to use her claws. She really is like any canine. I patted Hyoran's head and made her wolf ears perk up.

"Let's get going." I said.

We began walking out of the house where we see Ezo talking to a person that has black hair, thick gray beard wearing an bluish gray apron. He is also large in size, but not muscular. His name is Herald and he's a blacksmith in our village.

"Papa, we're going to hunt!" Hyoran yelled out. Ezo and Herald looked at us and waved.

"Okay, but do not cross the bridge, it's very dangerous there!" Ezo said.

"This Kain person. He's grown, huh?" Herald said.

"Yeah, Tuya found him ten years ago against the wolves, raised him like we raised our daughter. It's weird that he wasn't traumatized by the Gray Wolves." Ezo said.

"Well, at least he's moving forward. That's all it matters, right?" Herald said, smiling through his beard. Ezo smiled too, thinking he was overthinking things. He's right though, because, I'm actually 25 years old, plus 10 years here so I'm technically 35 now with a body of a 10 year old. Still weird though.

We exited the village to hunt more enemies so that we get a feel for fighting, but avoid biting more than we can chew. We encountered four colorless Slimes and we drew our weapons.

"You got these two and I'll take the other." I said. Hyoran nodded and dashed towards the slimes where I simply walked towards it. The slimes noticed me and lunged together and with one motion, I slashed both slimes in half. They reduced to a puddle thereafter.

[2 Rank I targets slain. 1000 EP awarded.]

"I'm gonna get used to it soon." I thought to myself. I picked up the crystals and put them in my pocket. I looked to see that Hyoran is finished with the slimes as well. We moved further out to see a short, green skinned, being with long ears and dark green eyes and blue pupils wearing old rags. A goblin.

I stopped Hyoran and we hid in the bushes, observing it. The goblin seems to be trying to hunt for stuff as it is wielding a stone tipped spear.

"System, check its stats."


<Name: Goblin>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: H>

<Skills: None>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Despite not having any skills, Goblins are no doubt stronger than slimes and can wield weapons. Goblins are weak alone, but they can be a threat if underestimated or left unchecked. They can become an army strong enough to take over this village or a city.

It reminds me of that one anime where one man's sole purpose is slaying goblins, everything else is secondary.

"I'll take care of this one, watch closely." I said. Hyoran grabbed my hand out of concern.

"It's not like the slimes we fought." Hyoran said.

"I'll be fine, keep a lookout for me." I said, assuring her. I jumped out of the bush and drew out my daggers. The goblin noticed me.

"Gyaa! Gyaa, gyaa!" the goblin yelled to threaten me and began charging at me with his spear. I dodged the goblin and slashed his throat. The goblin immediately bled profusely and collapsed on the ground with the sea of green blood. The goblin struggle to put pressure, but the wound is fatal. So, I stabbed his chest. The goblin gagged and his arm fell flat, motionless...dead.

[Rank H target slain. 2000 EP acquired.]

"Nice, even better than killing slimes. System, is there a Mana Crystal in there?"

[The Mana Crystal is located in the Goblin's stomach.]

I walked towards the slain goblin and began to cut the goblin's stomach open. This action shocked Hyoran.

"What are you doing!?" Hyoran yelled.

"Getting the Mana Crystal?" I said, confused why is she yelling at me. I rammed my hand in the corpse, making squelching sounds as I reach in there until I found the crystal, but this time it is bigger than a quarter. I put that crystal in my pocket and turned to Hyoran where she is looking somewhere else.

"Hyoran? What's wrong?" I said.

"I hear a wolf's cry for help...a wolf cub." Hyoran said and began running past me.

"Hey, wait!" I said, chasing Hyoran, I wiped the blades clean with my sleeves as I ran and sheathed them along the way. I didn't hear it, but Hyoran did. Beastkins in general got better hearing. We kept running through the thicket of the forest and we see a bridge above the river. I stopped her before we reached the bridge. In the distance we see a wolf cub surrounded by 5 goblins. However, they were wearing better gear than the previous goblin. Leather armor to be exact.

"We can't cross the bridge. Papa, told us that, remember?" I said. Also, there's a chance one strong monster that could be F rank or higher and an army.

"But the wolf is in danger!" Hyoran protested. "Please..."

Hyoran looked at me with an expression that if we leave the wolf, it'll weigh heavily on her. Part of me wants to have a companion, but I'm not yet strong enough. I sighed.

"Fine, we'll rescue the pup, but we're leaving immediately after we're done." I said. Hyoran drew her sword and ran across the bridge. I followed suit thereafter, drawing my twin daggers.

As soon we encountered them, the wolf cub growls at them, showing it's not going down without a fight. The goblins kept their weapons forward as to avoid getting more injured than they need to be.

"System, check the goblins' status!"


<Name: Goblin Guard>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: F>

<Skills: None>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

<Name: Goblin Healer>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: E+>

<Skills: Healing Magic-I, Regeneration>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

<Name: Goblin Spearman>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: E>

<Skills: Wind Magic-I>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

<Name: Goblin Axewoman>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: F+>

<Skills: Earth Magic-I>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

So some goblins got magic, one of which can heal, but not as potent. One goblin has a shortsword and a wooden shield, the second one has a spear, the third holds an axe. Lastly, the healer has a staff. The axe and spear wielders are up front where the healer is at back with the sword and shield wielder.

"Huh, they got the basics down." I said. In MMORPGs in general, one party MUST have a DPS, a Tank, and a Healer. Without one of these is a death sentence, even more so if no one protects their healer.

The goblins noticed us and turned their weapons to us. The Spear goblin thrusts his spear at Hyoran's torso. Hyoran sees the spear and swung her sword at the wooden shaft to redirect it. She then twists her body to cut the goblin downward.


Hyoran struck the goblin's helmet, but the leather was too low quality to protect him from Hyoran's sword cutting his skull. He ain't getting out of this one. The axe wielding goblin jumped in the air to chop Hyoran's head, letting out a war cry. Hyoran turned around and cut the goblin's hand off cleanly and fatally stabbed her in the chest.

Two goblins down, two to go.

I see the healer beginning to chant which emitted a pale green light to heal the sword and shield goblin. The basic thing to do is take out the healer to make the formation crumble. I grabbed a rock and chucked it at the healer.


The rock zipped through the air, spinning in a spiral where it could be a bullet or a drill.


The rock struck the healer right in the forehead, shedding blood. The goblin chanting was abruptly stopped and fell to the ground.

[Rank E+ target slain. 7500 EP acquired.]

No way, one hit!? I'm a rank F! I expected it to get dazed, but okay. I'll live with it. The sword and shield goblin roared in frustration and charged at me with his sword. I swiftly moved to the left and went behind the goblin and stabbed him in the back of his neck, killing him instantly.

[Rank F target slain. 6000 EP acquired.]