
now what?

Making my way through the battlefield, I slowly made my way to where Jane and Julius were looking over the battlefield, in amazement of our achievement just like I had done.

Stepping over the corpses, I made sure not to accidentally step on the body's of the newly deceased.

Finally reaching them, I stopped and looked out at the field of body's.

"I have seen many wars and battles fought, but this was my first time taking part in one." I said.

"I don't think it's for me." Julius said, in almost a whisper.

"Did you see the kids?" Jane asked us.

I turned to look at her.

"I think so, maybe a couple…I didn't think about it, I just kept swinging my sword at anything in front of me."

"I wish I could say the same, but I had to think and see to use my powers." Julius said.

"when I had to tear them apart, or when I bashed them together, I had to watch." He said.

Turning to him, I spoke.

"Well, they weren't really there anymore, so don't feel bad." I said to him,

"What do you mean, "they weren't really there"?" Jane asked.

"children who have been turned, are more impulsive and less capable of self-control compared to adult vampires, and are even more vulnerable to their vampiric instincts. Their thirst for blood is all that drives them forward, like a person dying of thirst in the desert, all they can think about is the liquid that could sedate their thirst, which for them is blood." I said.

We went quite again, just sitting there looking out at the destruction we had caused, and thinking about the fight.

Jane's head turned and looked out to our side.

"You did it." Jane said, as she saw the burning body's of Stefan and Alec.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, he's gone."

She sat there dead still for a moment, watching the burning flames, before speaking again.

"Thank you." She said in a sad tone.

I looked at her.

"There's no need to thank me, he didn't deserve what he got, but at least now he can be at peace."

Jane slowly nodded her head, and we all went quiet again.

After a few moments Julius spoke.

"What now?" he asked, breaking the silence that surrounded us.

A wicked smile spread across my face.

"Now, I'm going to go talk to the volturi, then we are going to go see all those things I told you about."

Both Jane's and Julius's heads shot in my direction.

"Really!" Jane said excitedly, dispersing the shroud of sadness that once surrounded her.

"Really. Now while I'm gone, why don't the two of you decide where you want to go first." I said with a chuckle, as I turned to start heading up the hill I had last seen the volturi standing on.

Stepping over bodies and body parts, I finally made it to the top of the hill, where I saw the last few remaining vampires milling about around a large tent that was recently put up, while in the distance, I could see the last surviving human blood bags, being guarded by just one vampire.

Reaching the tent, I swung open the tent flap and Stepped inside.

The inside of the tent was dark, with very little amounts of light creeping through the fabric tent.

Inside sat the three volturi heads, all sitting around a circle wooden table, and in ornate chairs.

Behind them stood two of their personal guards, who gave me death stares as I stepped in.

I instantly saw the tightening around aros eyes, and the tension in Marcus and caius body's, at my appearance.

'They are still tensed up after my little reminder, I gave them.' I thought with a chuckle.

I honestly can't blame them, one minute they were kings, the next I was tearing them apart, breaking the illusion they had of them being invincible.

Aro was the first to speak.

"Ahh, if it isn't the savior of the battle." He said, with a hint of a sneer hidden under his complimenting words.

"Yes, it's me, and you're welcome." I said with a chuckle at his words.

"I'm just stopping by to tell you this is where we separate, and I and my coven members go our own way." I said.

"And also where I bring you another warning." I added.

Aro raised an eyebrow.

"And that would be." He asked.

I stepped forward until I was standing right infront of the round table they were seated at, and looked Aro dead in the eyes.

"I will stay out of your way, as long as you stay out of mine, you can do as you wish with the vampiric world as long as you stay away from my coven and myself, and if you decide that it is a good idea to come for me and my coven, I won't give you a warning, and I won't hold back like I did to you, I will come for you and I will kill all of you." I said in almost a whisper.

I saw a flash of fear and anger run through Aros' eyes, before he slowly nodded his head.

I saw that Caius wanted to open his mouth and say something, but my eyes flashed in his direction and I stared him in the eyes, giving him a warning with my cold glare.

When they didn't say anything, I turned on my heels and started for the exit, not giving them time to say anything that might piss me off.

Stepping out of the tent, I let my eyes adjust to the light before going to grab our packs, then head back to Jane and Julius.

Now Laden down with all our packs I slowly made my way back to Jane and Julius, who were now sitting on the hilltop and still looking over the battlefield.

"Have you figured out where the both of you would like to go first?" I asked them, as I reached where they were seated.

Julius turned his head and looked at me.

"Yes we have." He said, in a happy tone.

Dropping their packs on the damp ground I asked.

"And where would that be?"

With a smile on his face he said.

"to the East, to the other ocean," Julius said.

"Really?" I said in surprise.

"Yes, I always wanted to go," Julius said.

"Those stories you told us sounded very interesting, and we would love to see the culture there." Jane added.

I nodded my head.

"Sure, we can take the silk road straight there." I said as I thought of the best path to take.

Looking back at the battlefield Julius asked.

"What is going to happen to all the bodies?"

I thought for a moment before saying.

"More than likely, they are just going to burn all of them." I said with a shrug.

Jane looked up at me.

"Won't they try to put them back together?" She asked.

"Possibly, but there are so many broken limbs and body parts down there, it would be almost impossible to find which part goes to who. The volturi will more than likely just start over again, but maybe with fewer vampires, it's not like they really have any enemies left."

"Except you," Julius added.

"Except me" I chuckled.

"We have a bit of an understanding. they keep the vampires under control and I don't wipe out their race." I said with a huff.

Jane looked up at me again.

"You would take out the vampire race?" She asked.

I let out a laugh.

"Maybe, if they get out of hand, sure. The only reason I haven't is because most vampires are just trying to survive, like the rest of us, and they aren't insane sycophantic A-holes like the Romanian coven was, who kill for fun, but instead kill to survive."

She nodded her head at that.

"Now I don't know about the both of you, but I'm ready to get going, the less time we spend around the volturi the better." I said, picking up my pack and putting it on my back.

Jane and Julius soon followed my lead, and grabbed their own packs.

Once we were set, and ready to go, I stopped and looked out at the field of dead bodies one last time.

As I looked out at the field, the clouds for the first time in almost two weeks opened, and a ray of sunlight shone through and onto the battlefield.

Causing the broken limbs, and body's of the dead vampires to sparkle brightly.

"It's strange." Julius said, from beside me.

Looking over at him I asked.

"What is?"

I gestured with his chin, at the now sparkling field.

"How something that only moments ago was a scene of death, destruction, and carnage, can now look so magical."


Ment to post sooner but the power went out because of the weather and I wasn't able to access my computer, so sorry about that.

If there are any problems please let me know.