

"So this is London…" Edward said as we stood on the side of the ship, looking over the bustling harbor our ship was currently in the process of docking at.

"Quite the sight, no?" I asked, leaning on the ship's railing, a cigar between my fingers.

"It's certainly different." Edward said, looking up at the gray sky.

I turned to look at him, smirking.

"It's a sort of safe haven country for vampires," I said, standing up and looking around. "It's cloudy or overcast most days, allowing vampires to live a somewhat better life out in the open than most other places on earth."

"BURRR!" The ship's steam horn boomed.

I looked around us.

"It looks like the ship is about to disembark. We should get a move on." I said, leaning down and grabbing my suitcase by my feet, while flicking the cigare over the side of the ship.

Edward quickly followed my actions, grabbing his own suitcase as I started walking towards where the gangplank bridge was about to be put into place.

Weaving through the large crowd with millennia of experience, I made it look easy as I moved through small gaps and opening in the swarm of people to reach the walkway quickly, Edward barely managing to stay close to me.

Reaching the bottom of the staircase, I looked around.

"This way." I said, pointing my finger to our right, where the exit of the dock yard should be.

Walking to our right, we made it to a busy road, full of black cabs and other cars, waiting for passengers.

Looking around, I caught sight of a well dressed man who was holding out a small white sight with 'Gottes' written in large black lettering.

"That must be our ride." I said, walking towards the man before I even finished speaking.

As we got closer I saw the car the man was standing in front of.

It was a black and red Austin seven.

It was a Nice common car, easy to get around in.

Walking up confidently, the man seemed to recognize me as he came to a sort of attention as I walked up.

"Good afternoon, sir." The young man said, placing the sign behind his back as he drew himself up.

"Good afternoon." I said in my American accent.

"I am William Green and will be your driver. May I get your luggage loaded sirs." William asked, his English accent thick.

"sure thing. Just be careful." I said, handing over my suitcase which must have weighed close to fifty pounds.

The weight of the case surprised William as he grabbed hold to the handle, nearly dropping it as I let go of it.

"oufff! Looks like someone didn't pack light." William said with a laugh as he moved to the back of the car.

Placing the suitcases in the trunk, or now that we are in England, 'Boot' of the car, we headed out to Julius and Jane's Castle.

Edward sat in the back seats while I stayed up front and chatted with William.

The whole ride, Edward couldn't keep his eyes away from the window as he absorbed all of the new sights he was seeing.

It took us nearly forty-five minutes to reach the Castle, and I couldn't help but smile as it came into view.

It hadn't changed in the slightest.

It still towered over the surrounding building, and was still surrounded by the same massive stone wall.

"Is that…a Castle." Edward asked, leaning closer to the window.

"That it is," I said with a chuckle. "Quite stereotypical of them, isn't it." I said with a chuckle, knowing he would get what I meant without me having to say it outloud in the car with William.

I heard him grunt in the back seat in response.

Pulling onto a gravel road, I saw that it led to a large metal gate, which was in the place of where the large oak and steel doors to the walls that circled the castle used to be.

As we approached, two men in nice suits stepped out from beside the gate to stop us before we could get too close.

Quickly winding his window down, William leaned his head out to talk with one of the guards.

"Good afternoon, sirs." He said cheerily to both severe looking men.

"What's your business here?" one of the guards asked, stepping up to the window and leaning down to get a look inside the car.

"We're here on behalf of Mr. Gottes," William replied smoothly, handing over a small envelope. The guard took it, scrutinized the contents briefly, then nodded and stepped back.

"Proceed," he said, signaling to the other guard to open the gate. The massive metal structure creaked and groaned as it swung open, revealing the cobbled path leading to the imposing castle.

As we drove through, I couldn't help but spot the bulges in their nice suit jackets.

'It seems Gringotts guards now carry guns…damn it julius…damn you. Can you keep MY guards the way I want them!' I wined in my head silently

Passing through the gate and stone walls, I couldn't help but admire the sprawling grounds which hadn't changed in a few hundred years on the inside of the walls.

The castle was surrounded by carefully manicured gardens, dotted with ancient oaks and guarded by statues that seemed to watch our every move. It was as if the place was frozen in time, untouched by the modern world beyond its walls.

Edward, still peering out of the window, seemed captivated. "This is incredible," he breathed, his eyes wide with awe.

I nodded, understanding his amazement. "Julius has always appreciated nature," I said.

William brought the car to a gentle stop at the foot of the grand stone staircase leading to the castle's entrance.

As we stepped out, the heavy wooden doors at the top of the stairs swung open, and a tall, elegant figure appeared at the threshold.

His dark hair was cut to a medium length that just reached his shoulders, his eyes a mix of brown and gold.

"Ah, welcome, welcome!" Julius's voice boomed across the courtyard as he descended the steps, arms outstretched in greeting.

His presence was commanding, yet there was a warmth in his eyes that put one at ease.

"Julius," I said, extending my hand, which he clasped firmly before pulling me into a quick embrace.

"It's been far too long." He said, slapping my back hard a few times, which might have killed a normal man.

"Indeed," Julius replied, shifting his gaze to Edward. "And you must be Edward. It is a true pleasure to finally meet you." He said, extended a hand, which Edward shook somewhat awkwardly, clearly still adjusting to the grandeur of his surroundings.

"I trust your journey was pleasant?" Julius inquired as he gestured for us to follow him inside.

"Very much so," I replied, glancing at Edward, who nodded in agreement.

Inside, the castle was a blend of the medieval and the modern, with ancient tapestries lining the walls and soft electric lamps casting a warm glow. The air was cool and carried a faint scent of lavender and old books.

Julius led us through a series of grand halls which brought back old memories.

Each room was more impressive than the last, until we finally arrived at the main sitting room.

A fire was crackling in the fireplace, and plush armchairs were arranged invitingly around it.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," Julius said, motioning toward the chairs. "We have much to discuss."