
Lineage and a plan

Stepping into the cozy sitting room, I plopped down comfortably in one of the chairs, propping my feet up and onto the small wooden coffee table.

"Remove your feet before I remove them for you." A new yet familiar voice said coldly from the sitting room's entrance.

Turning my head, I saw Jane walking into the room, a small smile playing on her lips.

I grinned.

"Ahh, Jane, it's been a while." I laughed, standing to my feet.

"That it has." Jane said, wrapping her arms around my torso in a hug.

Patting her back, I couldn't help but smile.

"And all it took to get a hug from you is to be gone for a hundred years or so." I laughed as Jane squeezed harder around my waist.

Releasing me, Jane turned and looked at Edward who was sitting in the middle of a fancy leather couch.

"And this is, Edward." Jane asked in a playful voice as she sauntered over to him, her hand outstretched.

"It is a pleasure." Edward said, standing quickly from his seat.

"that it is." Jane said, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Then, Jane turned, pointing to a wall behind me.

Turning myself. I saw a large woven tapestry taking up a whole of one side of the room.

A smile came to my lips as I looked at the piece of art and history.

Covering the entire tapestry were faces with names woven underneath.

All the way at the very top was me, then under me was Gérard and Oliver, who branched off their own family's.

Looking all the way at the bottom, I saw what looked to be a new addition.

"From some research, we found that Edward is a direct descendant of Olivers." Julius said, walking closer to the artwork.

"We had lost track of them from a false death certificate, when in reality it was mistaken identity. Someone had somehow gotten hold of Edward's great grandfather's wallet and Identification papers. Not long after which, he died a rather gruesome death. The body was unrecognizable and the Identification papers were all they could go on."

Turning to look at Edward, Julius smiled slightly.

"We had everyone from your grandparents to you added to the tapestry, Edward." Julius said, pointing to where a small image of Edward's likeness was added to the tapestry.

Standing, Edward slowly walked towards the tapestry, his eyes moving from one face to another.

"Carlisle sent us photos of you and your family members." Jane added.

Slowly, Edward's eyes reached the top, where I, Gérard and Oliver were.

While he was busy taking in all of that, I turned to face Jane and Julius who were now standing by the couch.

"So what have you learned about the attack?" I asked, walking back to my seat.

"As of yet, nothing." Julius said.

"We got in contact with some of the other coven leaders here in England, But they knew nothing of the attack or who was behind it."

I nodded my head, figuring as much.

"We will go to the other covens tomorrow and ask again." I said, plopping down in the leather arm chair while letting out a long sigh.

Julius raised a brow at my words.

"But we have already asked them, Adam. Why again." He asked, confused and slightly perturbed.

"Well last time you didn't have me or Edward." I said, giving him a hard stair.

"Edward can read minds. If the other coven leaders were lying how would you know unless you were in their minds." I said, tapping my forehead.

"True. Most coven leaders here in England are no younger than two hundred years old. They would have the ability to mask the fact that they are lying quite well." Jane said, looking at Julius with a small smile.

"I suppose we can go to the first few covens tomorrow." Julius said, looking into the fire in the fireplace.

"Good," I said, standing to my feet. "Now, it has been a long trip, so I'm going to take a nap." I said, turning and leaving the large room.

I left without another word, and Edward by himself.

I figured they could have a good talk without me hanging around.

Finding my old room, I took a nice long nap.

Waking up, I saw that it was dark outside.

Making my way back downstairs, I found Jane still in the sitting room, reading a large book.

"Good evening." I said through a yawn.

Looking up from her book, Jane smiled at me.

"Good evening, Adam. How did you sleep?" She asked as I looked at the fireplace.

"It was good." I said, walking over to the fireplace.

"Are they in the library?" I asked.

"yes. They went down about an hour ago." Jane said, picking her book back up to continue.

I nodded, pulling the secret lever to open the entrance to my personal library.

Stepping through, I listened as it closed behind me as I descended the stairs.

Reaching the library, I found Edward seated at a large wooden table with one of my journals in front of him as he deciphered the words with a hand full of word key sheets in his hands.

Turning my head, I saw Julius reading one of my signed copies of Alexander pope's 'An Essay On Man.'

"It's good to see the both of you bonding." I said as I stepped off the stairs, causing both to look up from their books.

"This is incredible, Adam," Edward said as he gestured at my journal in front of himself. "To document so much from so long ago…it's amazing." He said, setting the old word key sheets down.

"Yeah, just be careful would ya." I said, walking closer to look at the journal.

"These things are old and haven't exactly been taken care of over the years." I said, rubbing my fingers over the cracked and worn pages.

"Of course. Julius told me as much." Edward said, going back to reading.

Walking over to Julius, I took a seat in the leather chair next to Julius's.

"So…who's going to be the first we meet Tomorrow?" I asked.

Julius set down the book, and intertwined his fingers together.

"To start off, we should visit the Brando Coven. They are relatively New to England and have a total of six members. They came here from Portugal around five years ago."

"And have you ever met them in person?" I asked.

Julius nodded.

"There isn't a coven here in England I haven't met before." He said with a smile.

"Because unlike you, Adam, I actually try to become acquainted with other covens."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"They just tend to annoy me, Julius. That's why I mostly try to leave them alone."

"It's the Victorian Era ones who always annoy me." Julius said, surprising me.

Turning to look at him, I raised a brow.

"They are just too pompous for my liking." He said, picking his book back up, causing me to laugh.

"Very well. We leave in the morning." I said, standing to my feet.


I planned on releasing this chapter yesterday, but there was somthing wrong with the site, where it wouldn't let me publish any chapters.

Sorry about that folks.