
Julius and his smarts.

[Julius POV]

I would like to say our journey is going well, and I would also like to say that it wasn't.

Our goal in coming to Egypt and to talk to this Amun, who apparently was one of the oldest vampires still alive, was to find a way for me and Jane to be mentally shielded from the volturi member that can manipulate others minds.

But from what I know, is that it's impossible.

I have delved into the scrolls Adam has in the bank and at our home for any kind of information or mention of something that could work for us, but I couldn't find anything.

He even let me go through the hundreds of scrolls, or journals, that Adam himself had written about his journey through the years he wandered the earth.

In one of his earlier journals, Adam wrote about his first meeting with the volturi, and how they tried to manipulate him, but he didn't go into great detail about it, or any possibility as to why he is different, and it doesn't work on him, just that it didn't, and his mind is shielded from mental abilities.

But that's nothing new about him, over the years I have learned Adam tends to skip anything that might have to do with himself.

For starters, the first scroll Adam wrote, he talked about his first memories of this world, that he woke in the woods, nude, and fully grown, but without any memories.

He practically summarized the whole thing, and then skipped it, As if he knew more than he was writing, or he actually did know anything, but you would expect someone to try and find out why they woke up in the woods, with no memories about themselves.

I never asked him about it, I knew if I did he would avoid the question entirely, Adam is a master at word play and could miss direct your attention until you forgot or you were so jumbled up in the head, that you couldn't bother to ask about the questions anymore, I guess that's a skill you can get when you were a merchant for over a thousand years.

At the moment we were in Alexandria, where this Amuns is, meeting him for the first time, I would have never expected someone like him to be as old as he is, but I also wouldn't have guessed Adam was almost five thousand years old, Amuns was clearly a man with many issues stuffed away in his head, he was rash, prideful and self centered, oh and I almost forgot untrusting.

The man wanted nothing to do with us at the mere sight of Adam, and now wanted us to leave, at the mere mention of the volturi.

At the moment Amuns and Adam were in a back and forth argument as to why Amun should help us.

Blocking out the annoying bickering, I started to think.

This Chelsea, who can make or break emotional ties is a serious threat, like Adam said, me and Jane are strong, if we were to be turned against him, it could be bad.

Adam is strong, but there is only so much he is able to handle, when fighting me he is already hard pressed, if he fought me, Jane and the rest of the volturi he wouldn't stand a chance.

My mind swirled with thoughts of how we could combat Chelsea's powers.

Her powers are mental, and affect the mind. She can make or break the emotional ties you have with someone, so how do we shield our minds and keep her from going into our minds?

My thoughts came to a dead stop.


'me, I might be able to block her'

Without thinking twice, or bothering to tell anyone, I close my eyes.

When I use my ability in new ways, it needs good mental focus, and good control over the force I use.

mental focus helps me not lose control when using the ability, and control helps me not accidentally crush something when I try to pick something up, like a cup or a scroll.

But what if I condensed the force I normally use, into a bubble around me and Jane.

So with that thought I visualize a round sphere in front of me, around the size of my fist.

And push it all together.

The power in me seemed to slowly seep out of me, instead of the steady stream of leaving energy that I normally felt when using my power, the power needed to do basic things with my abilities made me need to feed daily instead of the every few days that Jane had before a need to feed.

But unwilling to give up, I continued to pour more into the small bubble I was visualizing.

And finally after a few minutes the leaving energy stopped. no matter how hard I tried to continue pushing power into it, none would enter.

Slowly I opened my eyes.

And noticed that while I was focused, the room had fallen silent.

[Adam POV]

Amun has turned into the biggest prick I have ever met.

Our verbal sparring had been going back and forth for a few minutes now, me trying to convince Amun to help us, and him, being a dick, and too prideful and scared to help us.

Then out of nowhere he stopped talking and looked past me.

Confused, I turned to look, and my jaw dropped.

Julius stood dead still with his eyes shut, next to Jane, which isn't that strange or a reason for Amun to stop talking, what was strange and a reason for us to shut up was what was floating in front of Julius.

A small clear ball was floating in front of him, at chest level.

The only reason I could see it was because of the candle light gleaming off of the orb.

A moment later Julius finally opened his eyes.

"Uh Julius what is that?" I asked him.

Julius looked down at the floating orb, and slowly brought one of his hands up, and grabbed the orb.

"I'm not really sure, but I think it might be the answer to what we have been looking for." He said not looking up from the orb.


Short chapter today, I'm starting to get better but I have a Cold and the medicine has been making me super tired so I haven't been able to post for the last few days. If there are any issues with the chapter please let me know.