
I didn't do it

916 A.D.

4,916 years in the world.

(To move the plot forward and get to a particular historical point, this chapter will contain a few quick time jumps.)

Now, perched on a wooden stool, I was painting the breathtaking scenery in front of me with a paintbrush.

Right now, I was painting a gorgeous dawn over a mountain crest while sitting in a forest in the Italian Alps.

I dipped my brush into my homemade paint and started painting the canvas.

As I painted I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as I thought, "Leonardo De Vinci who?"

After returning from our almost decade-long journey to wherever we felt like going, we returned to England.

But the reason I am currently sitting atop a mountain is that during our return home, Jane and Julius had finally become a couple, and let's just say, living in the same house as them, wasn't the best choice at the moment.

So deciding to give them time to get all of their pent-up love out of the way, I decided to start working on a new passion of mine.


I got the idea after selling all of the items I had accumulated over our journeys that we didnt want to keep.

Including our cart that the 'Ass who shall not be named,' used to pull.

The person I sold the cart to was a painter of great skill.

This surprised me, because the dude could really paint, I didn't remember his name ever being known in the future, or ever seeing one of his works of art, which must mean he was one of the many lost to time, as just another painter to never be known.

After seeing the masterpieces in his shop, I decided to give it a shot.

With my better-than-normal Noggin on my shoulders, I became quite skilled at it, within a quick amount of time.

Turning what was meant to be something I could do to pass the time for a while as Jane and Julius finished, their uh…business,

Into something I genuinely enjoyed and spent a number of years doing.

I started going all over Rome and Italy itself painting anything and everything I wished.

Spending a few years just dedicating myself to it.

[Year 1022]

At the moment I was playing a game of Hnefatafl with King Cnut.

As to why or how I am currently in the presence of a king and playing a board game with a king, well, for the first time in a while, I decided to actually take part in my bank's business.

King Cnut was the ruler of parts of Normandy and half of England.

And at the moment his kingdom is in a bit of a pinch.

The raids from Vikings have drawn significantly from his treasuries, with him having to pay more soldiers than needed, and also employing mercenaries to patrol their costs.

And so, he asked our bank for a loan, and of course, we said "Sure".

So with me back in England, and not doing anything, I decided "Why not" and met him in person to straighten out the details of the loan.

And through the making of a deal, the two of us actually become friends.

King cnut was actually a very interesting person.

He was smart, just, and looked out for the people under his rule.

Most of the time we just played boardgames or talked about his lands, and ways he could better help his citizens.

To him I was an heir of a chain of banks that spanned different country's.

And well, just like any king would do, he asked me if I wished to be a Duke of his kingdom.

But I passed on the offer.

The idea of being held down in one place just didn't sit right with me, being tied down where I would have responsibilities and be forced to stay and take care of my lands, was something I tried to avoid.

King cnut moved one of his pieces on the bored, leaving himself open for defeat.

Leaning forward in my chair, I moved one of my own pieces, taking out one of his and putting him at a loss.

"You always win, when will you ever let me win?" King cnut said playfully.

"When you are skilled enough to beat me." I responded jokingly.

King cnut scoffed and took a sip from a goblet of wine.

"I will be having dinner with my wife emma this evening, would you like to join use." He asked me.

I shook my head.

"As pleasant as that sounds, I must be off," I said standing from my chair.

"Of course." Cnut said standing from his own chair to see me off.

Leaving for home, I looked up at the cloudy sky, and let out a small sigh, 'It looks like it will rain again.' I thought, as my horse was brought to me, by one of the servants.

Making it home two hours later, I managed to beat the rain by mere minutes.

Taking my horse to the stable, I took off the saddle and fed him before entering my cozy home.

Stepping through the door, I saw julius sitting in his reclining chair reading a very familiar book.

Looking up at seeing me enter, Julius snapped the book closed and looked up at me.

Raising my hands I said.

"I had nothing to do with it."

Lifting the book, Adam spoke.

"Oh you mean the fact that you are in a religious book as the first human."

I shrugged.

"What can I say, I didn't tell them to add me to their religion, they just…did." I said with a shrug.

"But is it possible that you are the first human? Julius asked.

I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?"

"That you are the first human. you said you don't remember anything when you first woke up all those years ago, is it possible you are the first human?"julius asked with a serious expression on his face.

'Oh for fucks sake.' I thought.

"No I'm not the first human Julius, whoever wrote it probably heard about me, and added me to the book, I don't know if you remember but I was quite the legend back in the day, heck they even put the name everyone gave me pack then into the book." I said.

"You mean the white haired wanderer?" Julius asked.

"Yes, and plus it said God gave Adam a mark of immortality, have you seen anything on me." I asked julius.

Julius furrowed his brow.

"No, but it's not like you walk around nude that often."

"Julius, I don't have any markings on me." I said with a huff.

Julius shrugged, then with an evil smirk asked.

"So how dose it feel to be apart of one of the biggest religions in existence."

I let out a long sigh as I took off my cloak to hang it by the door.

"It feels like one massive annoyance, thats what it feels like."

"It could be worse, people could be praying to you." Julius said with a chuckle.

"Don't say that, you are going to give me a migraine."

Julius let out another chucklee.

Looking around the room I asked Julieius.

"Where is jane?"

Julius looked up from the Bible he had re opened to continue reading.

"She's in the basement, reading your old Journals."

"She can read those? I wrote those in phoenican, how can she read them?" I asked.

"You did, but you also wrote a translation key, in Latin, which she can read." He said.

"She has been learning from it, so she can read your older journals." He said, going back to reading the bible.

Shrugging my shoulders, I leaned back in my chair and relaxed into the soft leather.

[ POV/ unknown]

[Place/ dark cell]

In a dark cell, deep under the ground, where no light shone, the sound of someone murmuring couldn't be heard, bouncing off the walls of the cell and echoing down the dark and wet corridors of the underground prison.

"I will get my revenge, I will make him pay, I will kill him, take away everything that was important to him, Adam will pay." Said a voice that sounded deranged, over and over again, on a constant repeat.

Laying off to the side of the cell was a bowl with small streaks of blood, left behind from the inmates feeding.

not enough to be strong, but just enough to survive.

"He will pay, he will pay, HE WILL PAY!" The inmates screamed out, as the madness continued to take there mind from them with every passing second, from the lack of blood, and the pain of loss.

"I will make him pay" the voice said in a whisper, before finally going silent.