
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

Studying Manuals And Skills

After sometime the sky had darkened, a shopping cart could be seen next to him with various items inside he then pulled out a tent and set it up.

He then placed the rest of the items inside of the tent after doing that he picked up the child and said ''you need a bath.''

He then purchased a huge tub of water and some soap along with a rag, he then started to take of the little things clothes.

When out of the blue the sound of the baby shitting itself could be heard then a disgusting scent wafted into his nose.

Note: Tristan was crouching down making sure that the little thing didn't role about while he was taking of her clothes.

As the smell went into his nose Tristan's expressions twisted as he backed off, he then remembered that it was just a child about a month old so it was pretty normal for it to shit itself.

He then went to the system shop and bought some dippers after cleaning up the child and giving it a good bath, he place her into the tent, he then stripped naked and went into the tub,

time passed quickly for the moon was now at the center of the sky, Tristan had on a fresh pair of clothing he went into the tent and picked up the now sleeping child and went outside.

He then sat cross-legged and lunar radiance started swirled around the two's body Tristan had a weird expression as he looked at the child he muttered,

''every night the moons lunar radiance nurtures the body of the child but the nurturing of the moon isn't enough for a growing child.''

He then shook his head and went back to search for stuff on the system this time he wasn't looking for items but for skill and manuals,

he then said ''system i'm your host so what kind of cultivation manual do you recommend.''

The system replied, ''it matters not what you cultivate so long as you don't use points on your stats i'm fine with whatever,'' hearing this Tristan nodded his head and started to search.




Time passed and an hour had passed Tristan had gathered a few manuals in the cart, he looked over them and nodded his head purchase after waiting for a bit.

Tristan soon saw the shopping cart next to him being filled with the manuals, there were 6 large manuals and 2 smaller ones,

he picked up the two smaller manuals one was a essence absorbing manual that would show you the ways of absorbing the essence of the world into the body and the other was a skill of some sort,

it allowed him to identify an objects durability, strength and it could also tell him the level of his opponent weather it be man or beast.

He took up the breathing manual and started to read through it the first stage of this book was to absorb the turbid essence of the world, then after gathering the turbid essence, he would then have to refine it and fuse it with his body.

The second stage was a bit more complex, he would have to refine the pure essence of his body and expel it through his pores, refine the bit of turbid essence that was trapped then reabsorb it through the pores.

He would have to do this for a month or so before he could move on to the third and final stage but he didn't bother about the third stage for now he then picked up the next small manual that said identify.

The system popped up at this moment and said ''host do you want to learn this skill,'' Tristan nodded his head, then the book in his hands suddenly evaporated the next moment he got a system notification.


-Host has acquired skill [identification]


-skill [identification] has been fused with the system


-New skill [system identifier] has been created, the system can give out accurate identification of anything living or non living skill lv1.

Looking around a description of the surrounding could be seen, he looked at the ground the description showed up in his vision,


Description: planet outer layer able to support life and heavy structures.

He then looked to the sky

Boundless expanse

Description: unknown, reason only when one is boundless will they understand.


-Host eye's has began to mutate, host will experience pain for 5 minutes.

After the system spoke a piercing pain rushed to his eyes it was so unbearable he started to scream, ahh, ahh, then a voice spoke as if next to him.

"you want to see it don't you."

He couldn't answer and due to immense pain he screamed out again, after his screamed died down the voice spoke again with an unknown madness.

"Your mind is small and your body is weak but you desire to see something that is unseen even I cannot see its limits."

"It truly has no end, it is truly endless and the things inside them are even more endless now I shall impart you a technique were you'll be refined by the endless creations."

"I want to see you one day and we'll explore it, we'll experience it and we'll come to love it,'' suddenly two horrifying eyes appeared inside Tristan's soul room.

The eyes swirled with the mysteries of the cosmos, the mysteries of all under heaven and the things residing in it the voice then said

"I have not even explored 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the boundless expanse so i'll see you one day.''

"The ages shall past and I will still be waiting for the day that will come, when you explore all of creation with me and that day will come."

"I can see that future so hurry up and know this boy!, borrowed strength is no strength at all and one day it will go away so become strong enough to understand on your own.''

"So when the day arrives that it disappears you'll still be able to stand on your own."

With each word spoken Tristan's eyes hurt, his head hurt and his body was in pain, he couldn't even scream, the existence said "here's the technique or what you call it a training manual."


-Host's mutation complete, host as acquired [Eyes of Analysis] host can analyses all of creation and understand the mystery of the cosmos.


-host has acquired the manual of cosmic refinement, this chant strengthens the host entire being, meaning everything that makes you up would be strengthened.


-Body refinement chant and cosmic refinement chant can be combined, do you want to combine them?.

Note: restrictions will be released and host can use skill freely after combining.

Tristan said "combine"


-Skill fusion will take two days to fuse.

Tristan's eyes was closed but he could still see his surrounding. Tristan was bewildered at this, he open his eyes only for information to flood his sight making his eyes hurt.

Tristan decided that he would look at the books in the morning for he felt tired at the moment. He picked up the little twat, he then entered the tent and placed her into the sleeping bag.

He then laid sprawled on the ground tired from the days event. Morning came quickly and Tristan woke up to a realization it was that he couldn't carry these stuff on his travels because it was heavy and such.

the system then said ''host you can just use the system storage."

"What's that," Tristan asked

"It's storage space where you can store your items in so it easy for traveling and other stuff, just say system storage and a distortion will happen you'll be able to store items into the distortion.

Note: host cannot store living things in the storage space,. Tristan grew disappointed at that as he mumbled.

"I could just store the brat inside and all will be fine."

"You are evil host, how dare you."