
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

strange accident

I closed my eyes and prayed to get out of this sinister place

When I opened my eyes, I found myself, in the place inside the orb

But this time I didn't find Alexander, Kepler or Thomas

But I found another person who was a young man with white hair and one eye with black pupil, while the other eye had white or slightly gray pupil.

I focused on this boy, and it seemed like he was looking at me a little suspiciously

But as I focused, I noticed something

Doesn't this face look like Elia? No, it's the same face as Elia

That boy approached me cautiously, "Tommy, is that you?..."


"Kepler..." I yelled at the top of my voice, making the boy freeze in his place

He paused for a moment before opening his mouth, "Daniel?..."

"Yes, I'm Daniel...What happened? And how did you change your appearance like this..." I quickly approached Kepler

There was a confused look on Kepler's face. "I don't know what's going on. Alexander's soul is in hibernation because he is exhausted by the duel . I found myself here alone. I don't know where Thomas has gone...."

"And what about this strange appearance?.."

"What are you talking about?…" Kepler was puzzled

"I'm talking about the color of hair and eyes..." I told him while pointing at his hair

"What?.." Kepler was shocked

Suddenly a long mirror appeared and Kepler stood in front of it with a shocked look on his face

He touched his hair and face as if he wanted to make sure that this was his face

"Why did my face change like yours?" Kepler muttered

"Like me?…" I looked at Kepler with a look of doubt on my face

"Stand in front of the mirror..." Kepler asked, turning away

I stood in front of the mirror and froze in my place

My reflection in the mirror looked like Kepler's

"What is going on here?..." I touched my face

Kepler was concerned, "I think there is a change in the appearance of Elia's body..."

"What do you mean?.."

" This means that Elia's body has become like this ..."

" but how?..."

"I don't know, but this is the last of our problems. Thomas is missing. As long as his soul is not here, there is only one possibility.... He is now in control of Elia's body..."

We looked at each other silently

But by the look of horror on Kepler's face, I can tell we're in big trouble

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Thomas Weir's pov

I suddenly found myself in a strange room

I can sense my physical body, or should I say Elia's body

I immediately concluded that I was now in control of Elia's body

But how did this happen? Isn't Daniel supposed to be in control of this body now?

If I am now in control of this body, then where did Daniel's soul go?

It is possible that his soul was injured and forced into a hibernation state

But how was he injured?

There were many possibilities running through my head

I got out of bed and went to the mirror

And there I was shocked by what I saw

What is this face? I'm sure Elia had gray hair and gray eyes , How did his hair turn white and have one black eye and the other gray?

After looking in the mirror for a few seconds, I knew that it was really Elia's face with different hair and eyes

I controlled this body several times before Daniel's soul was awakened

And our souls are attached to Elia's body, so if there is any change in the appearance of Elia, the appearance of our souls will also change.

But in our last encounter with Daniel, our spirit looked like Elia's original appearance

This means that this change in appearance occurred after our meeting

Is Alexander the cause of this change? I do not rule out this possibility

I got back into bed and took a meditation position, ready to enter the orb

knock! knock!

But suddenly I heard a knock on the door

knock! knock!

The knocking continued several times and the person knocking seemed to be in a hurry

I can't get into the orb if there's someone outside

That person might enter this place, so it was dangerous to leave this body defenseless

I opened the door, and saw a blond man in a black tuxedo with black glasses

He looked like detectives or secret agents from action movies that are shown in this world

There was an angry look on the man's face, "Elia, were you sleeping all the time? We're going to be late for..." But the man suddenly fell silent while staring at me, "Elia?..."

"Yes?.." I replied

This man seems to be someone who knows Elia , so I have to be careful when dealing with him , and not to talk too much.

"This is Elia's voice…" The man is still looking at me suspiciously. "How did you change the color of your hair and eyes?…"

"I don't know, I just woke up and found myself like this..."

During those few moments between the man's question and my answer, I thought of suitable excuses

Feigning ignorance was the appropriate excuse

I can't tell him I dyed my hair because the color of my eyes changed too

And if I tell him that I wear lenses, he may ask me to remove them, and then he will discover my lie.