
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

dark world

"Thank you, Miss Sia.."

But Sia interrupted me, "Sia..."

"Princess Sia..."


"your Highness ..."

"Sia.." Sia was still smiling at me as she showed that stubborn attitude

"....." The problem is that I can't deal with her normally due to the difference in backgrounds between us

Sia Godwill's name sounded familiar when I heard her , I'm sure I've heard such a name

And after some thought, I remembered Godwill's name

It is the name of the royal family of the elf race, the Godwill Family

And it's the family that managed to bring out many high elves

I had an impression of this family, because Elia mother's family was related to Godwill family

How can I treat someone as important as her with neglect and call her by name directly

But her stubborn attitude made me helpless, "Sia...,."

Sia shook her head as if satisfied

I turned to Ren, "Thank you, Ren."

"No need to thank, we are friends..." Ren smiled

"Friends?, Hmmm…" Sia muttered as she looked at Ren cheerfully

"your Highness !…" Ren was confused by her looks

"Hahaha, don't worry Ren, I won't say anything..."

They seem to have a good relationship, but what are they talking about?

Seems Sia noticed my confusion, "You'll know when Ren chooses to tell you, haha..." she said, winking at me.

I have to admit that her movements are very cute, Young people who like this girl must be able to form an army

Sia approached me and seemed to be enjoying the situation, "But... if you insist, I might tell you..."

I looked at her with a surprised face, "This is strange.... I lost interest in knowing this secret..."

"Oh come on, you don't have to pretend you don't care.." Sia slapped my back hard

Is she really a royal princess?

"Well , I have to go..." I said as I left without looking back

I don't know what kind of games this girl will play

I got to my room, entered and locked the door behind me

I was so tired, I wanted to sleep all day, and forget about everything

I didn't even have enough energy to enter the orb

I guess I'll put it off until I wake up

But suddenly I froze in my place

My eyes were focused on something on the table near my bed

Something shouldn't be here

I can never forget this stone as long as I live

It is the thing that changed my life, and caused me all the disasters that I went through

The orb

The orb was on my bedside table

But how did the orb get here? Isn't it supposed to have merged with Elia's body, and must now be inside this body?

Fear began to rise inside me , I tried to open the door, but it remained closed, it would not open no matter how hard I tried

Damn it , can it be because of the orb? The orb has trapped me in this place

This thing obviously wanted me to come close to it and touch it

But I don't want, I don't know the nature of this entity called orb, I don't know where it came from or what material it was made of , or the crazy person who made such a dangerous thing

But there is one thing I am sure of

Nothing good will happen when I touch this Orb

I was sure that I would encounter something strange if I touched this stone

A powerful entity might haunt me again, just as the shadow had haunted me before

I shuddered when I thought of this possibility


I tried to break the door, but it was no use, the material the door was made of was very strong

I went towards the windows, but the problem is that my room is on the twelfth floor

So I can't jump, but I can scream for help from someone else

I know this might be dangerous, because it will reveal my secret of the orb

But I am sure that the orb has only shown itself to me, so it will most likely disappear if other people come to this place.

But no matter how hard I try, I can't open the windows

"..." I looked at the orb in fear


the orb surrounded me from everywhere, I am sure that even if I scream, no one will hear me

I stayed for several seconds as I stood still and stared at the orb

I knew I couldn't escape, and standing there like this wouldn't solve anything, I just kept myself scared.

It's better to finish this matter as soon as possible, so many misfortunes have happened to me, what else can happen?

I went to the orb with a look of despair on my face, as if I were a criminal walking to the execution platform

I reached the table, and extended my hand to the orb

A bright glow appeared, blinding me for a moment

And when I regained my vision, what greeted me was a place completely different from my room

I held my breath seeing this place

A sky completely covered with gray clouds, and there is nothing but gray clouds, I can't even see the sun or the moon

Land consisting of black material

And towers so gigantic and tall that I can't even see the top of them

And from these towers, huge black chains were extending from different parts of these towers, as if these chains were keeping the towers attached to the ground

There were countless towers in front of me

The black color of the towers, the chains, and even the ground I was standing on was very strange

It seemed as if it was absorbing all the light falling on it

It was terribly dark in color

I didn't dare move from where I was, not knowing why the orb had moved me to this place

But there was a familiar feeling, as if I'd seen this place before

It was very quiet, and I could hear my heart beating, as if I were the only living being here

I was afraid, not because I was in a strange place that I did not know

And not because my life might be threatened in this unknown place

I was afraid of loneliness

Although I stayed here for less than a minute, I had reached the limit of my endurance

I wanted to leave this place as soon as I could