
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

the test

Thomas Weir's POV

I saw the man's eyebrows furrowed, he seems to be thinking "Okay, now is not the time to think about this, we should go before the test begins..."

Did he say, test?

Isn't the duel supposed to be over?

I was flustered but still maintained my poker face

The man picked me up on his shoulder and started running fast

It only took ten seconds until I found myself in the hall of a building that had many doors leading to different rooms

Several people were waiting for us, and I recognized some of them

A bald man with a scar on his face stepped forward, "Christopher, why are you late.."

This man is Edward . He was one of the soldiers I worked with on one of my military projects. He is a skilled strategist, and I had a good impression of him.

The man named Christopher put me on the floor. "No problem, let's start the test..."

"Wait, where's Elia? And who is this boy..." Edward came closer to me and leaned forward slightly until he came close to my face "You...you're Elia..." His eyes widened when he realized who I was.


Edward looked at Christopher with a questioning look

Christopher shrugged helplessly, "Elia said he woke up and found his appearance changed like this..."

Edward is still skeptical. "We have to do the tests to make sure..."

Some of the Frost family came over, and they started to fuss after seeing the change in my appearance

But the staff at the academy did a DNA test, fingerprints, and even an iris scan

And they all proved that I am Elia

Every person has an eye print that is different from the rest of the people and is similar to the fingerprints, although my eyes may change color, but they still retain their print.

The Frost family fell silent after the test results came out

A member of the Frost family catches my eye. I hear Edward call her Katarina

I have no contact with the Frost family, but what caught my attention was the ominous energy radiating from this woman.

I sighed and looked at her with pity

She wouldn't survive for more than two days

Alexander will show no mercy to people who stand up to him

It was decided to start the test after thirty minutes

"Wow, that hair really suits you…" There was a girl with long blue hair, green eyes, and an academy uniform.

I didn't know this girl personally, but I think I know what her background is

She must be one of the royal princesses of the Godwill family of the elf race

I know a member of the Godwill family, her name is Gaya Godwill, and she is now the Queen of the Elf Kingdom.

This little girl is as adorable as gaya

She was accompanied by a boy with blue hair, with a thin body, who seemed to be the shy type

"Yes…" I gave a simple answer

The girl looked at me suspiciously, "Is there a problem, you look tired..."

Christopher approached the girl. "Princess Sia, it's time for the exam..."

"okay..." Sia turned away from me and the boy who appeared to be her servant followed behind

Christopher looked at me, "Come on, Elia, it's exam time..."

I kept thinking the whole time about what kind of test they were talking about

I'm sure they don't talk about the duel, because Alexander fought the duel

I hate to admit it, but Alexander is very strong, and he has plenty of ways to defeat his enemies even if he's in a weak state.

And I thought about the place I am in now, it is a building that contains classrooms

It seems that the test they are talking about is a theoretical test

If so, I don't think there is any cause for concern

I walked confidently towards the door

But suddenly I stopped, and grabbed my chest

Damn, why at a time like this

"I want to go to the bathroom..." I turned to Christopher

Edward frowned, "You may go to the bathroom after the test…."

" I want to go to the bathroom, I'm in a hurry.."

Christopher put his hand on Edward's shoulder. "Let's let the boy go. I don't think a little delay will be a problem..."

"okay..." Edward shook his head, annoyed

I was looking at myself in the mirror

Since my fight with the shadow , my soul has been severely injured

And after we reached this world and entered Elia's body, everyone's feelings began to become unstable

I get depressed, and sad

Kepler continues to laugh and Make fun of others

As for Alexander, he is angry and full of hatred

This problem made me depressed and sometimes I start crying for no reason

I don't know exactly what my problem is

Alexander tried to help me, and indeed he was able to heal a large part of my soul

Kepler and Alexander were able to control their feelings

But I still suffer from the problem of depression and crying

I don't know how I will get back to my body when my soul still suffers from this embarrassing problem

So unlike Alexander and Kepler, I'm not excited to use this body, it would be embarrassing if I suddenly lost control of my emotions and started crying.

"Sigh… damn it!…"

I couldn't help but curse when I thought of what awaits me when I get out of the bathroom