
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs

Emotions or logic

The front is now relatively quiet, but this did not make the soldiers comfortable, they were sitting on the ground while holding their weapons

Some soldiers tried to sleep, despite their attempts to sleep, but every time they wake up with features of panic and fear on their faces.

"They are in shock...". Hitler looked at these soldiers with sympathy. "Because of the constant bombing, these soldiers cannot get enough sleep, and worst of all, they are bombed while they are asleep. It may seem simple, but the psychological impact of this experience will accompany them for the rest of their lives..."

I looked at these soldiers with pity, I can't imagine how much they have suffered, every time they close their eyes, having to repeat this tragic experience

This reminded me of the nightmares I have because of the shadow

I touched my head because of the headache I'm suffering from until now, I'm still wearing a gas mask to hide my face, which has been distorted by black lines

"By the way, what is your name, sir?" Hitler looked at me curiously


"Hmm…it's a strange name…"

"Your name is also a bit strange…"

"Actually my name is Cody Wolf..."

"Did you change your name?..."

"I wanted to start a new life...". Hitler looked down sadly

"Do you work here?..."

"No, I am delivering messages from the command to the front…"

I took a cold breath when I heard about his mission

I remembered that my previous world did not contain advanced technologies such as phones and the Internet

So they are forced to deliver messages manually

But this is a very dangerous job

Moving between different areas within the battlefield was dangerous and almost suicidal

I got to this place one hour ago, but I've already died three times

wait a moment

"Are you going back to the back lines?…." I looked at Hitler excitedly

"That's right, I have to pass on the report regarding the situation in this area…." Hitler waved his bundle of papers in his hand

"Can I go with you?..."

"What?…You can't just leave your position and leave…."

"But I have an excuse for that…Wait a minute…"

I took off the gas mask

Shock appeared on Hitler's face as he stared at me. "What is this.."

"I'll be back soon, stay where you are..". I pointed at Hitler with my finger while I was running towards the place where the general was

The general stood with a group of officers, apparently discussing something

The soldiers stopped me when I tried to approach them

But the soldiers who tried to stop me were shocked when they saw my face

"I want to speak to the general..."

One of the soldiers regained his composure and extended his hand to stop me. "You can't get any closer. The general is discussing his plans with the officers."

"What's going on...". The general approached us. "Why is this commotion..."

The general stopped when he saw me, he was a bit shocked when he saw my face, but soon he regained his composure. "What do you want, soldier?..."

I straightened my back and spoke respectfully to him. "Sir, I thought I had contracted some kind of illness, so I ask your permission to go back to the back line for treatment…"

The general smiled and looked at me sarcastically. "Son, looking at your face I think you will die soon, don't you think that dying with honor while fighting bravely is better than dying like a dog in the clinic?"

"...." I don't know how to respond to this strange logic

While I was thinking of a suitable excuse, an old officer, dressed in military clothes similar to those worn by a general, approached us, but his clothes were covered in blood all over.

The old man lit his cigarette, unconcerned with the blood covering his clothes. He approached me and touched my face with his hand, looking closely at these black lines. "This is the first time I have seen such a medical condition…"

"Aren't you afraid of infection...". I asked curiously

Everyone tried to leave a certain distance between me and them because they were afraid of infection, even the general who seemed calm was two meters away from me when he saw my face for the first time

The old man giggled. "Kihehe, I'm an old man who smokes despite having lung cancer, do you think I'm afraid of death, haha… kuh koh." The old man started laughing, which soon turned into a cough

".....". This place is full of weirdos with twisted logic

The old man looked at the general who was watching us coldly. "General, I think we should let this kid go back so he can go to the hospital…."

"He looks fine to me...". The general is still standing firm

The old man put his cigarette out of his mouth and pointed at me. "I worked in the field of medicine for fifty years, but this is the first time I encounter such a case. I cannot confirm the source of this disease or whether it is contagious. The best option is to send him away from us...". The old man smiled as he looked at the general. "You definitely don't want an epidemic to spread among the soldiers at this sensitive time…"

The general was silent for several moments, looking at me coldly. "Okay...get out of my face...". The general left, looking annoyed for some reason

But that's none of my business

I looked at the old man gratefully and thanked him. "Thank you, sir..."

The old man smiled. "Go quickly, I hope you can survive, because if you don't die of illness now you will probably die on the way to the hospital…"

I smiled nervously. "I'll try to survive..."

I know I'm not going to die, but these black streaks, the headaches, along with the negative emotions flowing inside me, are all symptoms of my own death, and every time I die, these symptoms get worse.

This is the reason that prompted me to escape from this dangerous place and find a safe place

I don't know what will happen next if I die again

Another reason for wanting to leave this place is because I want to keep a close eye on the person I rescued

I worry about the consequences of my actions

This is a struggle between logic and feelings

Logic tells me that I should kill this man in order to avoid any problems in the future

As for feelings, they tell me that I haven't done anything wrong

All I did was save someone from death

That was reckless. I did the same thing when I rescued Atlas

But what is the probability that the same disaster will be repeated?

Frank Fontaine has a mask to change the appearance of his face, and he has a gas that can turn people into madmen who follow his orders

In addition, he possesses aura that makes him very powerful

But Adolf Hitler was different. He was just a simple soldier at the front, with nothing special

All I have to do is see what kind of person this man is, and if I see that he is an extremist or crazy person, I will kill him directly.