
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

You are definitely a good man

We took advantage of the relative calm on the front and started running to cover the longest possible distance before the front flared up again.

We were moving along the ditch

I wonder how much effort they put into digging this trench

We passed countless soldiers

All of them without exception had the same blank expressions on their faces

Their faces are covered in mud and dirt, their clothes are dirty, all they do is sit at their posts and stare at the sky, only a lucky few of them will be able to get some sleep.

They are no longer human, they are just ghosts of men

Why.....why are they forced to fight such a disastrous war

I know very well the history of my previous world. It is not an honorable history. After all, it is a history full of wars and destruction

But all my knowledge about wars I got from books, I did not go to war or participate in the army, so these tragic scenes of soldiers were a shock to an ordinary person like me

And our enemies don't seem to be any better off than us

I looked at the man walking in front of me

He is the man I saved from death, and now I have to watch him and find out what kind of person he is, in order to decide what is my next step.

I had a feeling that something was wrong ever since I saved this man until now

I know very well that my feelings are unstable, so I cannot prejudge this situation

I saved this man because I can't let a man choke to death on poison gas

But what should I do if this man is dangerous?

Should I kill him?

My hand holding the gun trembled

I put my other hand on my head and massaged my forehead

"Are you okay? We can stop for a while if you're tired..". Hitler stopped walking and seemed to notice my anomaly

"No, we must continue to advance before the situation becomes dangerous…." I urged him to keep walking

"You told me that you changed your name because you wanted to start a new life...". I tried to start a conversation with him. "I don't mean to intrude on your personal life but I'm just a little curious..."

Hitler didn't seem bothered by my question, and still kept his expressionless face. "I once had a dream..."


Hitler continued speaking calmly. "I wanted to be a painter"

My eyes lit up when I heard about his dream. I am a man who spent his life searching for antiquities and studying various arts, so seeing that someone wanted to become a painter sparked my interest a bit.

"Did you join the art college?"

"No, I couldn't get into the art college."

"Is this because of the war?"

"no...". The mask broke off Hitler's face, I could see the sadness on his face. "I was rejected, one of the instructor told me that I don't have the talent to be a painter"

"...." I was surprised at what happened to this man

From the look on his face, I could tell that he had a real passion for art, so I can imagine how shocked he was at that instructor's words.

"After that I tried to earn a living by selling my paintings on the street." Despite Hitler's calm tone, his words were filled with embarrassment and humiliation at the way he lived

"this -". I tried to comfort him

But Hitler interrupted me. "You do not need to console me, Mr. Elia, I am not a beggar looking for the sympathy of others."

An awkward silence fell on the place, we continued to walk beside each other while we were calm, Hitler was looking ahead, but I was looking at my surroundings with curiosity

"So what happened after you were rejected?" I was curious what happened to this young German

I sympathized with him when I heard that he could not achieve his dream, especially since it seemed that life was not easy for him

"After living without a goal for several years, I finally decided to join the army."

"Do you think that joining the army will allow you to get a good salary and a prestigious position in the country?"

"You misunderstood me. I am not looking for money or position. What matters to me is something more important than that.... I want to make Germany great again."

"What do you mean-". I tried to inquire about the meaning of his last sentence


But there was a huge explosion near me.

This explosion threw us a few meters into the air before hitting the ground hard

"Argh..". I let out a groan as i tried to rise to my feet

I tried to get up, but my whole body was numb, I couldn't even feel my feet, it looks like I was badly injured

I was lying on my chest, I tried to turn my head to see the extent of my injury

But I couldn't see anything from the lower part of my body

The area from the waist to the feet was non-existent, I could see my guts coming out

I turned my head away, not daring to continue looking at this bloody sight

I glimpsed a shoe similar to the one I was wearing a few meters away from where I was, and it seems that some parts of my feet are still present in these shoes

I turned my gaze to Hitler who was on his knees trying to catch his breath

I saw a group of soldiers inside a trench shouting at Hitler and urging him to run towards the trench

Hitler looked at these soldiers for a second, then looked at me

What is this idiot waiting for?! He should have run there instead of wasting his time in this dangerous area

Hitler got to his feet and ran towards me

When he reached me, he took me in his arms and started running as fast as he could

Since I was hit by this explosion, I could not hear anything, but I could see the bullets that hit the ground, the dust and dirt that were flying in the air as a result of the explosions.

Hitler ran zigzag so that no bullets hit him

I know that I am taking my last breath, and anyone who sees my condition will know immediately that I will die without any hope of survival.

So saving me is meaningless, why did this man risk his life to save me?

We managed to reach the trench safely, some soldiers approached Hitler and tried to talk to him, but he was pointing at me while shouting something

I could see the concern in his eyes

Is he worried about me?

The soldiers looked at me but shook their heads with a look on their faces saying that my condition was hopeless

Hitler fell to his knees and put his hand on my chest and seemed to be saying something to me

Unfortunately, I can't hear anything

If I could talk, I'd advise this guy to shave off that weird mustache

But I can't utter a word, all I can do is stare at his frowny face

But why am I happy?

Is it because someone is showing such concern for me?

I got to know this guy for a few hours

But I could recognize his misery and his pain, at first I was remorseful for saving him, but now I realize there is no need to regret

This man is willing to risk his life to save someone who is about to die, there is no way that someone like him would be evil

Adolf Hitler

You are definitely a good man