
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

I am Adolf Hitler

I felt a severe headache, I grabbed my head with my hands while gritting my teeth

I did not open my eyes, but I can tell that I am still inside the battlefield from the sounds of explosions and gunfire

At first I suspected that those headaches and black lines were because the body I was controlling had some kind of disease

But after some thinking, I realized that I moved to another body different from the first body, and after I died for the third time, I think I am in a new body.

And since I suffer from headaches, black lines must have appeared on this body as well

I was finally able to open my eyes, and I looked at my hands, my hands were covered in thick gloves

The first body I controlled didn't wear such gloves, which confirmed my theory

I thought of two possibilities. The first possibility is that when I die, time will turn back

As for the second possibility, when I die, my soul will move to a new body

The second possibility is more likely, because every time I wake up, I find myself in different places and wear different clothes.

I took off the gloves

As I expected, my hand was covered in black lines, and the number of black lines is more and it looks darker

Did this happen because I died too many times?

I do not rule out this possibility, my death several times may have caused damage to my soul, which led to the emergence of these symptoms

Damn, negative feelings were growing inside of me, these feelings were like a small wave at first, but now it's like a tsunami

Especially feelings of fear, I think the possibility of my soul being affected made me afraid of death

"General, the enemies have bombarded the area in front of us with poison gas…." one of the soldiers shouted

A man in his fifties approached the area where the soldier was looking. This man was wearing different clothes than the rest of the soldiers, which indicates his high rank.

The general looked at that area with binoculars, and then yelled at us. "Put on gas masks..."

His scream was like an alarm that made all the soldiers run in all directions trying to get gas masks for themselves and their colleagues.

One of the soldiers handed me a gas mask and I quickly put it on

But I noticed a soldier trying to put on a gas mask, but he couldn't because of his thick mustache

There was terror on this young soldier's face, and he desperately tried to put on the mask

I watched this young man struggling to put on the mask without me moving a finger

I was waiting for someone to help him, but the terrified soldiers were so busy protecting themselves, they didn't care about this young man.

"Get ready, everyone...". The general shouted, which added to the soldiers' panic

Damn you

I ran towards that young soldier before time ran out

This young man will die if I leave him like this

When I got close to him, the soldier looked at me in amazement

I grabbed his face and told him. "Stay still and don't move..."

I took out the knife that was hanging on my waist and tried to cut off these mustaches

Damn, I wish I had a razor


I heard a loud explosion behind me

"Poison gas..."

"Let everyone take shelter..."

The soldiers' screames began to resound from all directions

I'm finally done

"Put the mask on quickly..."

The soldier put on his mask and lay on the ground like the rest of the soldiers

We lay on the ground for a few minutes until it was safe

The general began issuing orders to the soldiers, who returned to their positions

The young soldier and I got up

The young soldier ran to the general and handed him an envelope

Then the soldier came back to me, taking off the mask from his face. He was a young man in his thirties, with shiny black hair and a normal face.

The funny thing is the weird mustache on his face, I was in such a hurry that I cut it off randomly

The soldier looked at me gratefully. "Thank you, I don't know how to repay you..."

"Don't worry, We are colleagues and it is natural for us to help each other.."

I still wear a gas mask to hide my face, I don't know what problems will happen if someone sees these black lines on my face

I looked at this young soldier's face carefully. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I saved someone from death.

In a normal circumstance, this would be an act of heroism, but I realize that I may have changed history by saving someone who should have died.

But there's no point in regretting now that I've already saved him

The young soldier extended his hand, smiling. "I am Adolf Hitler..."