

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · perkotaan
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79 Chs

Chapter 37: : Who can conquer Gao Leng

Chapter 37: : Who can conquer Gao Leng sister?

   The eyes of the two little babies fell on Qi Lingshan again.

  咦, it seems to be a bit like my mother!

   But, it's not as pretty as my mother.

   "My dear, my auntie, my auntie will buy you something delicious!" Qi Lingshan looked at the meaty little face and couldn't help but squeeze it.

   But as soon as this hand was stretched out, the two little cuties broke away from Qi Xuanxuan's arms in an instant, and drew a safe distance from Qi Lingshan.

   Candy looked back and stuck out his tongue at Qi Lingshan, and said gruffly, "Huh, no, we only like to eat Dad's food. We don't eat junk food bought outside."

   10,000 points of critical damage, hit Qi Lingshan's mind directly.

   I have been independent in country M for so long, and there is no one who can't figure it out yet. Now I'm actually speechless by two children.

   Tangtang and Guoguo turned around and ran outside the kitchen to enjoy the magical performance of their father.

   Qi Lingshan cast her gaze to Qi Xuanxuan.

   "Don't look at me, these two little guys are the most clingy to their fathers. You come by yourself, and you don't even bring them gifts. No wonder they don't want to call you."

   Qi Xuanxuan shrugged and said lightly.

   Qi Lingshan glanced at the kitchen, the tall and stalwart, busy figure, curiously asked: "I said, you are looking for the brother brother of the group to pick up the plate, ah, you still cook?"

   As for his two little nieces, there is no other way but to figure out the sacredness of this so-called 'brother-in-law' first, so that he can actually conquer Qi Xuanxuan, who has always been cold like an iceberg.

   What's even more hateful is that today I almost got into the game because of the brother-in-law I've never met before.

   "What's the mess? He is the biological father of two children." Qi Xuanxuan's face changed drastically.

After she finished speaking, she quickly took Qi Lingshan to the sofa far away from the kitchen, patted Qi Lingshan's slender waist fiercely, and said solemnly: "Lingshan, give me a break. That's your brother-in-law. You ran into someone just now, and apologize to him when you feel better."

   My sister is a real sister, but my husband is the man who can give himself a lifetime of happiness.

   And this matter is indeed Qi Lingshan's fault.

   "I said, sister, what does he do? You are so serious, and you want me to apologize to him. I almost got into the game by him, and you asked me to apologize to him?"

   Qi Lingshan is not happy to hear it.

  I'm the daughter of a dignified family, how can I apologize to my brother-in-law?

   And about Qi Xuanxuan's marriage, she often talks with her home on the phone, and she has never heard of it!

   must be hiding from the family. If this is the case, even if he has not officially entered the Qi family, then he should come and apologize to me, and then ask me to say something nice to him.

   Yes, that's it, he should apologize to me.

   "Because he is your brother-in-law and my husband, you were wrong in this matter first, so you must apologize." Qi Xuanxuan said coldly.

   However, her cold face Qi Lingshan didn't have any effect at all, and there was no deterrence at all.

   "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, he hasn't seen his grandparents yet, right? And they don't know you are already married, right?" Qi Lingshan asked confidently.

   She clearly remembered that in the family, she was planning to marry Qi Xuanxuan to the Leng family in Sichuan province, and the Leng family was also very interested.

   To put it bluntly, it is just a family marriage, which is very good for both groups.

   "Whoever I marry, of course it is up to me to make the decision. Why, do you think you have the ability now and want to threaten me?"

   Qi Xuanxuan listened to Qi Lingshan's words, she was also drumming in her heart, but she said without shyness.

   "How is it possible, you are my sister, of course I will not threaten you, but..." Qi Lingshan said, moving her eyes to the direction of the kitchen.

The threat in   's words is quite obvious.

   It seems that Qi Xuanxuan's weakness has been pricked, and the momentum on her body dissipated in an instant.

   The two sisters sat down peacefully and started negotiations.

   Lu Yunqi has been busy in the kitchen, because when he walked in, he saw guests from home, so he made a few more dishes.

after an hour.

   There was a scent wafting from the kitchen.

   The other people in the villa are already used to it. Since Lu Yun has lived in the villa, they can smell this attractive color every day.

   can be the first time for Qi Lingshan to come to the villa, but it is a fatal temptation.


   Qi Lingshan, who was sitting on the sofa chatting, couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

   "He used to be a chef?" The negotiation between the two was almost finished. Qi Lingshan glanced at the kitchen curiously, then turned to look at Qi Xuanxuan and asked.

   Qi Xuanxuan shook her head, did not speak, her heart hurts a bit at this moment.

   Because in the negotiation just now, she has taken out the most precious little tomato as a bargaining chip, and sealed the mouth of her unruly sister.

   "Xiao Wang, serve food, have dinner!" Lu Yunqi's "baritone" voice came from the kitchen.

   As the singer Qi Lingshan heard it, her eyes flashed with golden light, as if she had discovered some incredible baby.

   "Sister, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do we karaoke tonight?" Qi Lingshan said with a smile on her face.

   Qi Xuan Xuan's heart tightened when she saw this smiling face.

   This little Nizi, this look, there must be nothing good.

   But she just came back here, and she couldn't refuse. There is a recreation room in the villa, which is convenient.

   "I'll talk after dinner!" Qi Xuanxuan said lightly, and walked towards the dining table with Qi Lingshan.

  With the help of the nanny, a total of twelve delicious dishes were quickly filled with the table.

   "Wow, there are sweet and sour ribs again today." Tangtang and Guoguo, under the care of the nanny, washed their hands, sat on the table, looked at a plate of sweet and sour ribs, and cheered excitedly.

   "I'm going to eat five yuan today!" Guoguo picked up the chopsticks, quickly picked up a spare rib, licked it, and put it in his bowl.

   looked at Tangtang and the strange aunt on the table warily.

When    Tangtang saw it, he was not to be outdone. In the same way, he took six spare ribs and placed it in his bowl.

   Qi Xuanxuan laughed.

   Qi Lingshan stared at the two cute little nieces.

   Even if this rib is delicious, as the little princess of the Qi family, doesn't it need to look like this?

   I'm afraid that someone will steal their delicious food.

   "The daily dinners of the two babies are all nutritionally matched by your brother-in-law. The ribs are the favorite of the two little guys, but they can only eat twice a week." Qi Xuanxuan explained next to her.

   Qi Lingshan suddenly realized, "I thought it was you who were poor, so I couldn't bear to buy meat for my niece?"

   At this time, Lu Yun started to walk out of the kitchen carrying a plate of small tomatoes and a few cucumbers with vitality and blood.

   "Fresh cucumber..." Lu Yun's voice stopped abruptly as he walked out of the kitchen door.