

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 38: : Misunderstanding with my sister-in-law

Chapter 38: : Misunderstanding with my sister-in-law

   Qi Lingshan also heard of her reputation, although she already knew that the person she hit today was her brother-in-law.

   But at the time, I didn't even see what this person looked like.

   When she saw Lu Yunqi's face clearly at this moment, she suddenly understood why such a cold sister would marry this man at the risk of being reprimanded by her family.

   She and Qi Xuanxuan are relatives, and they know more than Baicha, so she doesn't think it is Lu Yun who started to deny her pants five years ago.

   "You, why are you here?" After Lu Yun calmed down, he walked to the dinner table and asked with a bit of unkind expression in his eyes.

   This woman almost sent herself to the west, and now she still wants to eat her own meal.

   But how could she show up in my house?

   And it seems to have a good relationship with my wife.

   "Husband, let me introduce you, this is my sister, Qi Lingshan." Qi Xuanxuan stood up and introduced, "Lingshan, this is your brother-in-law, Lu Yunqi!"


   A plate of precious beauty tomatoes, after a few beats on the floor, rolled around.

   The qi and blood cucumber was almost broken to pieces. Only the plate was made of plastic, and it jumped slightly in the air a few times, and finally landed firmly on the ground.

   "Brother-in-law, hello, my name is Qi Lingshan!" Qi Lingshan stood up and said with a smile.

   Before I said, I still had a little bit of resentment towards this brother-in-law. When she saw this handsome face, the resentment in Qi Lingshan's heart had long since vanished.

   "You, you are Xuan Xuan's sister, sent by your family?" Lu Yunqi looked at Qi Lingshan vigilantly and asked.

   I always thought that it was just a simple car accident, but if this woman is Qi Xuanxuan's sister!

   It won't be their family, who disagrees with Qi Xuanxuan and me, and deliberately sent her sister to trouble me, right?

   No, it should have come to take my life directly. Fortunately, the BMW is strong enough.

   "Yes, I am~~~"

   "Hello, let's eat first!" Lu Yunqi said lightly.

   The stormy sea was already in his heart, and went to sit down next to the two girls.

   "Brother-in-law, actually I..." Qi Lingshan still wanted to explain.

   Qi Xuanxuan glanced at Lu Yunqi, shook her head slightly, and pulled Qi Lingshan into position to sit down, "Okay, let's eat, your brother-in-law was a little tired just cooking!"

   She knew that Lu Yunqi might have misunderstood that Lingshan was here to trouble him, since he didn't want to give Qi Lingshan a chance to explain.

   If she went to explain to Lu Yunqi now, it would only make him feel more uncomfortable.

   A man's self-esteem is sometimes strong in front of outsiders.

   Qi Lingshan didn't think so much, thinking that Lu Yunqi was tired from cooking, so she didn't want to talk to her.

   This dinner is destined to end in an awkward atmosphere.

   While eating, Qi Lingshan has been serving Tangtang and Guoguo with vegetables, hoping to further gain the favor of the two little nieces.

   But what she didn't expect was that these two little guys ignored her at all, even if they were serving them sweet and sour pork ribs, neither of the two little guys ignored her.

   Tonight, Lu Yun ate very little. After eating, he took his two baby daughters into the children's room to play.

   "Oh, I didn't expect this brother-in-law, except for being handsome and good at cooking, everything else can be said to be useless!"

   After eating, Qi Lingshan looked at the message on the phone and said with a smile.

   "Go away, your brother-in-law is very powerful!" Qi Xuanxuan yelled angrily.

   The relationship between the two is so difficult that this Nizi must come to sabotage when they can face off every day.

   is simply too hateful.

   If the husband and wife have a gap in their hearts, the night life will not be pleasant.

   "Also, take care of your mouth. When your brother-in-law gives me another cucumber tomorrow, I will give you one." Qi Xuanxuan said with some pain.

  Especially when I saw the small tomatoes that had just been slowly taking a plate, all of them fell to the ground, and in the end they all became the 'treasure' that the nanny scrambled for.

   Qi Xuanxuan's heart is dripping blood. Those little tomatoes have special functions, and you can't buy them with money.

   Moreover, she also knows now that Lu Yunqi got these things, but she didn't tell her where they got them.

   "Ah, didn't you mean beauty tomato? Why are you giving me cucumbers now? I don't use it!" Qi Lingshan said with a blushing face.

   What's so good about cucumbers, cold and sour.

   the other side.

   Lu Yunqi accompanied Tangtang and Guoguo to play in the children's room. Just after playing for a while, Zhou Huiying's video came over.

   "Tangtang, Guoguo, come and see grandpa and grandma."

   Lu Yunqi connected the video, pointed the camera directly at the two cuties, and shouted.

   At the end of the video, Zhou Huiying was happy to see her two granddaughters.

   During this period of time, there was a video almost every day, and I looked very happy every time.

   "Hello grandma!"

   "Hello grandma!"

   The two little cuties walked over and greeted Zhou Huiying enthusiastically. As the corner of the video screen, the grandfather was directly ignored by the two sisters.

   "Well, what did you learn in school today, baby?" Zhou Huiying asked with concern with a smile on her face.

   "Grandma, fight monsters!" The two little girls said happily.

   The two of them have been in love with the two sisters since the last time Huiying Zhou performed the stick "Monster" in the video ~www.readwn.com~.

   Huiying Zhou's smile on her face was brighter, and the "magic broom" in her hand shook towards the camera, "Okay, grandma is ready, before you fight the monsters, let grandma kiss me, mua~~~"



   Tangtang and Guoguo held the toy in their hands, stretched their heads directly to the screen of the phone, and kissed the screen.

   A large piece of saliva was left on the screen, which made Lu Yun who was holding the phone admire the operation of the two little guys.

   Such a cute daughter, I love it so much.

   "Grandma, fight monsters now!" Tangtang reminded coquettishly.

   Both sisters have already picked up the "magic shovel" in the toy room, and are ready to learn how to fight monsters with their grandma.

   At this moment, Lu Kun in the corner of the screen, a smiling face instantly solidified.

   People's first impression is really important.

   Since the first time, my dark skin and scum on my face have scared my two precious granddaughters.

   In the hearts of the two little cuties, there is no longer the title of grandfather, but monsters instead.

   The shadow and face in my heart cannot be estimated.

   Lu Kun plucked up the courage to squeeze Zhou Huiying away. In the video, a standard big-backed head is shiny, and the scum on his face is also trimmed.

   no longer had that horrible face, except for the darker skin, the others looked like a mentally old man.

"Tangtang, Guoguo, two little dears, come call grandpa, call grandpa, grandpa buys you candies to eat." Lu Kun's smile on his face looked a little funny, and he even took out a few special tablets from his hand. Alps bought from the village shop.