

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 36 Sister-in-law Qi Lingshan

Chapter 36: : Sister-in-law Qi Lingshan

   "Hey, get me a car out. My car was hit at the gate of the community."

   Lu Yunqi was calling the nanny in the villa.

   As for the scene of the car accident, first take a good photo, and of course leave the rest to the traffic police uncle.

   After a while, Xiao Wang, the babysitter, drove out of the community in a Mercedes-Benz, and took the car keys after he parked the car.

   "Auntie, what are you..." Looking at the scene, Xiao Wang opened his eyes wide and asked in shock.

   "It's okay, you can just stay here and wait for the traffic police to deal with it. I have to pick up the baby!"

   Lu Yunqi took the Mercedes-Benz car key, gave an order, and drove away directly.

   No matter what, it's not important to pick up my daughter from school.

   The woman sitting in the Ferrari car clearly heard the conversation between Lu Yunqi and the nanny just now.

   became nervous involuntarily.

   She still has a smell of alcohol when she talks. If the police uncle comes, she will suffer.

   When the time comes, my glorious life will leave a deep shadow of darkness.

   shook his head, sobered himself a little bit, and quickly called his girlfriends for help.

   As a result, I made several calls in a row, but no one answered.

   I drank too much at noon, and fell asleep as soon as I got home.

   In desperation, the woman had no choice but to bite the bullet and dial out a number.

After    rang a few times, a surprised voice came from the other end of the phone: "Oh, why are you willing to call me today?"

   "I was in a car accident at the gate of your community!" The woman said lightly.

   There was a slight start at the other end of the phone, and then he asked: "Lingshan, you, have you returned to your country?"

  'S tone was full of doubts.

  It is Qi Xuanxuan's younger sister, Qi Lingshan, who drove the red Ferrari sports car.

  Because of studying in country M, in four years, except when Qi Hao passed away, he came back once. At other times, he basically stayed in country M and rarely returned to China.

   She also told Qi Xuan Xuan several times before that she returned to China, but Qi Xuan Xuan was happy several times.

   "Yes, I bumped into someone and drank with some girlfriends at noon." Qi Lingshan said truthfully.

   She and Qi Xuanxuan two sisters, although the sisters are deeply affectionate, but they also compete with each other, they belong to mutual sisters.

   She used to call her best friend first, but she didn't want her sister to think that she could do nothing except singing.

   "You wait for me there, and I immediately said, if you dare to lie to me this time, I will definitely not spare you."

   In the office of the president of Haochen Building, Qi Xuanxuan had already carried her bag and was about to go home, and said 'threatening'.

   Qi Lingshan did not speak, and hung up the phone.

   At the gate of the community.

  Nanny Xiao Wang's cell phone rang suddenly.

   "Hey, Miss!"

   "You go to the gate of our community now to see if someone has had a car accident!" Qi Xuanxuan ordered on the other side of the phone.

   "Yes!" Xiao Wang, the nanny replied without even thinking about it.

   "Why did you know so soon?"

"Miss, I'm on the scene. Just now, my uncle called me and said that the car had been hit and asked me to send him a car. Now he is going to pick up the little princess. I am here waiting for the traffic police to deal with it! "

   The nanny Xiao Wang replied.

   She thought it was her uncle who called the eldest lady, but she was still a little puzzled. It has been so nine, why did the eldest call herself.

   Qi Xuanxuan, who was sitting in the Maybach, had a wry smile on her face.

   What script are these?

   The first time my husband saw my sister-in-law, was it actually at the scene of a car accident?

   "Xiao Wang, the traffic police haven't come yet, so quickly ask someone to drive another car."

   Qi Xuan Xuan remotely commanded.

   Although Qi Lingshan is a little bit naughty, she can't just watch her sister get locked in!

   "Huh? Miss, do you know another car owner?" Xiao Wang, the nanny exclaimed.

   She was recruited by Qi Xuanxuan after buying a villa here. Qi Lingshan has not been mentioned before.

   "Just ask someone to go as soon as possible, I'll be there soon."

   On the other end of the phone, Qi Xuanxuan said anxiously, and then hung up.

   urged the driver again.

   Nanny Xiao Wang, confused and called another nanny.

   Qi Xuanxuan also directly sent a WeChat message to Qi Lingshan, asking her to drive the car to someone else, and also told her that the person she hit was her husband, that is, her brother-in-law.

   Qi Lingshan sat in the car, and after reading Qi Xuanxuan's news, she was completely embarrassed.

   Oh, I'm going, this is really a **** plot, I actually drove into my brother-in-law, wanting to let others know about the relationship, and thinking that Qi Lingshan is going to murder my brother-in-law?

  No, sister, brother-in-law, when did my sister get married?

  What does that person look like?

   tall, short, fat and thin, I don't know anything.

   I blame this nasty cell phone, it's too much delay. If I knew it, I'll take a good look.

   After a while, the traffic police uncle came.

   At this time, Qi Lingshan had already returned to Qi Xuanxuan's villa under the leadership of the nanny.

   As for the scene of the car accident, it was handed over to Xiao Wang and another nanny to solve it.

   the other side.

   Lu Yun went to the kindergarten to pick up the two little babies, and drove home directly.

  Because of the car accident at the gate of the community, it has been delayed for a while, so I have to go home and cook for my wife.

   Back home, looking around, she found Qi Xuanxuan sitting on the sofa, chatting with a woman with a familiar hair color.

   "Why did you come back so early today? There was a delay when picking up my daughter just now. I'm going to cook now."

   After entering the door, he said to Qi Xuanxuan, then turned and walked into the kitchen.



   Tangtang and Guoguo both got up from Lu Yun and ran towards Qi Xuanxuan excitedly.

   Qi Xuanxuan stood up and stooped to pick up the two little princesses~www.readwn.com~ and kissed them both on their faces.

   "Baby, did you obediently listen to the teacher at school today?"

   "Wow, there are wow, Tangtang is behaved at school today!" Tangtang replied with a smile.

   Guoguo said unwillingly, "Mummy, Guoguo is also very good today."

   Qi Lingshan sitting on the sofa stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes.

   She also knew that she was an aunt before, but she had never seen it before. When her father died, she just returned to the United States after attending the memorial service in full.

   I have never seen these two little nieces, but now they look so beautiful, they have inherited the fine lineage of the Qi family perfectly.

   "These are your two daughters?" Qi Lingshan looked at the two cute little treasures, and she liked it in her heart. She looked at Qi Xuanxuan and asked.

   "Mom, who is this beautiful aunt? I haven't seen it before!" Tangtang heard Qi Lingshan's voice, turned her head and looked carefully, and asked curiously.

   The voice of milky milk made Qi Lingshan like it even more.

   is so cute, so cute.

   Although Guoguo didn't speak, her small eyes were still staring at Qi Lingshan, and her heart was as curious as Tangtang.

   "Two little babies, what are your names? I am your mother's sister. Do you know if you want to call me in the future?"

   Before Qi Xuanxuan could speak, Qi Lingshan said with a smile.

   When the two little cuties heard it, their faces coincidentally showed disbelief, and they looked up at Qi Xuanxuan.

   "Well, she is your aunt and mother's sister!" Qi Xuanxuan nodded and introduced to the two children.