
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 57: Multiple Dreams

After the door opened, there was a handsome little fresh meat outside the door!

  This handsome guy was wearing hotel work clothes, with a cart in front of him, and there were a lot of snacks wrapped in plastic wrap in the cart.

  At this time, the handsome guy was anxious, and he was still holding a mobile phone. It seemed that he was about to make a call. After seeing Wang Qing coming out, he was relieved.

  "Guest, what happened to you just now, I heard your screams in the corridor, I thought something happened to you, I was planning to call the police to save you!"

  In normal times, when meeting such a handsome guy, Wang Qing would always post it on his own initiative, plus the fact that he cares about her so much, it will naturally make her feel better.

  But tonight was an exception. She had just experienced a horrible nightmare, and she was in a bad mood, so even if she knew that the other party was kind, she was quite rude when she spoke!

  "Report, report! Report your sister! Are there fewer women screaming at night in this hotel? You are the staff here, don't you know this?" Wang Qing scolded.

  The staff member smiled wryly, and responded, "It's because I'm used to hearing it that I immediately felt that your cry was wrong. I want to help you, and I'm afraid that something will happen to you."

  "Get out! Your voice is wrong! How can I say that I have more experience than you, I still need you to teach me!" Wang Qing cursed angrily, and was about to close the door.

  Seeing that Wang Qing was angry, the staff hurriedly said with a smile on his face, "Wait! Beauty wait! Don't leave yet!"

  "What! Do you still want to enter the house?" Wang Qing looked at the staff and asked.

  "No, no, I was wrong just now, I'm not very good at talking, beautiful girl, don't take it to your heart, and don't complain to me."

  With that said, the staff took a box of snacks from the car and handed it to Wang Qing.

  "Please accept this snack as my apology to her."

  Hearing that it was a snack or an apology, Wang Qing snorted coldly, took the snack anyway, and then slammed the door behind the staff with a flattering smile.

  Sitting on the bed, Wang Qing looked at the time, it was three o'clock in the morning.

  Fatty Qu left after two o'clock. After that, she simply took a shower before going to bed. She thought she had slept for a long time, but she didn't expect that it was only three o'clock when she woke up .

  There is a very important question, but it was ignored by Wang Qing at this time. She often comes to this hotel to open a room. At this point in time, how could there be staff pushing a cart to sell snacks!

  She didn't think of this, the nightmare just now really frightened her, and now her head is still buzzing, how could she have the heart to pay attention to this.

  Looking at the food box on the side, the lid of the food box was tightly closed, and a layer of plastic wrap was used to seal the opening. It was impossible to know what was in the box. The handsome guy didn't elaborate , but said that what was in it was snack.

  Looking at the food box beside him, Wang Qing's stomach couldn't help growing, obviously he was very hungry.

  She reached out to get the food box, but stopped halfway through her hand. She suddenly remembered the scene in her previous dream. The terrifying scene made her body tremble uncontrollably, and the hand she reached out couldn't help but slowly. .

  Withdrawing his hand, Wang Qing cursed and took out a cigarette and lit it, looking very aggrieved.

  She really never imagined that one day, she would be so frightened by a dream. Even after waking up from the dream, she still couldn't calm down for a long time. She was filled with fear, and she was too scared to open the box even for a snack!

  After taking a few puffs of the cigarette, Wang Qing felt more and more aggrieved when he thought about it, and then threw the cigarette in his hand hard on the floor.

  "Going to ride a horse! It's just a dream! It doesn't scare me like this at all!"

  After finishing speaking, her eyes fell on the food box beside her again, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.

  "After being frightened by a dream, I didn't dare to touch the food box. Then I ate stewed human flesh in the dream. Is it possible that I don't even have to eat in the future? It's ridiculous!"

  As she said that, Wang Qing reached out and grabbed the food box. After the words fell, she tore off the plastic wrap and opened the food box.

  Although Wang Qing spoke harshly, she couldn't help but tremble the moment she opened the food box. It was obviously impossible to say that there was no fear in her heart.

  The food box was opened, and there was nothing scary inside, but a row of ham sausages neatly arranged.

  This ham sausage is very short, with a bamboo stick inserted, but looking at the length of the ham sausage, it should be a ham divided into two pieces, and then inserted with a bamboo stick, in addition, this ham sausage is thicker than normal ham Small circle.

  Not seeing the frightening thing in his imagination, Wang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves were also relaxed.

  "It's really stingy. This ham sausage is short and thin, and it will be gone in one bite. Let alone one, several of them together can't feed me enough."

  While complaining, Wang Qing took out a piece of ham from the box. At this time, she was really hungry. Although she was complaining, she did not want to give up eating.

  Bite down, Wang Qing immediately frowned, and opened his mouth angrily.

  "Is this ham or steel bar! Why is it so hard!"

  Wang Qing's mouthful only left tooth marks on the ham.

  "You think they are thin and short, I can only increase their hardness, otherwise you will say they are too soft."

  The sudden sound startled Wang Qing, she looked towards the source of the sound, and saw that there was an extra person in the room at some point!

  what! ! !

  Wang Qing screamed in fright, sitting on the bed, her body reflex moved towards the back!

  The one who suddenly appeared in her room was none other than the staff member who just gave her snacks!

  "How did you come in! What are you going to do!" Wang Qing was terrified and angry, and shouted at this person.

  "I'm afraid you'll be lonely, so I'm here to do a magic trick for you, ha ha." The man smiled, but at this time his smile was no longer as flattering as before, but became ferocious.

  "Changing your sister's magic! You are crazy, you! Get out! Get out immediately! Otherwise, I will call the police!!!"

  This person ignored Wang Qing's roar and threats, but with a grin on his face, he took out a pair of scissors, and then cut off the little finger of his other hand.


  Like cutting a tree branch, the man's little finger was cut off, but a strange scene appeared, no blood spurted out from the wound, and the severed finger disappeared out of thin air. The smile on the man's face showed no trace of pain, as if he had just The severed finger was not his finger.

  Wang Qing was dumbfounded at first, but then, she suddenly felt a piercing pain in the little finger of her left hand, and she felt her left hand became wet. When she looked down, she opened her mouth wide in horror!

  The little finger of her left hand had been cut off at some point, and blood continued to spurt from the wound, staining the bed sheet red.

  What frightened her even more was that the piece of ham she held in her hand was no longer a ham, but a finger, a bloody finger!

  There were teeth marks on this finger, which were left when she bit it down just now, but no matter how she looked at it at this time, she felt that this finger was her little finger.

  Wang Qing was trembling all over, she was too frightened to speak, she just stared blankly at the finger stuck by the bamboo stick, as if she had lost her soul.

  The man seemed very satisfied with Wang Qing's reaction, he grinned grinningly and said, "The magic is not over yet, just look at me."

  Wang Qing seemed to be possessed, as soon as the man said this, she looked at him uncontrollably.

  She didn't want to watch it, but there was a force forcing her to watch it!

  I saw the man cut off all the fingers of his left hand in a burst of strange laughter. As before, no blood spewed from the wound, and all the severed fingers disappeared. On the contrary, it was Wang Qing who felt that there was something wrong with her left hand. All four fingers were cut off.

  Sure enough, when the strange force forced her to look at her left hand, she saw that her left hand had lost a single finger, it was bald and terrifying.

  Before she could scream out, that strange force forcibly made her look away, and looked at the food box beside her!

  Seeing this, Wang Qing was so frightened that tears fell straight down!

  Where is there any ham sausage in the food box? There are four fingers cut off at the same root, thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger. These four fingers are placed in the food box, and bamboo sticks are inserted for convenience.

  These four fingers, together with the fingers Wang Qing was holding at this time, happened to be the five fingers on her left hand that were inexplicably cut off!

  "You eat first, and I will prepare a hard dish for you!"

  As the man's voice sounded, that

  The strange power controlled Wang Qing's eyes again, and he forcibly looked at the man's position!

  I saw that the man took out a chainsaw at some point in his hand, and he skillfully cut off his head evenly, and then removed the skull like cutting a coconut, exposing the human brain.

  "Hehe, eat more brains to supplement, the effect is very good, one is worth five pig brains."

  After saying these words, Wang Qing suddenly felt a chill in her neck, and immediately after, her head slipped off her neck and was caught by her hands.

  The headless corpse held the head and placed it on the chest. The skull had been cut off at some point, but Wang Qing couldn't see it. What she could see was the man who had recovered inexplicably and was walking towards her with a smile. Come, and there is an extra long straw in his hand.

  "I'm worried that you won't be able to eat your own brain, so I thoughtfully prepared a special straw for you as a guest. One end is inserted into your brain and the other end is put into your mouth. You just need to suck it hard, don't be psychological As a burden, just treat it like sucking coconut juice."

  Wang Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and fainted from fright!

  what! ! !

  With a scream, Wang Qing suddenly sat up from the bed. Her whole body was wet, as if she had been fished out of water. Her eyes were dull, her lips were trembling, and the whole room was filled with the smell of feces and urine.

  She was still in the hotel, she was still on the bed, everything just now was still a dream, but this time in the dream, she was so frightened that she became incontinent.

  She sat on the bed trembling all the time, her expression full of horror. It took some time before she gradually realized that everything just now was fake and a dream.

  However, as soon as this idea came to her mind, all the lights in the room were suddenly turned off, and a burst of eerie laughter suddenly sounded in the room. In the dark room, she seemed to feel that there was an extra person behind her, who was about to Cling to her body tightly!

  Hope had just been born in my heart, and now I fell into despair again. Wang Qing let out a scream, passed out again, and then sat up from the bed again!

  Everything just now was also just a dream, but right now, when she woke up this time, whether she was still in a dream or returned to reality, she didn't know, she really didn't know.

  At this moment, she knew nothing but fear.