
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 56: Eat Meat While It’s Hot

Wang Qing sat on the chair, rubbing his shoulders and legs for a while, his words and deeds were full of provocation to the man who tied the horse.

  Wang Qing was already pretty and had a very hot figure. The strong man couldn't stand her teasing immediately.

  However, did the strong man have any scruples, so he didn't do something according to Wang Qing's wishes.

  The strong man reacted like this, not only did not make Wang Qing give up in her heart, but instead aroused her inner desire, she intensified her efforts, assuming that she would not give up until she beat the strong man and ate him.

  Seeing this, the strong man swallowed. In order to suppress the impulse in his heart, he hurriedly ran to the stove, and then turned his back to Wang Qing, as if he would not be able to suppress the beast in his heart if he communicated with Wang Qing head-on.

  "Beauty, aren't you hungry? You came just in time. I made a pot of mutton and it will be ready soon."

  Put a simple stove in front of the strong man, and there is a pot on the stove. Since the pot is covered, I don't know what is stewing in the pot, but judging from the smell, what is stewing in the pot should be Meat.

  Originally, Wang Qing was focusing all her attention on the strong man at this time, and the feeling of extreme hunger disappeared at some point, but now hearing what the strong man said, she suddenly felt extremely hungry again.

  "Alright, when I'm full, I'll have the strength to fight an earth-shattering battle with you. Let's see whether your hoe is stronger or my land is stronger!"

  Thinking of this, Wang Qing smiled and said to the strong man's back: "I'm really hungry, it would be best if I can eat something."

  The strong man responded, then turned and walked towards Wang Qing, with a simple and honest smile on his face, holding a pot in both hands.

  The strong man didn't take off the lid of the pot, he just put a pot in front of Wang Qing, and the hot aroma came out from the crack of the pot lid.

  The aroma was indeed very strong, but Wang Qing still couldn't help frowning, and she asked, "Brother, do you have any bowls and chopsticks?"

  The strong man smiled honestly and said, "Beauty, this is hand meat with bones. It is more delicious to eat with the bones, so there is no need to use a bowl."

  Upon hearing this, Wang Qing showed the original expression, and said: "That's fine, then I'll try this barbarian's way of eating. A lady like me is very particular about the way of eating. But since the conditions do not permit, I don't care about it."

  As she spoke, Wang Qing reached out and lifted the lid of the pot, and a strong aroma came out, making her salivate.

  There was snow-white broth in the pot, and it was not clear what kind of meat was under the broth, but above the broth, there were pieces of white bones, and some cooked minced meat hung on the white bones.

  Wang Qing was completely attracted by the strong fragrance, and she stopped pretending to be a lady, and stopped saying something to improve her status. She swallowed, and stretched out her hand to grab a bone.

  She guessed that although the bones exposed outside the broth did not have a few pieces of meat, but the part of the bone submerged in the broth definitely had delicious meat.

  Because she was too anxious, Wang Qing's hand was burned as soon as it touched the bone. She shrieked and retracted her hand, blowing on the burned part while cursing angrily.

  "Wrap this around the bone and you won't get burned."

  The strong man handed Wang Qing a tissue, and Wang Qing snatched the tissue, complaining, "Hmph, why didn't you give it to me sooner, because you want to see my jokes?"

  The strong man didn't try to defend himself, but just looked at Wang Qing happily.

  When Wang Qing saw the strong man's expression, he liked it even more, and made up his mind to squeeze the strong man dry when he was full.

  After showing a provocative expression to the strong man, Wang Qing wrapped the bone in a paper towel, and then took all the bone out of the broth!

  Sure enough, the meat was all under the bone, and the meat was stewed badly and fragrant.

  Looking at the meaty bone in her hand, Wang Qing showed a smug smile on her face. Her guess was correct. She immediately felt that she was very smart, and she was proud of her smartness.

  She was not polite, and blew on the meaty bone, then bit down on the part with the most meat.

  A mouthful of rotten meat was torn off by her teeth. It was very hot but very fragrant. Wang Qing had never eaten such delicious meat. Bite towards the meaty bone with one bite, tearing off a large piece of meat from the bone!

  Before the big mouthful of meat could be swallowed, Wang Qing was stunned for a moment, with a mouthful of meat in her mouth, she stared blankly at the meaty bone in her hand!

  At some point, the bone in her hand had turned into a human hand, a human hand that had been stewed to pieces!

  Although it has been stewed, the five fingers of this hand still exist. Let alone looking at it with eyes, even if a blind man touches it, he can immediately tell that it is a human hand, a stewed human hand!

  Not only that, the paper towel that the strong man gave her to wrap her bones before is no longer a paper towel, but a piece of skin, a piece of human skin!

  The scene in front of her made Wang Qing's pupils dilate suddenly, she screamed in horror, and threw the fleshy bone out of her hand in fright!

  Her mouth was already full of meat, but when she screamed, the meat stuck in her throat. She quickly spit out all the meat in her mouth, and then retched violently!

  The meat stuck in his throat was successfully spat out. Besides the meat, there was also a lot of blood!

  Every time Wang Qing vomited, a lot of blood would spurt out of her mouth. She was so frightened that her whole body trembled!

  She didn't dare to vomit anymore, and quickly closed her mouth, because she didn't know how much blood she would vomit if she continued to vomit like this!

  The sky outside became dark for some reason, and the room suddenly became pitch black. Wang Qing, who was already extremely frightened, was frightened out of his wits in such an environment!

  She screamed loudly, that beautiful face became distorted because of the extreme fear in her heart, she had never had such fear, this extremely tormenting fear made her mentally collapse!

  Just as she was crying with snot and tears, the light suddenly came on in the dark room. The light was very dim, but Wang Qing seemed to see hope.

  At this time, how could she care about how the house had electricity, she only knew that with the light, she would not be so afraid.

  But, she was wrong!

  When the dim light in the room was turned on, the scene inside the room was so frightening that Wang Qing couldn't even scream.

  I saw that the whole room was full of stumps and broken arms. These hands and feet were chopped into pieces in various shapes. They were dripping with blood, staining the whole room red!

  And that brawny man, holding a machete at this time, squatted on the ground and slashed at a corpse. While chopping, there was a strange laughter coming from his mouth, which was different from the simple and honest laughter before. In sharp contrast.

  "The man who sets the horse, you are mighty and majestic..."

  The strong man sang the song word by word, and every word he fell, the machete in his hand would slash heavily on the corpse, as if singing to him to beat the beat.

  Blood spurted out, and the corpse on the ground had been hacked beyond recognition by the profuse sweat, but the face of the corpse was still intact. When Wang Qing's eyes fell on this face, she almost fainted from fright!

  Wang Qing was so familiar with this face, she was sure that no one in this world was more familiar with this face than her, because this face was none other than herself!

  At this time, this face was facing her, with blood-red eyes wide open, staring at her with resentment, two lines of blood and tears running down the corners of the eyes.

  what! ! ! !

  Wang Qing couldn't bear it anymore, she screamed with horror all over her face, trying to rush out of this horrifying hut!

  At this moment, she doesn't dare to think about a man who rides a horse, even a man who runs a horse is not interested in her anymore!

  She was scared out of her wits, her stomach was no longer hungry, the pain from the fall was no longer painful, and her bones also had strength, because at this moment her whole body was filled with fear, so how could she care about these things!

  The wooden door closed at some point, Wang Qing rushed to the wooden door like crazy, and hurriedly pulled towards the wooden door!

  The wooden door didn't hold back like it was shown in the movie. She pulled it violently, and with a creak, the wooden door opened easily.

  However, after the wooden door opened, the scene in front of her froze her body in place!

  The strong man who was chopping up corpses in the house unexpectedly appeared outside the wooden door strangely!

  The strong man is still the same strong man, with a strong body, strong muscles, and the sexy animal skin wrapped around his waist, but his face has changed!

  At this time, the face of the strong man is not only not linked to handsomeness at all, it is not even considered a human face, because this face is actually stitched together with pieces of minced meat, and blood keeps oozing from the seams out!

  It is conceivable that pieces of minced meat are spliced ​​together, and then stitched together little by little with needles and threads. What kind of terrifying face will it be, with the embellishment of blood, hehe, perfect.

  Not to mention bumping into such a terrifying face suddenly in such an environment, even in the daytime, even in a crowded street, if you suddenly saw such a terrifying face, you would definitely be scared to death!

  As for Wang Qing right now, facing such a terrifying face in this environment, one can imagine how intense the fear in his heart is!

  After a short period of stupefaction, Wang Qing burst into an unprecedented scream of panic, and his nose spurted out under the scream.

  "Beauty, eat the meat while it's hot." A terrifying smile appeared on the terrified face of the strong man.

  what! ! !

  Amid the horrified screams, Wang Qing suddenly sat up from the bed, her face was covered with tears, tears and snot all over her face, she was trembling violently, her face was pale, and there was no trace of blood on her lips.

  bang bang bang! ! !

  "Guest, are you okay?"

  There was a knock on the door, and a man's concerned inquiry. From the tone of his voice, it seemed to be the staff of this hotel.

  The sound came to his ears, and Wang Qing recovered from his panic. The grassland disappeared, the scary hut disappeared, and the man who tied the horse disappeared!

  Wang Qing rubbed her head in pain, and then she remembered that she was in the hotel, and she came here to have a room with Fatty Qu, but Fatty Qu ran away, leaving her alone in the hotel.

  What kind of grassland, what kind of horse, what kind of hut, what kind of man with horses, they all don't exist. All the horrible experiences just now are just a dream.

  What is despair, Wang Qing has never experienced it before, but just now in the dream, she clearly understood what is despair!

  Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and when she was experiencing despair, she found that all this was just a dream, and she was still in the hotel, and she was alive and well.

  Wang Qing wept with joy, and happily wiped all his tears and snot on the quilt.

  bang bang bang! ! !

  The knock on the door became hasty, and the man's voice also became anxious as the knock on the door became hasty!

  "Guest, are you okay! Guest! Guest! Call the police! I have to call the police! Something happened to the guest inside!"

  Wang Qing on the bed didn't want to talk to the man knocking on the door, but when she heard that the man was anxious and wanted to call the police, her expression changed!

  She didn't have time to enjoy the happiness of the rest of her life after the catastrophe, so she quickly wrapped her pajamas and got out of bed, and while walking quickly towards the door, she responded impatiently: "Here we come! Why are you arguing!"