
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 58 Wang Qing is dead!

At six o'clock in the morning, Wang Yang Haoran got up on time, as usual, first washed up, and then worshiped the god of death.

  Going to bed at two o'clock and getting up at six o'clock, although there were only four hours in between, Yang Haoran was very energetic.

  Over the years, in order to survive and achieve his goals, he had to work harder, so he had to squeeze out his rest time to do other things, even sleeping time at night.

  At first he was not used to it, but after a long time, he gradually got used to it, and he will not feel uncomfortable because of the lack of sleep at night.

  After activating the death curse seal between his eyebrows, his body has undergone some changes. Not to mention a good night's sleep, even if he doesn't sleep all night, the existence of Yin Lingli can relieve his physical fatigue.

  It wasn't long last night, but he slept very comfortably. As for Gao Liang and Wang Qing, he didn't think about them at all before going to sleep.

  Open the door for business, the cold moon is still outside, it seems that today should be a good weather.

  Under the street lights, pedestrians and vehicles pass by from time to time. Although it is not yet dawn, many people have already started their busy day. Like Yang Haoran, they are all struggling for survival or for their own goals.

  Putting the rice into the pot to make porridge, Yang Haoran took care of the business in the store while doing his physical exercises, and after a while, he made a movement.

  "Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet." After the words fell, he continued to do physical fitness.

  In the grocery store, there was no other person except him, but what he said at this time was obviously not talking to himself.

  Half an hour later, after finishing a set of physical fitness, Yang Haoran sat on the chair at the counter, panting heavily, while wiping his sweat, he took out a pair of sunglasses from the drawer and put them on.

  After putting on the sunglasses, he opened his ghost eyes.

  The reason why he wears sunglasses is, of course, to prevent passers-by from seeing his terrifying ghost eyes.

  As the ghost eyes opened, a figure appeared in front of Yang Haoran. This person was covered in blood, and his face was covered with pieces of flesh. It was Gao Liang.

  Seeing Gao Liang's terrifying appearance again, Yang Haoran's expression remained the same, and his heart didn't fluctuate much. One was because he was getting more and more used to his new identity as a night watchman, and the other was Gao Liang's terrifying death. It wasn't the first time I saw it, so this time he wasn't surprised.

  "Brother Yin, I've already settled the matter!"

  Before Yang Haoran asked, Gao Liang took the lead in reporting his work.

  Of course Yang Haoran understood the meaning of Gao Liang's words. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Gao Liang, who was just an ordinary undead, to have such abilities. He felt that he underestimated Gao Liang.

  The undead are different from the evil spirits. Apart from frightening people in their dreams, they have no other attack power.

  However, the so-called lack of other offensive power is only relatively speaking. If an ordinary person really encounters Wang Qing's experience last night, he may be frightened into a madman even if he does not die.

  In Gao Liang's eyes, Yang Haoran didn't see guilt, what he saw was excitement and anticipation.

  Yang Haoran sneered in his heart, for this highlight, his analysis was not wrong, he just wanted to get Wang Qing, in order to get Wang Qing, he really would do anything at all, including Wang Qing's life.

  "Hehe, very good, you did a good job, go back to the Soul Gathering Orb first, after seven days, she can come to accompany you."

  Yang Haoran spoke with a smile, and then took out the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Seeing Yang Haoran take out the Soul Gathering Orb, Gao Liang didn't go in immediately, but hesitated instead, it seemed that Yang Haoran's answer made him dissatisfied.

  "After people die, their souls will not appear immediately. They need seven days to condense their souls. During this period, their souls will be hidden in corpses or in ashes, waiting for seven days to condense into spirits. So, you Take it easy."

  Yang Haoran didn't want to explain at first, but based on the principle that he didn't want to tear his face easily with others, he explained it to Gao Liang, and he explained it with a kind smile on his face.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's explanation, Gao Liang nodded reluctantly. He couldn't wait to get Wang Qing and didn't want to wait any longer, but since Yang Haoran said so, he could only agree.

  What can you do if you don't agree, scare the other party or threaten the other party?

  Gao Liang knew very well that he didn't pose any threat in Yang Haoran's eyes, what else could he do if he didn't nod his head in agreement?

  "Brother Yincha, you promised me, I hope you can do it." Gao Liang's tone was pleading.

  What a sad love, oh no, what a sad desire it should be, Yang Haoran sneered in his heart, but still nodded to Gao Ming, and said: "Don't worry, since I said I want you to be together, then I will never break my promise ."

  What Gao Liang wanted was to get Wang Qing, while what Yang Haoran said at this time was to let them be together. The nature of the two is completely different.

  Gao Liang didn't insist on words, he didn't think much at all, at this moment his mind was full of the scenes of getting Wang Qing.

  In the dream, he originally wanted to have a good time with Wang Qing, but at that time, in order to complete the task as soon as possible, without wasting any time, he didn't do that.

  Doing so gave him enough time to deal with Wang Qing, but it also made his desire to get Wang Qing stronger and stronger!

  Yang Haoran knew exactly what Gao Liang was thinking, but he didn't intend to continue wasting time with this guy, and directly put Gao Liang into the Soul Gathering Orb.

  Gao Liang didn't resist, and let the strong suction force of the Soul Gathering Orb suck his soul body in. Of course, with his ability, even resisting was useless, and it was impossible for him to get rid of the suction force of the Soul Gathering Orb.

  The empty Soul Gathering Orb, because Gao Liang was sucked in, once again had an extra soul silk as thick as a hair.

  After breakfast, Yang Haoran was busy counting the goods in the grocery store. He would do this every once in a while. It was a habit to make up for it in time.

  However, since he has been very busy recently, the opening hours are much shorter than before, so the goods are not consumed much, and there is nothing to add after the inventory.

  Just finished, the sky also brightened, and at this time, the familiar bell rang.

  "I am free as the wind..."

  Looking at the phone, it turned out that the caller was Guan Hai, Yang Haoran touched the scar on his face, it was the masterpiece left by Wang Qing last night, he smiled, and then connected the call.

  "Hey, the sun came out from the west today, and it's not even noon, and you got up unexpectedly."

  When the phone was connected, Yang Haoran laughed and joked. However, Guan Hai on the other end of the phone was not in the mood to joke with Yang Haoran.

  "Brother Yang, Wang Qing is dead!" Guan Hai said anxiously, his voice full of surprise.

  Yang Haoran pretended to be surprised, and asked: "Really! What are you kidding!"

  "Of course it's true. Not only did she die, but she also died very strangely. There was no wound on her body, not even a single bruise. She died with a look of horror, as if... seemed to be scared to death Yes!" Guan Hai said.

  "Scared to death? Hehe, are you telling me ghost stories early in the morning?" Yang Haoran scolded with a smile.

  The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice, and said, "Brother Yang, I know that you are capable. The death of Wang Qing..."

  Guan Hai didn't continue talking, but Yang Haoran naturally understood the meaning of his words.

  "Hehe, what nonsense are you talking about? She died in the hotel and I was at home. Her death has something to do with me." Yang Haoran scolded with a smile.

  "But you are different from ordinary people!" Guan Hai still didn't believe it.

  "I'm a little talented, but I'm not a god, so I'm not as powerful as you think." Yang Haoran's voice was full of helplessness.

  The other end of the phone was silent again. After a few breaths, he sighed and said, "I just said last night that she would not live to be thirty, but it really came true. This woman really should pay for her words and deeds." , but the price is her life, which is a bit high."

  Yang Haoran chuckled, and said: "Since when did you become so sentimental, you are just an irrelevant person, you will die when you die, and you have to taste the evil results yourself, no wonder others, you have time It's better to take care of yourself than to take care of him."

  Perhaps it was because Guan Hai was still too weak to recover, or because Wang Qing's death touched him a little, so Guan Hai was not in a high mood, and the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

  Putting the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, the smile on Yang Haoran's face disappeared, and he leaned on the chair with a pensive expression on his face.

  He knew that Wang Qing was dead. From the moment Gao Liang came back, he knew that Wang Qing should be dead, otherwise Gao Liang wouldn't have come back so early.

  Wang Qing was scared to death by Gao Liang, but Gao Liang was instigated by Yang Haoran. Without his instigation, Gao Liang might not have done this, at least not in a short time.

  In other words, Wang Qing can be regarded as being indirectly killed by Yang Haoran.

  Killing, Yang Haoran has never killed anyone, not even indirectly, this is the first time!

  However, his heart didn't fluctuate too much, maybe because he didn't witness the process of Wang Qing being frightened to death, or maybe it was because she didn't sympathize with people like Wang Qing, or maybe...he was A ruthless person full of ruthlessness.

  Therefore, he didn't have any emotional fluctuations in his heart, as usual, as if nothing had happened.

  However, Yang Haoran still listened to Guan Hai's words, although Wang Qing was wrong, but as for killing her?

  Yang Haoran didn't answer Guan Hai's question, but he answered himself, the answer is yes.

  He can tolerate other people's faults, but he can't tolerate others who want to kill him, especially if this kind of person can threaten him and has the ability to play him to death.

  For this kind of person, instead of letting the other party come to make trouble every day, threatening his life, and the lives of his relatives and friends, it is better to kill him directly, which is more realistic and enjoyable.

  Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If you do not act decisively and ruthlessly, then you may be the one who dies.

  Whether to take the initiative to eliminate the enemy, or wait for the enemy to kill him, Yang Haoran simply chose the former.